Monday, May 14, 2018

LaCentheah Bagley period 2 "Israel Kills Dozens at Gaza Border as U.S. Embassy Opens in Jerusalem"
Summary: Protests took place on the west bank for the embassy move. This quickly turned into a physical protest with many dead and injured, there were numerous reports of gas damage to people. Many weapons were brought through the crowd making it easier to making it easier to fool the crowd. Though this was happening officials decided to celebrate Trump's move of the embassy of Jerusalem.
This article was written by David M. Halbfinger on May 14, 2018. This article was written for the people and to show what's going on with the us and other countries. This relates to our history by the raging protest that occurred during the civil rights movements and even corresponds to mass shootings that have occurred throughout the years.

1 comment:

  1. That is so wrong of them to kill people at the border. my prayers will go out to these families.
