Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tessa Ward

APUSH- 3rd

7 Million-Piece Mosaic Uncovered in Jericho After 80 Years:


Recently, a mosaic was discovered in Jericho, in which had seven million stones, each one less that a square centimeter. This excavation process to clear up the rock and sand around the mosaic took over three months. Experts say that people had covered up the mosaic in sand in order to protect it from erosion. Each stone is embellished with intricately detailed patterns that look almost geometric. The colors in this mosaic are bright reds and pinks. In all, this piece of art covers nearly 9,688 square feet, which is equal to 900 square meters. It is now open for tourists to come admire this amazing mosaic.


I personally think that it is great that this beautiful artwork piece was dug up and now open for the world to see. I’m happy that we have the equipment to enable us to do this and that we are able to tell how old it is. I hope that in the future, when more and more people find out about this mosaic, the number of tourists that are able to go in and walk around will be limited because it would be awful if there were a ton of people in there at once and it be so crowded that something falls or breaks. The originality in this piece is incredible and I hope that I will be able to see I it one day in person and not just on a screen


Lilly Anthony- 'Hamilton' has best week ever for a Broadway show

Significance: The well-known Broadway show “Hamilton” had it’s best week ever along the best week for Broadway itself. Hamilton reached a record high of selling $3.3 million dollars in tickets during the holiday week, breaking the old record of $3.2 million in a week from Wicked. Along with that, the average ticket price went up 33% to $303.1 and as high as $998 for premium seats. This was also a record for The Broadway League. Though this was a great week for Hamilton, the downside of the conflict with Pence was that Trump tweeted attacking them for being offensive to Pence, but Pence said he didn’t feel offended, yet it was Trump who said they were “very rude” and the show was “highly overrated.” This incident actually brought more interest in the show with Spotify having “the second most streams since its release.”

Analysis: Having seen Hamilton myself on Broadway, I wasn’t shocked to hear that it’s popularity had grown and was now a record high. This article reaches out to all the hamilton fans and others who keep up with Broadway and social media. Over the past week or so, many people had heard of the Pence incident at the show, so this wasn’t a shocker to them that Trump would lash out for him. The main idea was to share the growth and love America has for Hamilton and the continuous support of the Broadway community. Since Hamilton is the main topic covered in this article, it can simply synthesize to Alexander Hamilton himself and all his successes such as becoming the first Secretary of Treasury and his leadership of the Federalist and the Federalist Papers.

Liza Kaye: Glatinburg fires

This article was written by Jason Hanna, Artemis Moshtaghian, and Max Blau, at 12:01 PM.

James Wood, a local resident of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. He received a phone call from his mother, saying that their house had caught on fire. After this phone call, this was the last he heard from his mother. Roughly 15,000 acres in Eastern Tennessee caused tons of people to evacuate their homes. Soon after examining the causes and effects of this devastating fire, it was discovered that it was man- made. The fires had started several days before they were seen in Gatlinburg.

This helps represent the abundance of human made environmental destruction. Throughout all years, humans have worsened the earth. It is important for us to make the earth more "green."

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Emergency Exit- Karina Enriquez

Monday afternoon a lady boarding a plane seemed to exit quickly through the emergency exit while the plain was landing in the Houston in the George Bush Intercontinental Airport.  The passengers who were also on the plane had no clue on the reason for which the lady had the need to do that. There was a passenger seated near her who took a video of the incident after the lady,who is still unknown, jumps out. No charges or injuries were announced.

This article was written by Donie O'Sulilvand for CNN United States news. This was the first time I heard about this topic, or have read from this writer. This seemed very interesting to me because no actual reasons were given to why this lady did this and I had never heard of someone do such thing.

75 Dead and 6th Survivor Found - Sydney Bridgeforth


Rescuers combed the wreckage for survivors in the mountains near Medellin, Colombia looking for passengers aboard the Auro RJ85 enroute Monday night from Santa Cruz, Bolivia to Medellin when it crashed near Rionegro, Colombia with 72 passengers and nine crew members onboard.  This information was reported by the civil aviation officials.

Outside a stadium in Brazil, fans who thought they would be cheering for their favorite soccer team came to mourn, as the soccer team was aboard the flight.  At least 75 people were killed, according to the Colombian authorities, officials have offered different tallies of the number injured.

Players, coaches and invited guests from Brazil's Chapecoense soccer team were onboard the charter flight.  So were more than 20 journalists on the way to cover what was supposed to be a heartwarming chapter in a Cinderalla story for a team of unlikely champions.

Colombia's civil aviation agency said six people had survived the crash, while the Brazil Sport Minister told CNN that five people had survived.

Now authorities are investigating what caused the crash, searching the remote site for victims, survivors and evidence.


This is very sad current event to have to report.  This article was written by Catherin E. Shoichet, Joshua Berlinger, Marilia Brocchetto and Fernando Ramos.  I have never read any article prior to completing this blog by either of the writers.

This article was written with no bias, but more of concern that entire soccer, journalists, friends and crew lost their life.

This is a very sad current event to cover.  My prayers go out to all of the families and friends of those who lost their lives or are injured.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Muslim Family gets a hateful letter- Zia Bella Blair

The Samel family immigrated to the U.S. from Sudan in 2010. They became naturalized citizens in May 2015 and moved into a new house in Iowa City, Iowa, that December. Amar Samel, his wife and four children were all settled into their new american life wirh jobs and schooling. They had been living in the house for 11 months when Amar came home to a less then welcoming note on his front porch. It read "You can all go home now. We don't want terrorists here. #trump." The police weren't very supportive and suggested that Amar just throw the note away. However the neighbors reacted in a more positive way and left kind notes, flowers, and sweets at the Samel's door. This makes me hopeful because in a world where hate is still prominent, love still grows. We should all remember this in the times ahead.

Seanelle Higgins: Fleeing the State to Save a Life

Summary: Parents Kim and Richard Muszynski had to flee Florida in search for better healthcare recently.  This couple has a total of three children, one they had to leave in Florida to complete half of high school on her own. Their youngest daughter,  Abby,  was born with a chunk of her brain missing that causes unspeakable seizures and complications.  Along with this comes the hefty medical bills.  The parents were afraid that Abby's healthcare, Medicaid, was killing her. Often the state would refuse to provide life changing medicines for Abby despite the fact that one seizure could potentially kill her. Sometimes, her healthcare would cover hardly anything and the doctors would refuse to treat her even in desperate times. Their daughter will never walk or talk,  and she will have frequent seizures and always need a diaper. With this and other complications,  Abby will  surely need a lot of expensive treatments that they are unable to afford. 
They hope that their move will be beneficial to Abby and expose the unconstitutional acts of Florida when it comes to healthcare.

Analysis: I think that what is happening to this girl is absolutely terrible. I really think it is time that we as Americans sit down and really establish a beneficial system for healthcare. For being one of the only developing countries in the world without free college,  healthcare, and maternity leave,  we are far behind in ensuring the safety and comfort of our citizens financially and medically . They have exposed how Florida has refused to offer free emergency room visits for children amongst other things.  This is truly a problem, especially for poor families, and should be addressed.

