Friday, August 31, 2018

Aretha Franklin Dead- Zion Melaku

Aretha Franklin Dead- Zion Melaku
Aretha Louise Franklin was an American singer, songwriter, and pianist. She recently passed away due to pancreatic cancer at the age of 76. Her influence on music is very important because she changed the racial barriers and gender barriers for African American performers and women. Aretha Franklin was known as the "Queen of Soul" and has had many hits all throughout her lifetime. Her funeral has many performers ready to perform along with a 3 day long, open casket, public viewing for her fans.


  1. Aretha Franklin encompassed so many areas of music and her death is a tragedy. A large question centered around Aretha's funeral is if Ariana Grande's actions at the funeral were inappropriate. I think that is a cool angle to consider.

    1. I don’t think Ariana grande actions were inappropriate I think the actions that were done to here was inappropriate
