Monday, December 15, 2014

Could the KKK be behind a recent lynching? - Lossie Huspeth

How much have we grown?

Roughly 150 years after the Emancipation and approximately 50 years after the civil rights movement,  you would think that our nation has moved beyond the horrors of discriminatory violence. Yet in the town of Bladenboro, North Carolina, a 17 year old African American was found hung from a swing set. The police and investigators said that the crime was a suicide and payed no further attention to the scene. The boy's mother says otherwise,"I know every piece and every stitch of clothes this child has -- I buy them, I know. Those were not his belts," Lacy says. There is every possibility that the Klu Klux Klan could be behind this, and if that is true it means that our society has only been tricked into thinking we are free of racial prejudice.

 What is stopping us?

After the civil war, the reconstruction period was a time of challenges, mainly for former slaves who were coming into a new generation of freedom. As we all know the violence of that time has faded, but only somewhat. How can we keep moving forward to that ideal utopia that many Americans, especially the minorities, seek to have? I can tell you that it won't happen by just re-blogging or "liking" every post on "equal rights for all", our generation has to get in the battle and on the same level as those living it. Abraham Lincoln saw that vision and sadly it could only come through war, but our battle is one of voice and peaceful action, just like it has always been. There was a time when changes could make a difference in people's lives, why can't that change be now? 

Click here for the article. 


  1. I did the same one. It is so frightening that the KKK may be returning even if it is only a few people. I feel like we are constantly backsliding and all of the riots and angry protests are not helping only adding to the fire.
    -Rachel Webb

  2. The KKK has been around since what, 19th century, and even though they rarely come around now, the fact that they're still committing their crimes (arguably "freedoms" since it's part of the 1st Amendment *rolls eyes so hard it hurts*) for no reason at all. They are just racist human beings that murder people because of their beliefs and/or skin tone and they should had never even started but I really hope something is done ASAP.