Kobe Williams (1st Period) - University Attacker 'Scared' to Pray in Public

Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a Muslim student of Ohio State University, recently stated in an interview that he wanted to pray in public at this university but was afraid for his safety. He said that he feared people would see him praying and think "what's going to happen?". This turned to be a rather interesting situation. Because even though Artan stated this, he ended up attacking and injuring 11 people on the campus with a knife. He was then shot dead by an officer immediately after the attack. Investigators are still searching for his motive.

I'm not exactly sure how to feel about Artan's side of this situation, because his motives are not in any way clear. Though I do understand the fear that people of Muslim religion have when practicing it in public. There has been so much prejudice (especially recently) towards their religion and people, which has probably caused them to be fearful of publicly practicing their religion. I just hope that we can work together to end that prejudice towards the Muslim religion.


Elizabeth McCullough- Ohio State University Attacker

Synopsis: There was a very violent and brutal attack today on the Ohio State University campus, which has been confirmed to have perpetrated by a student at the school. Abdul Razak Ali Artan was shot by police as he was attacking random pedestrians by hitting them with his car, and then coming after them with a knife. Though the current investigation has not yielded any motive for this aggression, there is some speculation it has to do with things he spoke about in an article a few months back. In the school newspaper, he talked of how he was scared of being Muslim at his school. He went on to say how he felt there was no safe place for him to pray on campus, and that the media has vilified him and his religion. There is no proof that this is the reason for today's attack but this is the current popular theory.

Analysis: This act of violence is very scary and difficult to hear about. Luckily the only death was Artan, but there were at least eleven other people injured. Another chilling detail of this story, is that Artan reportedly showed no signs of being capable of anything like this. He has gotten into no trouble at school, and co-workers described him to be normal and sociable. The fact that this might have been triggered by hate due to his religion is a very disturbing thought. If he thought this was the appropriate response, it makes you wonder what he was experiencing at school and on social media. If this does turn out to be his motive, it would just go to prove that hate does not stop violence, but exacerbates it.

Synthesis: This event can be synthesized to the shooting of Columbine High School in 1999. Two students went into their high school and started shooting. The massacre resulted in thirteen victims being fatally wounded, and then the deaths of the two attackers themselves. One theory is that the boys were bullied frequently, and this is what facilitated the shooting. It is truly a shame that people don't realize what affect their words can have.
Medical Marijuana and New Hope

Angelica Salazar 1st period

This article is very appealing not only because of the very disputed topic, but also in the way it is written. It is written like a narrative by telling a story about a 5 year old named Abby. Ever since she was 3 years old, she has been continuously having about 2 to 4 violent seizures that last between 8 to 10 minutes. She took all the prescribed medications but nothing would work. They eventually went to  another doctor and he then prescribed medical marijuana. It worked, but it wasn't enough. The medical marijuana she needed requires higher levels of THC, and unfortunately, that wasn't legal in their state of Florida. So what did they end up doing for their daughter? They sold their house, packed their bags, and hoped that Florida officials would accept their request to take an air ambulance and go to Colorado. After constant waiting, they were finally approved and then moved to gain better treatment for young Abby. Additionally, she was treated with higher levels of THC and her seizures went down to once a week only lasting a few seconds. It was a miracle!

Medical marijuana has always been an issue that still occurs today. Some people truly believe weed is the "devil's lettuce," and refuse to legalize it in any shape or form, but I'd say that depending on the circumstances, it can be very useful. Just like in Abby's case, medical marijuana can be live-saving. These topics show that society is growing slowly throughout generations. Who knows what medical care could be given years from now.

Anna Czyzewski - Donald Trump Alleges Election Fraud

Summary: On Sunday, Donald Trump stated that "millions of people" voted illegally, furthering the margin between his and Hillary's popular votes. Although he won by the Electoral College, Hillary leads him by 2 million votes, a number that seems to him too much of a contradiction to his "landslide" victory. Recently Jill Stein has filed for a recount in Wisconsin, a state with quite possible voting discrepancies, but the facts still stand; there has been no evidence supporting Trump's claims.

Analysis: Donald Trump is only doing this to show off and act as if he could've won both sides of the election, even though it wouldn't make any difference. He was deterred by the large number of people who voted for Hillary and felt himself being threatened. In the past, Trump has bad-talked the Electoral College, yet after he was elected, he quickly agreed with it's usefulness and quality. The day of the election relates a lot to the election between George Bush and Al Gore, but Bush never alleged that there was widespread election fraud, proving that this election and its candidates were truly unique.


Alyssa Sartuche- Ohio State University

Ohio State University
By: Darran Simon
November 28th

      On this day, someone was really not thinking clearly. A student at OSU, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, was shot by police after what he did. He was violently attacking pedestrians with his car then after he hit them, he would get out of his car and come after them with a knife in his hand. Many believe it was because of an article that came out a while back about saying that he was scared of praying publicly at school because he was Muslim. He stated that he never felt safe and there wasn't a place for him to pray on campus. From what they know right now is that 11 people are injured severely.
         When I first read this article, it was like seeing someone purposely running over a dog with their car. It was awful. Knowing that in someone way a scared feeling can turn into somewhat of a act liked this is really scary to think about. This also reminds me of the Columbine High School shooting in 1999 when two students from that high school started shooting all of the sudden and about 13 were injured, and the two students ended up killing themselves.

Chloe Dupuy: Evidence Leads U.S. to Believe Russia Hacked GOP

A former law enforcement official recently revealed that as the Presidential debate was going on, U.S. intel was investigating evidence of Russian hackers breaching accounts and spreading fake news. It was found that the accounts of GOP members were hacked, as well as the accounts of the Democratic Party. Yet the GOP material was not leaked, in contrast to the overwhelming releases of the Democratic members. In addition, these hackers helped in spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton, proving that these Russian hackers helped in swaying the vote in favor of Donald Trump. But the Intelligence community decided against speaking out, because they had no definitive conclusion in Russia's intentions. Yet many of these hackers were on the U.S. intel's radar before.

This is the first election that was hacked, at least the first to be proven. It is understandable that the FBI would not want to call out Russia on this, for fear of an incorrect claim. Yet now that it has been proven, they haven't done anything to assess the situation. This also shows just how much of an election can be swayed in the favor of one candidate. Trump is getting too close to Russia and vice versa.


Audrey Gavitt- Ohio state attack

Summary-CNN)A Ohio State University student carried out a knife attack oncampus Monday said in a Facebook post he was "Sick and tired" of seeing fellowMuslims "Killed and tortured," according to federal law enforcement officials. Eleven people were hospitalized as a result of the attack. Authorities investigate the scene of the attack, where the assailant struckpeople with his vehicle and then cut them with a butcher knife. In a news conference Monday, Ohio State President Dr. Michael V. Drakecautioned against jumping to conclusions when asked if the incident was terror-related or had anything to do with Ohio's Somali community, the second-largestin the country."What we want to do is really unify together and support each other; do ourbest to support those who were injured in their recovery, and then allow the investigation to take place." What we know about the attacker Artan wasprofiled in the school's student-run newspaper's "Humans of Ohio State" seriesin August.
Ohio State's Columbus campus is one of the largest in the United States, with59,482 registered students attending classes on the sprawling urban campus. Ohio State students barricade themselves to try to stay safe from the attacker 


This was written byBy Emanuella Grinberg, Shimon Prokupecz and Holly Yan and published by CNN on november 28. We have seen and herd about things like these happened time and time again at  different campuses with different students. The students and faculty reacted very well but there is something to consider about the student who attacked, this student didn't feel safe and felt threatened in his own college, this does not excuse his actions but we should look at this as an example of what could happen again or in the future if we don't respect each other.

