In the past weeks in Washington DC the number of young girls going missing has increased. Most of these missing children are African American or Latino. Some are running away from struggles at home. These youth are at risk to find themselves homeless or worst case scenario involved in sex trafficking. On social media the tag #MissingDCgirls has been trending. DC citizens are calling for police to take more action to find and help missing children.
This article was written by Sheryl Gay Stolberg from the New York Times. It serves the purpose of raising awareness for missing youth not only in DC but across the nation. The problem is not the children who run away it is the home environment they feel they need to get away from. It is especially concerning that most of the missing children in DC are from minority groups. There should be an equal level of concern for all children who go missing. The police should work actively to keep the missing girls safe to prevent the growth of institutions such as sex trafficking. This can be synthesized to civil rights movement when peaceful protests encouraged the government to have more concern for minority groups.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Sarah Childs- I-85 Burns Down
Summary: Drivers in Atlanta, one of the nation's most congested cities, faced a new reality Friday as they were forced to game out how to get around a collapsed portion of Interstate 85. One of the Southeast's major north-south roads. A mysterious fire collapsed an I-85 northbound overpass Thursday evening, injuring no one, but it did damage the southbound portion, forcing the closure of all five lanes in each direction for the foreseeable future. The shutdown likely sets the city up for traffic headaches for months to come after creating navigation issues on Thursday with jams that extended five miles or more and stranded motorists in the immediate area for hours.
Analysis: This article was published by Madison Park from CNN on March 30, 2017. She uses a third person point of view to convey an unbiased point of view. Additionally, I had absolutely no preview knowledge of this topic, so this article made me realize how important our interstate highway system is. This article was written for any citizen of the United States who is in the Atlantic area. It was published for an informative purpose of enabling the people to learn more about how our infrastructure needs improvement. This entire article could link directly to the Interstate Commerce Commission developed during the Progressive Era. This was a major project that completed our web of roads and now we need to focus on improving them.
Amazon's CEO is now the Second Richest Man- Abbey Winiger
SUMMARY- Bloomberg' Billionaire Index now shows that Jeff Bezos is the second richest man on earth. The CEO of Amazon is worth $75.2 billion, later shows he added 1.5 billion to his net worth after Amazon stock went up $9billion on Wednesday during stock hours. AGRPY analyst declared that Amazon might be one of the first trillion dollar market cap-companies. In just 2017 alone the company has grown 16% and is only expected to go up as the year continues. Yesterday Amazon announced that it was buying Souq, an e-commerce giant in the Middle East.
ANALYSIS/SYNTHESIS- Before reading this article I had seen that the billionaire index came out with an updated list. I personally love Amazon and think it is a very strategic and intelligent companies. To think of how large it is now, and it is only expected to grow is insane. This article was written by Jackie Wattles on March 29th, 2017. This article is trust worthy because it is published on CNN, a highly ranked online news service. I hope that Jeff Bezos will use his fortune for good, and spread his wealth with those less fortunate than he.
Kennedy Waterman - McDonald’s latest move to regain customers: Actually use fresh beef
As of March 30th, McDonald's has released a statement saying they intend to switch over to fresh, never-frozen beef for their Quarter-Pounders by mid-2018. McDonald's has taken heat for a while about their ingredients, and their sales have been slowly declining in the past few years. Luckily, with the switch to fresh beef, their low prices aren't predicted to go up much. However, even with the advantages of fresh meat, there are risks involved. Frozen beef has a much smaller risk of E. coli growth. When fresh meat is cooked, the employee has a much greater responsibility to cook it thoroughly.
This article came out March 30th, the day the announcement was released. Before I read the article, I had seen the announcement on social media. In fact, Wendy's responded to the McDonald's tweet, saying "So you’ll still use frozen beef in MOST of your burgers in ALL of your restaurants? Asking for a friend." Nice one, Wendy's. The article was aimed at people who eat at McDonald's, or those who stopped eating there because of their ingredients. I think it's important because it shows that even major food chains can change their ways, and that the quest for healthier food hasn't stopped. This can be related to Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, which described the meat-packing industry and led to the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act in the early 1900s.
