Monday, March 6, 2017

Ava Noble: Mother Carries Baby Without Brain Full Term to Donate Organs

 Keri Young found out at her 19-week ultrasound that their baby girl does not have a brain. Within less than five minutes of hearing the news, she asks the doctor if she could still deliver the baby when it is due to donate her organs. Despite all of the tears, she thought about others first in this difficult time. She decided to do this to save another baby's life whose family is hoping for a miracle to get their child new organs. They also did this to cherish the joy of meeting their daughter. They also felt it was right to let their daughter meet their parents before the child dies within 1-3 days of being born. Her husband says she is the most remarkable human ever and that this has been a difficult journey of going through all of the stages of pregnancy with a child that is not going to live.

Reading this made me so extremely happy. It is so nice to hear this woman has such an amazing heart. I cannot imagine feeling the baby kick every day, knowing that this baby will not make it past three days. I had not heard about this woman before reading this article, so I am so glad I read this. This woman deserves nothing but greatness for the rest of her life. This article was posted on CNN, so I trust that the information in this article is true. To synthesise, I can connect this to a while ago when I heard about a mother who donated more than 414 gallons of breast milk to help out other babies who could not get the breast milk they needed!


  1. Aww this is so sad but heartwarming

  2. While this does demonstrate the selflessness of the mother, it also shows a situation in which the option to have an abortion is incredibly important. The mother of this child went through so much mental pain to deliver this child that would not live. I totally respect this woman's CHOICE to carry the child to term, but the key word is choice here. Let's all please fight to keep this right of choice. My body, my rules.
