Monday, May 23, 2016

Carrington Whigham- 12 Year Old Rope Incedent 

Summary: A 12 year old African American girl goes on a camping trip and returns with rope burns. The 6th grade class of a Waco middle school explains that the rope was hanging around the tree and somehow the rope ended up around her neck. There were two black kids on the trip and the rest were white. The little girl suffers from severe rope burns, and the article says it looks like someone "ripped her open and sewed it back". School officials believe that it was an accident, and its no fair for the lawyers to turn it into a race related situation. The parents are suing for 2.7 Million dollars. The Case is still open and is still to be ruled.

This is deeply concerning. I pray that those kids truly didn't have the intention of hanging her. This case most likely will go down in history, and I pray that her family receives the money they are suing for. I also hope that this isn't a situation that is being escalated racially, because the family wants money. However, whatever happens aside from the money, the little girl will forever have the tormenting scar that will remind her of this moment forever.


  1. This story is horrible. This extreme act of racism seems like something of the past when in reality it happened so recently. I hope that this girl is okay.

    Shara Jeyarajah

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is terrible, even if it was an accident the marks should not be that severe. those marks look pretty deep and someone should have helped her. (Alejandra Hernandez 6th period)

  4. Like you said, we can't say it was one thing or another because we don't know ourselves. There seems to be a lot of he said, she said and we're only able to take people's word for it at this point. I really do hope that this wasn't an act of racism in such a young group of people.

    Shelby Linker, 8th period
