Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Was Hitler addicted to Drugs?-Josie Guthrey

Recently, the book Blitz has been released, telling the story of how it was highly likely that Hitler was addicted to several hard drugs, along with his army. When Hitler was sick, he was prescribed oxycodone, a highly addictive drug, and cocaine. Several sources point back to this.

But he wasn't the only one on drugs. When the Nazi army were traveling through the Ardennes,they couldn't risk sleeping and being attacked by the French army. Their solution? Eating a pill form of crystal meth. This allowed them to stay awake for several days and travel through the mountains with ease.

Later, the drugs were cut off, leading to awful cases of withdrawal.


  1. Somehow this doesn't surprise me! It makes total sense that Hitler was not totally himself and that is a good strategy for the War to have an army full of crazy people.

  2. It isn't very surprising that the worlds worst person of all time was a drug addict, it just makes him more of a psycho.
