Monday, August 27, 2018

Jordan Body- What We Know About Trump's $130,000 Payment to Stormy Daniels

In July of 2006 Donald Trump met Stephanie Clifford, better known as Stormy Daniels at a golf tournament. Little did they know the encounter would come back to haunt them both years later. As Trump was elected president in 2016 and asked about his multiple relationships with women, Clifford came forward and revealed the affair that had taken place between the two over a decade ago. Trump being himself lied about the allegations, denied being with her, and his lawyer Michael Cohen went as far as making a deal with Clifford, paying her off to keep her quiet. The story has resurfaced and Trump now claims to have known about the payoff only after Cohen signed off on it.  

Politicians have lied since the beginning of time. For reasons being to either get the general public to preserve them as someone we want having authority in our nation or to make themselves seem more liable as leaders. To have a president that continuously lies is a problem beyond means. Most of Trump's statements are barely debatable facts based on falsehood. The amount of dishonesty within himself alone ridiculous. We can't continue putting people in office who have no business being there.


  1. It's hard to trust a president who has been involved in scandals such as this one that has conflicting reports. It's scary how he can trust money to keep someone quiet when they have incriminating information. Cohen's involvement has made the situation even more suspicious, especially considering what else Cohen could have done or known.

  2. I think I think paying off women to keep them quiet is so despicable. Trump has showed time and time again that he is not trustworthy. He only says what people want to hear, but when the trusty comes out it’s a different story.

  3. I agree, trump is not at all trustworthy and we can’t have a functioning country when we have someone like trump in a position of political power

  4. It’s hard to put your trust into a president who doesn’t have fact based opinions. Also who spends more time covering up scandals rather than doing good by our country with his time.

  5. I agree completely agree with your analysis. It articles like these that make me not want to read the news, because it's just so aggravating. We need to be more productive in politics and elections by not putting up with men like our president.

  6. I wouldn't go so far as to say Trump is an evil man with malicious intentions. I am actually a fan of the Trump administration, as it is doing quite well, and I agree with much of the policy. However, it is undeniable that scandalous behavior is no characteristic of a trustworthy person.

  7. The world really works in mysterious ways. The fact that all these allegations came put befor and after we elected trump as a out President is absurd. We should not let this pass us by because of anything. A President should represent the good of a country not a pit hole of scandals. (Tiya Caldwell)