Audrey Griffin - Vets slam college for taking down U.S. flag

A few days after Donald Trump was elected, Hampshire College took down the American flag flying at the center of their campus. This provoked many different reactions. Some members of the campus community rejoiced, as they saw the flag as a symbol of fear. U.S. veterans, however, felt hurt and insulted. The flag was also apparently burned the day before Veterans' Day. It was replaced, and it will be flown at half-staff to acknowledge people's grief and pain, but also to respect the veterans.

The author is very neutral on the subject, which makes it easier to form your own opinion. Before reading the article, I knew how sad and scared many people were when Trump won. I didn't realize the degree that some people were taking their anger to. The article was written to show just how negatively some people are feeling about America, as well as how proud some people are of it. I think it's important to realize that there are always two sides to the story. This can be related to the Boston Tea Party because, in both cases, people were angry at government officials and defaced property to prove a point. Also, both cases had people who disagreed with the actions - like the Loyalists.

Hayley Cagle, Ohio State University Attacks

Summary: Abdul Razak Ali Artan is a man of Somali descent. He drove into a group of people at OSU and began stabbing them randomly. The campus went on lockdown and the suspect was killed by responding police forces.

Analysis: This goes to show how fragile and everchanging life is. This is definitely not something you expect when coming back from a holiday. This is similar to the Chapel Hill shooting.

Elijah Macias- "Suspect Is Killed in Attack at Ohio State University That Injured 11"

Summary: On Monday November 28th at 9 a.m, a suspect rammed a car into pedestrians at Ohio State University, then proceeded to go on a stabbing spree which left 11 injured. The suspect- who was later identified as Abdul Artan, a permanent U.S resident from Somalia who was studying logistics management at Ohio State- was immediately gunned down minutes after the beginning of the attack by one of the campus police officers. The campus went on a 90 minute shut down while they tried to sort everything out. The suspect is being investigated for connections with radical Islamic terrorism, but the campus has told its students to not jump to conclusions and to let the investigators do their job. 

Analysis: Yet again another tragedy has struck America, luckily there were no fatalities. These acts of violence are becoming more and more frequent and that's pretty scary. Something needs to be done to limit these acts of violence, we need to better protect our fellow Americans from these attacks. This can be connected to the acts of violence in "Bleeding Kansas", senseless bloodshed over  stupid ideals that could be solved through different means. 
All we can do is pray and hope that we are never put in a crazy situation like this, nobody likes to feel unsafe. 

Angela Merkel Calls For 'Full Veil' Ban In Germany - Emma Reyna


In this recent news article written for NPR explains how German Prime Minister Angela Merkel has called for restrictions on full face veils due to pressure to combat Islamist extremism. She stated the reason behind her motive was because she felt that Islam was not compatible with European values and is considered inappropriate in their country. Jens Spahn a lawmaker from Germany's ruling party, the Christian Democratic Union also agrees with the fact 2that niqabs should be banned everywhere in Germany since it demeans women and divides society. In addition he feels that it might make people uncomfortable because it interpreted as the opposite idea of an opened society so if Muslim refugees want to live in their country they must learn to adapt to it if they want to be accepted.But many Muslim women disagreed to this, a woman named Nora illi stated "In Islam, we can decide whether to cover our faces, wear headscarves or anything else. I personally decided to wear a niqab. It's about self-determination and freedom." Although many people may not be accepted to the idea of Muslim women to wear niqabs I believe they have a right to their own customs and values which no one can take away from them. As many European countries are continuing to oppose these values and even banning them I feel like it's almost discrimination in a way. Yes they're motives behind these laws due to a number of Islamic attacks but I still feel like people need to be more accepting of other peoples cultural values because you can't just judge one ethnicity on actions done by one person or a group of people.

Synthesis: In conclusion this can be connected to the burkini ban that was intact in late September of this year or when France banned niqabs and burkas in public places in 2011.

Texas Needs to Stop Being a Jerk - Cal Thompson, 1st Period

This article explains Texas's attempts to ignore recent medical research and conclusions when determining if someone is intellectually disabled in the context of potential capital punishment. Texas, rather than observing more current information, has tried to claim that 1992 information regarding medical definitions is preferable to 2013 information.

My summary was short, but that's the gist. This heavily relates to the book "Between the World and Be" by Ta-Nehisi Coates, which we read for AP Lang (it's brilliant; I highly recommend it) which follows Coates' cases as a lawyer fighting against the death penalty. Personally, I do not condone the death penalty under any circumstances, regardless of the accused's mental health. With so many people being taken off of death row via appeals, how can we rely on a system of execution that potentially victimizes innocents? I need not mention that killing, unless done for immediate defense from someone with intent to kill when no other foreseeable option exists, is morally wrong. I do not believe that anyone deserves to die. Even if it were acceptable in my mind for people to be systematically killed, I would certainly not condone this for people who do not have control of their actions, as is the case for many intellectually disabled people. Ableism is a large part of western culture, from generic insults to crude jokes. We forget that people have the right to be treated as human, and we forget that we are all stuck here on this chunk of magma and rock and life, floating through ever-expanding space in a universe which cannot be defined and which could end in an instant. From what we are able to see, all that exists is this moment right now. So why spend any precious part of the present being an ableist do*chebag?


Qiaunci Jones- "Viva Fidel!"

Buisness stopped, flags waved, everything was set to a halt when younger brother, Raul Castro, told the country on Friday that Fidel died.  Rallies are being planned to honor Castro's death. He died at the age of 90 after accomplishing many things; he gave the people a new sense of hope after overtaking the Cuban dictator. Millions are in mourning and appreciating what Fidel has done for them. 

Fidel died on November 25,2016, one day after thanksgiving. This article was posted 2 days later November 26, 2016,  which shows how quickly word gets around. This article is significant because it's about a while other country and what's happening in their every day life. It must be very upsetting to have a role model that you looked up to die. This article, also, helps us learn who Castro even was and the people's views. This can be related to Martin Luther King's death, JFK, or even Abraham Lincoln. 

Liam Taylor - Ohio State University Attacks

Summary: This Monday morning, the 28th of November, a man, identified as Abdul Razak Ali Artan, was at the campus of Ohio State University. He rammed his car into a group of people at the campus, then got out and followed another group of people with a knife. During this, he injured many students and 11 were reported as hospitalized. Further investigation on him is being continued, as he had recently posted a Facebook status, exclaiming how "sick and tired" he was of seeing fellow Muslims being killed and tortured.

