Monday, March 6, 2017

Audrey Gavitt- Transgender Identity, in their words

In this video, 6 different transgender people of all different ages and races speak about what it means to them to be trans.  They all identify as a different gender than the one they were born with and they are all proud of who they are. They expressed how different slurs can be offensive and how doing things like refusing to use the right pronoun or name or not letting them use the right bathroom can hurt them. All of them have been through a long hard process of realizing who they are and how they identify, they are not someone who feels like another gender they are they are that gender. They are people and they just want to feel safe and to have the same treatment and respect of everyone else.

Analysis- Videos and articles like these are important in our society we are seeing more and more trans people every day in the media and our society which is great because that means they feel more accepted and safe to come out. But there are still many people who fear what others will do and say to them if they come out so it is important for people to learn and understand. People need to know that transgender people are people too just like you and me and they deserve our respect. While it is so great that there are much more people supporting the trans community there are still a lot of people who just don't understand. Having transgender people explain what it means and why we need to accept and value them is very important.

1 comment:

  1. YES. Trans voices explaining being trans. That's the good stuff. I am trans, and every time I see positivity directed towards the transgender community I get a warm fluffy feeling and it's a very good thing. We can't forget that trans people exist (I don't think I will, considering). They're there.
    -Cal Thompson
