Monday, May 13, 2019

Appalachian Trail Killer -AYSHA JACKSON

James Jordan , 30 , was arrested Saturday morning one the charges of on count of murder and one count of assault with the intent of murder. He allegedly attacked two hikers in the Appalachian Trail leaving one dead. Jordan attacked his victims with machetes and one woman had to walk 6 miles while bleeding.

I find it so crazy that this man , to my knowledge, was attacking random people. No motive what so ever means that there is clearly something not right with him. Hopefully there is justice for the person who died and by the looks of it there will be.

This reminds me of the murders at Sandy Hook. The shooter had no motive to go in and kill those children. He had no idea who they were but he still did it anyway. Hopefully people like that are committed to some sort of hospital and taken off the streets.


  1. The 6 mile journey to help while bleeding must have been extremely awful and my condolences to the other victims

  2. There's so many sick people in the world. - Alma Alvarado
