Monday, March 27, 2017

Anna Czyzewski - Bible and Rocks Thrown into Mosque Windows

Summary: At around 4 a.m. the Fort Collins Islamic Center was vandalized. Video footage shows a man throwing rocks and a Bible through the glass doors of the mosque. This attack has only been one of the many this year, the worst year on record of attacks on mosques due to bias. Regardless of the clues, police have not ruled it as a hate crime.

Analysis: The rise in hate crimes toward mosques can be connected the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers, and can also possibly be connected to the 2016 presidential election, in which the President elect had many Islamaphobic followers. If this attack was in fact a hate crime, it only goes to show how hypocritical and hateful people can be. Especially the people who believe they're in danger because of Islam.



  1. It's really sad to see the influence hate has on so many people and most of the time it's completely unjustified.

  2. hate has never been good, and now is seen terrible
