Monday, December 1, 2014

Austin Shooting by Megan Darlington

A man went and shot police head quarters in austin on Friday night. No police were killed, but the man himself was. On his chest written with marker were the words, "Let me Die". If that isn't morbid enough for you, the police later found a map that had 34 target listed for shooting, many government official buildings.
When situations happen like this, it always makes me look at humanity different. Was this guy mentally unstable or was he really just filled with evil? The fact that he wrote let me die on his chest shows that he was aware of what would happen in this incident. The second amendment gives us the right to bear arms. His shooting of the police is a negative impact that this amendment brings to our nation, but the fact that the police  had weapons to defend themselves shows how this right can be useful. I still think our weapon policy needs to be looked at again because far too often we have cases of gun shootings that result in deaths.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thankfully no one was hurt..... but still it surprises me time after time how people manage to manifest themselves into that kind of action.

  3. That's crazy! Wow! Why does this keep happening?

  4. This applies to the controversial amendment of the second amendment. This is a very sad event.

  5. Just as above, debates about to what extent the second amendment should reach to are still under debate today. not fully restricting but limiting the amendment would be best.