This article came out March 30th, the day the announcement was released. Before I read the article, I had seen the announcement on social media. In fact, Wendy's responded to the McDonald's tweet, saying "So you’ll still use frozen beef in MOST of your burgers in ALL of your restaurants? Asking for a friend." Nice one, Wendy's. The article was aimed at people who eat at McDonald's, or those who stopped eating there because of their ingredients. I think it's important because it shows that even major food chains can change their ways, and that the quest for healthier food hasn't stopped. This can be related to Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, which described the meat-packing industry and led to the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act in the early 1900s.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Tragedy of a Village Built on Ice- Emma Lochabay
Residents of a small Alaskan village voted this week to relocate their entire community from a barrier island that has been steadily disappearing because of erosion and flooding attributed to climate change.It has been grappling for decades with the loss of buildings and infrastructure caused by storm surges, and it has shrunk over the past 40 years — more than 200 feet of the shore has been eaten away since 1969.
This article was published on CNN, a popular and trustworthy news site, on March 30, 2017. I know i can trust it to not include any bias in its published information. Before reading this article, i have heard about this on the tv news but not enough information to have an effect on my understanding. This is important because it is regarding the potential loss of homes and people in a town. This could synthesize to when the time the town Shaktoolik, Alaska was destroyed by rising sea levels caused by climate change.
This article was published on CNN, a popular and trustworthy news site, on March 30, 2017. I know i can trust it to not include any bias in its published information. Before reading this article, i have heard about this on the tv news but not enough information to have an effect on my understanding. This is important because it is regarding the potential loss of homes and people in a town. This could synthesize to when the time the town Shaktoolik, Alaska was destroyed by rising sea levels caused by climate change.
Leah Nowell - 8th - The Second Richest Man
Bloomberg' Billionaire Index now shows that Jeff Bezos is the second richest man on earth. The CEO of Amazon is worth $75.2 billion, later shows he added 1.5 billion to his net worth after Amazon stock went up $9billion on Wednesday during stock hours. AGRPY analyst declared that Amazon might be one of the first trillion dollar market cap-companies. In just 2017 alone the company has grown 16% and is only expected to go up as the year continues. Yesterday Amazon announced that it was buying Souq, an e-commerce giant in the Middle East.
Before reading this article I had seen that the billionaire index came out with an updated list. I personally love Amazon and think it is a very strategic and intelligent companies. To think of how large it is now, and it is only expected to grow is insane. This article was written by Jackie Wattles on March 29th, 2017. This article is trust worthy because it is published on CNN, a highly ranked online news service. I hope that Jeff Bezos will use his fortune for good, and spread his wealth with those less fortunate than he.
Before reading this article I had seen that the billionaire index came out with an updated list. I personally love Amazon and think it is a very strategic and intelligent companies. To think of how large it is now, and it is only expected to grow is insane. This article was written by Jackie Wattles on March 29th, 2017. This article is trust worthy because it is published on CNN, a highly ranked online news service. I hope that Jeff Bezos will use his fortune for good, and spread his wealth with those less fortunate than he.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Joshua Klein
The House just voted to wipe out the FCC’s landmark Internet privacy protections
This article is describes the actions the house took when they passed plans to the president about revoking an internet privacy bill. Revoking the privacy will most likely be approved by Trump. The bill protects internet users private information from their internet provider, meaning if you have Verizon, Verizon can't sell your information. It will even go to the point where providers can sell information directly.
I think that this a shock and raises a big concern, but even more it shows the hypocrisy of the republican party. One of the republican party's biggest platform is protecting Americans privacy from the federal government so it's kind of ironic to see the government letting big corporal businesses to have information about us and being able to sell it to whoever is willing to pay the most money.
tessa ward
Slavery Still Exists in the Land of the Free
even 150 years after Lincolns proclamation forbidding slavery in the United States, there is still human trafficking all around the country. This form of slavery is forcing girls into selling sex for money. This is also known as prostitution. Most women are against this and are lured away from the safety of their homes to a truck stop, or a sketchy alley, where they are captured by a man and taken away to be exploited for money. These men who sell girls are starting to use the internet and fake profiles to deceive naive girls to meeting them. However, it can be the parent of the child's decision as well. some parents will sell their child into sex slavery so that they can pay for food or mortgage. This type of slavery goes on all around the world, not just in America. It could be going on in your neighborhood or somewhere close to were you live.
