Monday, May 6, 2019

A Freak Plan Crash- Gabriel Allen

Aeroflot plane crash: Russia jet 'struck by lightning'

Earlier this weekend, when landing at the Sheremetyevo airport, the Russian Aeroflot   Jet burst into flames and crashed. Of the 78 passengers on board, 41 were killed. Although today's transportation and technology are known for withstanding harsh conditions, the plane was mainly damaged due to a lightning strike that occurred. After a distress signal was sent, the airplane attempted two different emergency landings. On the first approach, the plane was traveling too fast and during the second the automatic systems failed. 

It seems that there have been many more plane crashes in the past several months and all seem to be things that should be preventable.  This makes me nervous to fly in a plane and it is surprising to see this many incidents with the technological advances.  I hope that more safety measures and precautions are taken so that lives can be saved in the future.  If lightning is a true risk, then I don't feel that planes should be allowed to take off in storms where there is lightning. 

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