Analysis: This article was written on November 28, 2016, by CNN. This article remained very unbiased, just simply stating the facts. I actually did have prior knowledge of this event before reading it, I had heard about it this morning from a friend. However, I didn't know the details pf the situation. Many people, since he is of Islam religion, are claiming this to be an act of terrorism, but, the Ohio State University President cautioned not to assume it was terrorism, which I really appreciate. I think many ignorant people automatically associate the Muslim religion with terrorism, which isn't true at all, and it makes me happy to see others are standing up for Muslims.

Synthesis: What I got from this article is that through the many protesters and Islamophobic people I've seen all over the news and such recently, there are still people who support and defend Muslims, as per most of them are innocent. I think this really reminds me of white abolitionists in the mid 19th-century who defended African American slaves, especially their rights as humans. It makes me happy that there are still people who can support and fight for a minority group, especially when the supporter is specifically a part of the majority group.

Leslie Z-Trump threatens to terminate US-Cuba deal

Just today a BBC  article has  posted about one of many  plans that   President Trump is  storing once he gets  to the white house .The Republican  candidate has confirmed that he will ''terminate '' the deal between  Cuba and the United States if the Cuban government doesn't improve their  contract negotiation .Even though President Obama has been working  to improve the relations with the communist administration in his  last visit to Havana in 2016.The new president   Donald Trump has announced in a tweet that after Fidel Castro  death he'll  put  an end  to the detente . He also said that he'll reverse Obama's policy on normaliziīng relations with Cuba , which press secretary Josh Earnest  that this will be a significant economic blow to America.

After reading through the article I've realized that  the recent death of the communist leader  seems to be connected with Donald's plans for the future .Just like he said before, he'll make sure to end treaties with other countries if the  United States  is not been beneficiated .Is clear enough that  Donald's presidency will definitively  bring  change, but  whether is  good or bad it's just matter of time .In a way or another, it seems like the United States is aiming for a more neutral nation.

Jay'La Sims - Lee Harvey Oswald’s little green book shows JFK wasn't the real target

SUMMARY: After the assassination of Kennedy a secret service officer Mike Howard found Oswald green address book. On the 17th page it says "I WILL KILL" Oswald listed four men: an FBI agent named James Hosty; a right-wing general, Edwin Walker; and Vice President Richard Nixon. At the top of the list was the governor of Texas, John Connally. Through Connally’s name, Oswald had drawn a dagger, with blood drops dripping downward. Howard turned it in but only later learned the list was a huge insight. The grudge started by By early 1962, Oswald was disenchanted with Soviet life and wanted to return home. In the months after Oswald’s return to America, his worst fears were realized. He had serious trouble finding and holding jobs in Texas and blamed people like LBJ , and the governor of Texas.

ANALYSIS: This article was written by James Reston Jr. The Kennedy assassination has been a big deal throughout history and affected the people in America severely. I find it interesting that sometimes history leaves out some parts and you don't find them out until later. Although there was a ripped off page and the information in that is unknown. It's quite interesting that maybe after all his target was JFK and it was possible Lyndon B. Johnson. This can connect to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.,amp.html?client=safari

Joshua Klein
Putin says Russia planning countermeasures to NATO expansion

Putin says Russia planning countermeasures to NATO expanding

This article is about Vladimir Putin “threats” to NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Association) in which the USA is involved. He claims that the countries involved are taking actions that are counterintuitive to the Russian government's wants and interests. His words were also broadcasted onto Russian news along with a documentary. This was all went down prior to the election.

    Wow! I know that when I read the news I see a lot of “Russia did this” or “Russia said that” but I have never seen it escalate to this level. I do think this should not be that  big of a concern, for this is part of being a country, trying to make your thoughts and feeling heard, and in Russia case, they usually have to be a little louder because of their limited allies. However this is still very much so edgy and has me a little bit concerned. I'm not concerned for this relationship in the next ten years however it makes me think, how much longer can this threatening go on, will there be a final climax: ending in nuclear holocaust?

Ohio State University Attack - Katie Schuldenberg

On Monday, November 28, 2016, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a student at the University of Ohio, drove into a group of pedestrians on campus, then proceeded to get out of his car with a butcher knife and stab people. There were eleven injured during this attack, no one killed. Abdul was shot and killed on sight by an officer. Motives are still pending though because Artan is Somali-born, terrorism is a serious possibility that is being looked into. Abdul's family fled Somalia to Pakistan in 2007, then later arrived in the US as permenant citizens in 2014 and he immediately enrolled in Columbus State Community College. Abdul was in the university newspaper in August where he talked about his feelings of insecurity and strange at the university as a Muslim student.

I feel for Abdul and his feelings of being out of his element when in a space where everyone was different than him. This could've led to many different difficulties mentally that could've put a strain on him that would've led to commiting this crime. I don't mean that he shouldn't have been held responsible for his actions or that the people who were injured aren't victims, but I dislike that because he is an immigrant, that the first thought is terrorism. I think that this will somewhat impact people's view on immigration, but hopefully not create fear that steers thier opinions.

Mollie Hamman - Arabic Women's Rights Cartoons

Female Arabic artists defend women's rights through the art of creating cartoons.
Cartoon by Doaa El Adl of Arab man pushing shopping trolley full of women
One of the cartoons shown in the article was done by Doaa El-Adl, and it is dealing with the marriage issue in Egypt. When Young girls reach the legal age to marry (18 years old), they are married off to a much older and foreign man. A law was passed that if a foreign man wishes to be married to a young girl who is 25 more years younger than him, he then has to pay the equivalent to $6,000. This makes this practice more frequent because to wealthy men this is not a big price to pay, however to the families whom the bride belongs to this is a great deal of money and can help a poor family make ends meat. Many families sell their daughters to these wealthy older men which -as depicted in the cartoon- treat their brides/ wives as property as if they were from a store.

Emma Lochabay-Accused Church Shooter to Represent Self

Dylan Roof, a man who was accused of killing nine people in an all black church in June 2015, in Charleston, South Carolina, was granted his motion to represent himself which consists of being permitted to object  potential jurors that he feels are not fit to serve on the jury that will ultimately be deciding on his fate. US district Judge Richard Mark Gergel ruled Roof was competent to do so but has sealed the documents containing the reasons of this finding to protect Roof from being jeopardized. An extensive search for jurors has gone underway. Ultimately, Roof could face death penalty because he faces 33 federal charges. His trial should begin in January.

CNN, a reputable and trusted news source, posted this article on November 28, 2016. Before reading this article, I remember hearing about this story on the news a while back and thinking how horrible a person must be to do a crime of such sort. This article was written to update anyone who is following the case on the latest events regarding Dylan Roof and his horrible actions. This article is important because, once again, it shows how horrible some people can be and it is regarding important information on the trial. This trail could synthesize to the John Peter Zenger Trial in 1735, not in the idea that the crimes are similar, but that they are both important decisions in US history regarding our country's independence and safety.

