Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Layla Maynard: Whole Foods Feelin Some Heat

Summary: Whole Foods, after stocks decrease, prices increase and number of consumers slowly evaporate, has tried to regain some of their popularity by opening new 365 stores across the nation. With more and more competition from other specialty stores like Trader Joe's and price comparison with places like Kroger or Target, Whole Foods has really been struggling.

Analysis: It's hard to want to support places like Whole Foods, who do a fairly decent job of providing healthy, humanely acquired foods, but also jack prices way up and make it harder to commence everyday shopping in comparison to Walmart. Especially since my mother does the shopping in my family, I have little input into what we consume and where it's from.


1 comment:

  1. I love whole foods but some of their prices are insane. My mother buys a certain brand of juice at Walmart for $3 a bottle, but the exact same bottle is $8 at whole foods.
