Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Scientists confused by increasing artic ice levels- Sam Stromness 1st

Scientists were puzzled by the increasing levels of seasonal ice they've been observing that seemed to be incongruent with heavily corroborated data showing the consistent rise in average arctic temperatures since the 1950's. However, after further investigation into the recent pattern, scientists have found a plausible explanation for the correlation between increasing ice and rising temperatures. Research fond that an ozone hole over Antartica affects atmospheric conditions in the region by amplifying the strength of certain arctic winds. These winds are further perpetuated by ridges on the seafloor that closely align with the current's path. The growing strength of these winds has lowered the salinity in portions of the arctic where seasonal ice is produced. Because higher salt content lowers the temperature water will freeze at, historically, arctic waters have required lower temperatures to freeze than they do now. With a higher freezing temperature, the arctic water is able to increase its ice production in conjunction, instead of conflict, with the region's rising temperatures.

analysis- This unforeseen phenomenon shows the unpredictable nature of the growing threat of global warming. In the past,century global warming has heavily affected American legislation in relation to emission regulations and other environmental acts. Seeing the erratic nature of this problem demonstrated in this article,poses a potential for future environmental consequences global warming could have on America.



  1. Global warming is a serious issue that will hopefully be soon resolved.
    Paige Moore-Mitchell 8thperiod

  2. I've always wondered about the relative timeline that scientists use when they raise alarm on this sort of issue, because to a scientist 5000 years can seem like a blink of an eye.