Kate Pinkerton - Trump claims voter fraud

Summary - President elect Donald Trump tweeted that there was voter fraud that occurred in Virginia, New Hampshire, and California. Election officials, both republicans and democrats, disagreed with Trump's allegations, saying that there was no voter fraud. The original allegation was that there were 3 million illegal votes total. While some people called for tighter enforcement of voter ID laws, others called for the restoration of the Voting Rights Acts.

Analysis - I think Donald Trump is not being mature and responsible as an adult and the president elect. His accusatory shenanigans may have been funny when he was running for office, but now its just concerning that this man will be our president. Its ironic that democrats are concerned voting fraud as well and wanted a recount, as well as republicans even though they won. The person who wrote this article was against Trumps accusations, based off of the way they quoted officials who disagreed and denounced Trumps tweet.

Rachel Bozalis - Trump to Get Rid of Obamacare

President-elect Donald Trump has recently announced that he will be selecting Georgia representative Tom Price as his head of the Department of Health and Human Services. Price and Trump both agree that Obamacare is detrimental to "american access to quality, affordable healthcare. While they do plan to dismantle Obamacare/The Affordable Care Act, Price believes he has a plan that will successfully reform america's health care system. The plan involves enticing americans to use health-savings accounts and adjusting fees based on age. Price also advocates for the termination of federally funded abortions and plans to protect organizations that refuse to offer abortions based on religious reasons. Price calls his plan "A Better Way". Trump has yet to release any specific plans, yet continually announces that dismantling obamacare will be one of his first tasks in office.

The dismantling of Obamacare could and will leave many americans once again without access to medical aid. This announcement, combined with Trump's opposition to abortion, planned parenthood, and other organizations and processes regarding women's health is incredibly dangerous and ignorant to roughly half of the population's needs. Hopefully the new system will work, however redesigning a program that is already in place and that works fairly well seems counterintuitive. "Don't fix it if it ain't broke". This is similar to the invention of the cotton gin, when slavery, which was fading out, suddenly regained popularity and skyrocketed. In this, society digressed immensely in its rate of inclusivity,  just as the new healthcare system and the demolition of Obamacare looms in the near future.

Maggie Gibson - Standing Rock protesters ordered out by Army Corps of Engineers

There is a new amount of confrontation over the Dakota Access Pipeline. The protesters against the pipeline must leave their campsite by December 5 or face arrest. The basis for the decision was that it was protecting the general public from violence between protesters and law enforcement officials, and to protect the people living in camps from the harsh North Dakota winter conditions. Later, going back on the original statement, the Corps issued a new statement said it had no plans for forcible removal, but those who choose to stay do so at their own risk and without medical and police aid. Those staying will be unauthorized and may be subject to citation under federal, state, or local laws.

The author of this article seems slightly biased towards the protesters, showing the unfairness and possible questionable legality of the original decision made by the Army Corps of Engineers. I think this current event is relevant because it brings two issues to light: the environmental repercussions of the pipeline and drilling, and the right to protest. The protesters fight to keep the groundwater clean and stop the drilling, which I agree with. However, I think the decision made by the Corps is reasonable, though I'm doubtful of its legality. I don't know where to draw the line for the right to protest, and it's hard to know where it's suppressing public opinion or upholding public safety.
Synthesis to peaceful protests during the civil rights marches in the 1960's.

Stolen Art Reunited with Nazi Victim's Heirs- Leah Lara

  Summery:  In 2015, the French government launched a program to reunited art stolen by Nazi's to their rightful owners. Henrietta Schubert's grandparents had sold a 16th Flemish painting to secure their passage from Nazi Germany to America.  "You never expect something like this," Schubert, 67, a Vienna resident born in the same Austrian town as Adolf Hitler, said. "The Nazis are dead, and this can help our wounds heal." Before this program, the French government relied on people to come forward to claim art, but this program is allowing priceless family history to be joined to those they rightfully belong. 

 Synthesis: The start of WWII brought amount unimaginable devastation and suffering. Those who survived still had to deal with their traumatic experiences and pass those experiences to their families. We often heave the blame upon Germany for causing the majority of this pain, but fail to realize that it happened on American soil as well. During WWII Japanese- Americans were also forced out of their homes, had their property stolen, and were forced to live in work camps. France is doing an amazing thing- truly acknowledge the pain of the past and making an effort to bring everyone forward. I think that America should follow in these footsteps- to all those who it has been oppressed and mistreated.  Having one's life stolen from them is something that no one should have to experience, and is something that can never be 'undone.' But these pieces of art may give people back a sense of their identity, and connect them to those lost.
Mackenzie Bessner- Infant ejected from car is found alive in storm drain

Rescuers of an infant who was ejected from a car during a crash in Arkansas and found alive with only a scratch some 25-feet away from the scene is "some kind of divine intervention." The 8-month old girl and her family were involved in a crash along Interstate 30 in Texarkana, Arkansas, Friday after a truck apparently sideswiped their automobile while making an unsafe lane change. The family vehicle flipped over and the 8-month old girl was ejected. In the moments following the crash, survivors searched in vain for the little girl. To their amazement, searchers found the infant inside a nearby storm drain, alive and reaching up to them.

After I read this article, I was very shocked. It was honestly a miracle that this 8-month old child was alive and well with only one scratch after being catapulted out of a car. I think that this article was published to inform readers and the audience about driving safely and sufficiently. The driver of the truck was cited for an improper and unsafe lane change. The infant was also not properly restrained in the car seat at the time of the accident. This shows the audience that they have the ability to stop this from happening and to ensure safety while on the road to their family, friends and themselves. This article was published by CNN, a reliable news network. 

Jenna Pitre - "Ohio State University: Attacker killed, 11 hospitalized after campus attack"

Summary: Earlier today, Ohio State student Abdul Razak Ali Artan drove his car up a curb at the campus, hitting several people. He then exited the vehicle and began repeatedly stabbing the victims, hospitalizing 11 people. A police officer stepped in and shot the perpetrator in a minute after the attack took place. It has not been confirmed if this was a terrorist attack or not. The victims' wounds are not life-threatening and the suspect died at the scene.

Analysis/Synthesis: This was sad to hear about. According to other students, Artan seemed to be a well liked person. It's unfortunate he had to die, and I'm glad the injured people are alive and safe.This can be connected to the vehicle attack in Nice, France on during the Bastille Day celebration back in July.

Link to the article:

Madelyn Dean- 'Hamilton' hits a new high: the most money grossed on Broadway in a week

The Musical ,Hamilton, is about the life and death of Alexander Hamilton. The show uses hip-hop and a diverse cast to create a Broadway interpretation of Alexander Hamiltons life. The show has produced a gross of $3 million in 8 performance weeks, reaching a record for Broadway. Viewed by both Donald Trump and Mike Pence, the general consensus reports to be both good and bad reviews; as are all. The tickets prove to be on the pricey side reaching to almost $1,000 for a single ticket and seems to be outshining quite a few of other shows. This article was written to inform the reader of this Historical show, it's economic inpact, and the public's opinion. The show most relates to Alexander Hamilton and his economic plan for America.
‘Hamilton’ Hits a New High: The Most Money Grossed in a Week on Broadway

Anecia Forbes: Cyber Monday scams targeting shoppers, FBI warns

Summary: Crooks are out to ensure a blue Christmas for cyber shoppers, using an array of online treachery and phony deals that will net an estimate of $1 billion this year, according to the FBI. In a report titled "Tis the Season for Holiday Scams," the FBI urged shoppers to be aware of increasingly aggressive and sketchy scams designed by criminals to steal money and personal information. Fake deals, bogus surveys and malware hidden in phony come-ons are all at a fever pitch today, as customers take part in Cyber Monday (the online version of Black Friday). “If a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is,” the FBI said in a statement. “You may end up paying for an item, giving away personal information, and receive nothing in return except for a compromised identity.” ACI Worldwide, a payment systems company, predicted that online fraud attempts will rise 43 percent in the United States during this year’s holiday season. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center, California, Florida, Texas, New York and Illinois are the states that saw the highest number of alleged scam victims in 2015, contributing to the total of more than $1 billion in cyber scam losses for 2015. Before shopping online, the FBI recommends securing all bank and credit accounts with “strong and different” passwords.

But shoppers aren’t just at risk on retail websites the FBI is now warning to beware of social media posts and smartphone Apps. “Beware of posts on social media sites that appear to offer vouchers or gift cards, even if it appears the offer was shared by an online friend,” according to the FBI statement. “Some may pose as holiday promotions or contests that lead to participation in an online survey designed to steal personal information.” The FBI also warns shoppers not to post photos of event tickets on social media profiles, as fraudsters can use the barcodes to recreate tickets for re-sale. Fraudsters also are expected to focus on cosmetics, cordless headphones, sneakers and other lower-priced items, including ‘Gift with Purchase’ products that can be easily re-sold on black market or via auction websites. According to the ACI Worldwide report, the average fraudulent transaction is projected to be $219, an 8 percent decrease from last year’s $239 due to alternative shipping methods, such as pick-up-in-store.But shoppers can’t let their guards down as the calendar approaches Dec. 25  the ACI Worldwide report projects that the expected peak fraud attempt day will be Christmas Eve, with nearly 2.5 percent fraud due to the popularity of gift cards and last-minute gifts. The FBI directs any shoppers who suspect they have been a victim of Internet fraud to immediately contact their financial institution and law enforcement, and encourages those consumers to file a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center regardless of the dollar amount lost.

Analysis: This is absolutely crazy. Nowadays people do TONS of online shoppin and something like this can cause people to be very paranoid on online shopping now. I also think that to help avoid these scams is to research the company you are buying from and make sure they are reputable before purchasing anything because its better to be safe than sorry . Also I hope the people out there scamming people will be discovered:(. This could be synthesized to the Target's customers credit card scandal.

Gracie Darlington: Delta Bans 'Loud, Rude and Disrespectful' Trump Supporter for Life

A man was banned from Delta Air Lines after a video of him shouting obscenities on a November 22 flight went viral on Facebook. The man praised Trump and said some anti-Hillary remarks. The video reveals the man saying: "We got some Hillary b*tch-s on here?" and "he's your president, every g*dd*mn one of you. If you don't like it, too bad." Delta apologized to the flight's passengers in a statement Sunday, adding that the man should have been removed from the flight. Delta CEO Ed Bastian said the airline plans to refund the tickets of the other passengers and promised that the man in the video "will never again be allowed on a Delta plane."
This article was written to inform its readers, and because MSNBC tends to have a liberal slant, the readers are most likely anti-Trump.This video serves to demonstrate the extreme tension between Hillary and Trump supporters in America right now. The election has left many in fear of an uprising of hateful, intolerant people similar to the man in the video.  With the accessibility of social media, this event was able to be spread to over two million people, as well as to those at Delta who were not on the plane.
Synthesis: The election of 1824 also caused a lot of tension between Americans, and the candidate that won the popular votes didn't win presidency.

Donald Trump's Tax Plan Effecting People- Abby Pryor 8th period


Donald Trump was recently elected as President of the United States. All of the taxpayers should begin to think about the tax code changes he could potentially make. According to the Tax Foundation, the changes could change your tax planning if it ends up getting past Congress. He has proposed many things such as eliminating the Net Investment Income Tax, the Alternative Minimum Tax, and allow above the line deduction for child care costs. 


Donald Trump seems to be destructing our economy, and he hasn't even been in office yet. I'm scared to see what will happen in the future as he becomes more powerful. Will our economy become even worse than it has been before?


gray breidenbach:Dylann Roof to Represent Himself at Trial in Charleston Church Shootings

Gray Breidenbach:

On June 17, 2015 Dylan Roof opened fire on an innocent church during bible study. Roof killed 9 african american citizens, and is facing hate crimes. Roof faces 33 hate crimes charges , and the prosecutors are refusing his initial guilty plea. after two day of careful delegation the judge ruled Roof competent to stand trial and voice his case. Roof wanted to voice his case without any sort of attorney help, the judge strongly advised Roof against doing so.

Dylan Roof was a mentally insane person, who took it upon himself to cause harm and chaos in the lives of innocent people. although some people think the death penalty is the absolute most necessary punishment for this person, their are some people saying that he shouldn't. I personally think that the death penalty is justified in this manner, because a person who takes a life, should pay for it with their life. This hate crime is very much like the church catastrophies that occurred in the 60's. Those chaotic circumstances were meant to cause harm and strike fear in the lives of the people.

Hannah Howell- Death Toll from Thunderstorm Asthma Rises to Six

Summary:  Just this last week thousands of people were hospitalized because of some freak disease that suddenly hit. This occurred in Melbourne (and parts of Victoria) Australia. People were having trouble breathing and the disease was nicknamed Thunderstorm Asthma (supposedly a rare combination of weather and pollen).  Already 6 people have died.  A week later, 12 people are still receiving hospital treatment and a few are in critical condition. People with pre-existing asthma are the most at risk.

Analysis:  This is terrifying to think about. It is crazy to think that such a minor "disease" like asthma could lead to actual death. I pray for the families of the ones who passed and hope that no one else becomes affected by this freak Thunderstorm disease.

Izzy Brown- Trump Claims Popular Vote Win

Summary: Donald Trump tweeted that along with the electoral vote he also won the popular- "if you take away the millions of people who voted illegally". Trump suspects voter fraud, but there is no evidence to back him up. He says he would have won the popular vote if he campaigned in 3-4 states instead of doing 15. Trump insists that there was voter fraud in California, New Hampshire, and Virginia and that they all had to with bias.

Analysis/Synthesis: Even with no evidence, Trump claims voter fraud. It seems that the more and more claims Trump makes, the more it shows he doesn't do thorough and correct research. He must know how vexing it must be to not win the popular vote- the people of America's vote- and thus he has to make reasons on why he didn't win. In my opinion what Trump said was ridiculous, he might as well have said "I would've won the popular vote if people voted for me".


Matthew Zapata - Trumps claims on fraud election

  CNN released on article on November 28, 2016, which covers Trump's claims on how the election had serious voter frauds and the responses of the states in which he called out. Trump accused Virginia, New Hampshire, and California of having voter frauds and wondered why the media wasn't reporting on it. All the states have responded to his accusations, meanwhile Trump and his team ignore any request to explain his claim or provide evidence. He is making this bold claim with no evidence to back himself up and surprisingly opposes any investigation that look into the votes of the presidential election which honestly confuses me. He already won the electoral vote why does he have to throw a tantrum over not winning the popular vote? I personally don't think this man is fit to run the country if he is taking to twitter to make such a bold claim (with no evidence) that isn't true and has no desire to clarify what he said and provide evidence. The way people view this article can be altered from the time period we are in do to how recent the 2016 presidential election was and much Donald Trump is in the public eye now. This type of situation relates back to many presidential voting incidents in the past such as the corrupt bargain.

Madison Harvey - Pipeline Protestors are in it for the long haul

“We expect a win,” said Chase Iron Eyes, who is a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.  Monday, Iron Eyes and Dave Archambault, the Tribal Chairman said they will continue their protest, despite a December 5 deadline set by the Army Corps of Engineers for them to vacate the area where they have set up camp.  The Army Corps of Engineers said the people who refuse to leave could be arrested, but they later said they have no plans to remove anyone by force.  The Governor of North Dakota ordered the protestors to move out immediately because their temporary dwellings have not been inspected and approved for the harsh winter conditions.  The original route of the pipeline did not cross Native American reservations but the current proposed route would cut through the Sioux Tribe’s reservation, and the tribe says it could potentially destroy sacred lands and prevent access to clean drinking water.  Iron Eyes said this is reminiscent of the country’s past treatment of Native Americans.

This article was written to inform the public of the current situation in North Dakota.  I wrote about this situation in a previous blog and I am glad to hear they are still fighting.  It seems to me that the government and the oil companies are pushing their way around and even though they say there is no way this will harm their water source the threat is there.  We have seen many mishaps from the oil companies in the past.  I hope to see more people get involved with the fight and perhaps the oil company will reroute the pipeline.  I sympathize with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and it reminds me of "The Trail of Tears" when the Native Americans were forced from their lands by our government back in the 19th century.  

Payton Climer

An infant in Texarkana, Arkansas was found in a storm drain on Friday after being ejected out of the car that was side swiped by a truck. The truck improperly changed lanes causing the crash. The infant was not properly buckled and the seat it self was not installed correctly. Luckily for this family the infant was found and only can put with a minor scratch on her head. The firefighters looked for the child for a long time due to the hay filled median that neighboored the crash. They narrowed in to the storm drain due to a reported sound and found her waiting quietly in the drain. It took three firefighters to get her out because of the location of the bars. This article was written by Andreas Preuss, CNN staff, on Monday November 28. This makes this information current and accurate allowing the audience more reliable information. There is no bias in the article, the facts were stated clearly and unaltered. This article relates to safety on the road, specifically events where people choose not to wear the proper saftey precautions while on the road, cause if many fatalities. This familt was very lucky that their child survived and many people across the county don't get theat lucky.

Katie Haidet- The Ohio State University attack

Summary: The Ohio State University student who carried out a knife attacked on campus Monday morning. In a pervious Facebook post Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the attacker, stated he was "sick and tired" of seeing fellow Muslims "killed and tortured.” Artan’s Facebook page is being examined by investigators to declare if the attack was terrorism. Arian ran his car into a group of people on the campus before exiting the car and charged at others with a knife. Eleven people were hospitalized during the attack. Ohio State police officer Alan Horujko shot Artan after he disobeyed orders to stop.

Analysis: This article was published on CNN by Emanuella Grinberg, Shimon Prokupecz and Holly Yan on November 28, 2016. I was very sensitive to this topic because my sister attends The Ohio State University and was on the campus during the attack. She was safe in her apartment with her roommates, but knowing that here friends were close to the crime scene was frightening. This article shows people that you never know what could happen, but you need to always know what to do if you are in that moment at that time. Back in 2012, at Sandy Hook Elementary School, there was a shooting killing 20 children and 6 adult staff members. Things like this do happen which is scary and why schools practice lock-down drills.

Gunman Reported On Ohio State University Campus

Here's the link



 On November 28, 2016, a shooter was found on the campus of Ohio State University, causing nine to go the hospital, and causing heavy injuries. They don't know much else that happened, however from other posts I've seen, the suspect may have been killed.

I fond this highly scary for someone to even make it on campus
with guns and able to hurt these people. But that also means that just anyone can cause a shooting like that and you might not know it.

Nadia Blanton-11 People Hospitalized by Attacker at Ohio State University

Summary: Monday morning at Ohio State University a student hit a group of pedestrians with his car that began attacking them with a butcher knife. An campus police officer responded to the situation quickly by shooting and killing the attacker. None of the victims were reported to be dead and they are expected to recover smoothly. The attacker was revealed to be Abdul Razak Ali Artan who had been interviewed by the school newspaper back in August and discussed his experiences being a Muslim.

Analysis: In the interview with Abdul Razak Ali Artan he shared how difficult it was for him to practice his religion with being judged or having people think he was a terrorist. That was back in August and now he has committed this attack, which leaves many people wondering what triggered this offense.

Synthesis: Since Abdul Razak Ali Artan was a Muslim the image of those who share his religion will almost definitely become even more distorted. Many people, which was very much so demonstrated throughout the presidential campaign, are quick to stereotype a Muslim as a terrorist.

Source;Ohio State University: Attacker killed, 11 hospitalized after campus attack -

Emily Anderson- people pay $100,000 to dig a pointless hole

     On this past Black Friday, the Cards Against Humanity creators decided to pull an odd stunt. This stunt was named the "Holiday Hole" and for a good reason too. They asked for donations from the online public, so they could dig a massive, pointless hole in the ground. The dig was live streamed the entire time with the location unknown. Cards Against Humanity said, "As long as money keeps coming in, we'll keep digging." This stunt was kept up until Sunday evening.
     Their 2015 Black Friday prank was almost as pointless as this one. Last year they asked people to donate "$5 for nothing", and people did. This year's Black Friday stunt relates to how the Patriots threw hundreds of boxes of tea over board in the Boston Tea Party. It shows how people can throw away money so easily except the Boston Tea Party was for a good cause. I find it very surprising that people would willingly give money for other people to do pointless things, but it's honestly pretty funny. Many other news stations have covered this story and all of them say how surprised they are at the amount of money they raised- $100,000.

Emma Sutherland - Death toll rises from thunderstorm asthma

         Recently in Australia, mainly Melbourne and other parts of Victoria, six people were killed through a "freak illness" called thunderstorm asthma. This is mainly a result from "a rare combination of weather and pollen". Twelve people have been hospitalized since those fatalities. Thunderstorm asthma is caused by grains from pollen breaking up and dispersing into the atmosphere during a time of humidity, eventually entering a person's lungs. Through the University of Melbourne, it was said that 74% of those that responded in the survey had experienced an asthma attack during the storm that occurred last week. Geography is a major factor in these attacks. They determine what storms will arise and how it will affect the inhabitants. They advise that those with asthma consistently watch the forecasts and keep your asthma medications up to date!

          Before reading this article, I understood that weather could severely affect the inhabitants in a specific area. However, I had never heard of it being this bad or even raising the death toll! I was surprised at how many people recorded that they had experienced an asthma attack during the previous storm. Something definitely needs to be done to improve the health of those affected by asthma. Asthma is a serious problem and I know what it feels like to have it! Having asthma, I know that that would be a very scary situation and not one that I would like to be in. Over 300 million people suffer from asthma each year, and having learned that many have died due to this freak illness, it worries me about all those people that deal with it day to day. Hopefully they will be able to fix this recurring situation or come up with some sort of cure to help those hurt by these types of storms!

Ava Noble: Black Friday Nike Store Craziness

     It seems like the outlet mall shoppers took Black Friday sales to a new level of chaos. The store in Seattle, Washington looked as if a bomb went off. Shoppers went nuts, discarding their finds on the ground as they searched for the perfect pair. The piles of Nike boxes were strewn all over the floor while shoes became mismatched in the pile of rubble. It was a scene from an earthquake or an apocalypse. Shoppers that intended to take advantage of shopping at the Nike store were shocked at what they found. The store became the talk of the web as bewildered customers took videos and pictures and posted them. It is safe to assume that Black Friday at this store next year will be handled differently. Perhaps there will be strict guidelines and security in place to prevent a repeat disaster of today's events.
Analysis/Synthesis:          This article was created by Jennifer Earl. It was published on CBS News on Monday, November 28. I can only imagine all of the clean-up the workers had to do after this. Although I can understand how amazing a huge Nike sale is, it is extremely disrespectful for them to act like animals, trashing the whole store. Nike being a fairly expensive brand, this triggered the customers to buy the items while they are cheap. The damage they created had shoes all over the floor, making it even harder for them to shop. Although they thought racing through the boxes of shoes benefited them, it left hundreds of shoes on the floor without its pair. I think this article was published to send a message to the public to let them know the damage they did. I'm sure they are hopefully praying that this never happens again. Source:

Emily McDougal - Infant discovered alive in a storm drain after a major car crash

Summary: This past Friday night, there was a major wreck in Texarkana, Arkansas. A truck hit a vehicle, which flipped and an 8-month-old girl was ejected. The survivors searched for the girl, but could not find her. Eventually, a firefighters arrived, and they searched the area around where the crash had taken place. After a while, they heard a sound coming from a storm drain over 24 feet from the site of the wreck. The girl was seemingly unharmed, except for a small wound on her head. The firefighters safely removed her. The authorities have assumed that she rolled into the drain, and are absolutely amazed at the event. Some believe that it could have only been the work of some sort of divine intervention.

Analysis: This article was written on November 28, 2016, by Andreas Preuss to inform readers of the incredible situation that was discovered. I hadn't heard about this happening, and I'm so amazed by how safe the child was. There were so many probabilities that could have affected the wreck and it's impact, and the likeliness of this girl emerging from such a dangerous crash unharmed were very slim. In all of the violence and sadness in our country right now, it's nice to see a very positive outcome in this situation. It's important for us to remember all the civil servants in our community and the things they do for our country.

Synthesis: This is similar to Jessica McClure, an 18 month old girl who fell into a well in her aunt's backyard in 1987. It took the rescue team 58 hours to get her out.

Japan's 'Space World' Freezes 5,000 Fish Inside Ice Rink

Summary: Space World, a Japanese theme park, was forced to shut down after 5,000 fish and other sea creatures were found frozen inside of the ice rink. The ice rink was advertised as a "world first" and advertised picture of it with captions such as "I am d... d... drowning, s ... s... suffocating." Yes, believe it or not, the fish were not there by accident. The manager was surprised by the social media backlash saying, "We were shocked to hear the reaction as the ice skate rink was very popular since it opened two weeks ago, we had an unprecedented number of visitors, (But) we had endless opinions about the project, we were shocked ... We are sorry for the project and decided to close the rink on that night." He also said that the park would hold "appropriate religious service" and then reuse them as fertilizer. The fish were purchased from a local fish mart and were dead before being frozen.
Analysis: Honestly, I'm shocked that someone would ever think this was good idea. I personally don't see how someone would find it fun to skate on a rink full of dead fish. I'm also surprised that this wasn't an accident. When I read this article, I thought that this was a mistake. I assumed that they had just gotten their water from a lake, and didn't bother to check it for fish ahead of time. This could connect to the treatment of Killer Whales at Sea World.

Brittney Delpey: Underground Neighborhood Built in Dallas Texas

                 This article was written by Daniel Jennings who writes for Off the Grid News. He remains to have a factual outlook on the topic. It was written November 25th, 2016 regarding a current building of underground bunkers in Dallas Texas. The author informs society of the reactions to nuclear fears.

                   A $300 million luxury bunker/underground resort is being built underground off Highway 56 between Paris and Sherman Texas. It is near the small town of Ector but is close enough to the city for oilmen and celebrities to reach but far enough to where it wont get affected by a attack on the city. The 5 star underground country club like bunker is called Trident Lakes. It consists of a gold course, shops, stables, restaurants, helipads etc. to keep up the lavish lifestyle in case of fallout or nuclear gas. The neighborhood can house 1,600 people and can sustain to 200 years. Their goal was to make it comfortable so it would feel less like a survival community. The underground condos are planned to be done by 2018.

Prior Knowledge: I didn't know about the bunkers being built in Dallas but I did know a lot of rich people and celebrities were building safe havens underground. I guess its the "in" thing now for the rich.

Maddie gold-Death toll from thunderstorm asthma

A freak illness known as thunderstorm asthma has now killed at least six people in Australia. Thousands of people were rushed to the hospital with breathing problems in the southern Australian state of Victoria as emergency services struggle. Thunderstorm asthma occurs when a storm hits during a period of unusually high rye grass pollen. The pollen irritates the lungs' bronchial tubes, causing them to become inflamed and filled with mucus and making it hard for people to breathe.

It's extremely unfourtunate that these people are suffering. This relates to early colonicolonial times when the natives died from diseases.

Attacker Praying in Public

Monday, November 28, 2016

 University Attacker 'Scared' to Pray in Public

Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a Muslim student of Ohio State University, recently stated in an interview that he wanted to pray in public at this university but was afraid for his safety. He said that he feared people would see him praying and think "what's going to happen?". This turned to be a rather interesting situation. Because even though Artan stated this, he ended up attacking and injuring 11 people on the campus with a knife. He was then shot dead by an officer immediately after the attack. Investigators are still searching for his motive.

I'm not exactly sure how to feel about Artan's side of this situation, because his motives are not in any way clear. Though I do understand the fear that people of Muslim religion have when practicing it in public. There has been so much prejudice (especially recently) towards their religion and people, which has probably caused them to be fearful of publicly practicing their religion. I just hope that we can work together to end that prejudice towards the Muslim religion.