It is absolutely horrible that it is a thing to basically rape women for money. If you need to pay for something, like your home or necessities, get a job! Don't sell your child or yourself to be exploited in order to survive. I can stand that women and young girls are being tricked into doing this and that this is even an option. The government really needs to do something about it because people are going missing from all around America due to sex slavery. We need to find the source and track down the awful people who are a part of this so that it can be demolished. however, i do know that even if the police were to put all of those criminals in jail, the idea will float over to someone else, so there isn't any way to completely destroy the crimes that take place in this business.
Slavery Still Exists in the Land of the Free
even 150 years after Lincolns proclamation forbidding slavery in the United States, there is still human trafficking all around the country. This form of slavery is forcing girls into selling sex for money. This is also known as prostitution. Most women are against this and are lured away from the safety of their homes to a truck stop, or a sketchy alley, where they are captured by a man and taken away to be exploited for money. These men who sell girls are starting to use the internet and fake profiles to deceive naive girls to meeting them. However, it can be the parent of the child's decision as well. some parents will sell their child into sex slavery so that they can pay for food or mortgage. This type of slavery goes on all around the world, not just in America. It could be going on in your neighborhood or somewhere close to were you live.
It is absolutely horrible that it is a thing to basically rape women for money. If you need to pay for something, like your home or necessities, get a job! Don't sell your child or yourself to be exploited in order to survive. I can stand that women and young girls are being tricked into doing this and that this is even an option. The government really needs to do something about it because people are going missing from all around America due to sex slavery. We need to find the source and track down the awful people who are a part of this so that it can be demolished. however, i do know that even if the police were to put all of those criminals in jail, the idea will float over to someone else, so there isn't any way to completely destroy the crimes that take place in this business.
Maryland high school student's journal 'spelled out a detailed shooting event,'-Elijah Macias
Summary: Investigators say an 18-year-old Catoctin High School student was gathering materials, compiling information on school emergency procedures and planning an act of violence. The plot was brought to the attention of the police by a concerned mother who believed there was a danger at the school. Investigators uncovered a notebook detailing a school shooting and identified the student as Nichole Cevario- who was transported to the hospital immediately.
Analysis: This is very scary, i'm very glad that the authorities found out about the plot to kill innocent people before it was too late. The article doesn't talk about any motive for such an evil act, I hope Nichole receives mental help- assuming that she is insane. If not she must be brought to justice.
This is almost like the shootings at Columbine high school, except that no one knew about it and thus couldn't prevent it.
No matter what Cevario faced, killing others is never the answer.
Analysis: This is very scary, i'm very glad that the authorities found out about the plot to kill innocent people before it was too late. The article doesn't talk about any motive for such an evil act, I hope Nichole receives mental help- assuming that she is insane. If not she must be brought to justice.
This is almost like the shootings at Columbine high school, except that no one knew about it and thus couldn't prevent it.
No matter what Cevario faced, killing others is never the answer.
Sophia Jalilvand: Study shows no long-term cognitive benefit to breastfeeding
Summary: It is clear that newborns gain strengthened immune systems and get stronger as a result of breastfeeding. However, a recent study has shown that there is no long-term benefit on cognitive behavior. It followed 7,478 Irish children and tested them at age three and five. Children who were breastfed for six months or more had lower rates of hyperactivity and improved problem-solving skills at age three, however the differences were almost unnoticeable at age five.
Analysis: It is interesting to see that breastfeeding does not actually have long-term health or social benefits. The original reason people thought this to be true was because people who breastfeed their children for longer periods of time generally have more education and a higher socioeconomic status, so their kid will likely turn out more successful as well.
Analysis: It is interesting to see that breastfeeding does not actually have long-term health or social benefits. The original reason people thought this to be true was because people who breastfeed their children for longer periods of time generally have more education and a higher socioeconomic status, so their kid will likely turn out more successful as well.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Emily Anderson- cutting anesthesia??
Recently, the medical world has been seeing more and more patients opt out of being put under general anesthesia. Various reasons include fear, complications, or just curiosity. Most of the surgeries that people stay awake for are orthopedic surgeries. This new trend could actually be very beneficial to the economy of medicine because local anesthesia is much more cost effective than general anesthesia. If the patient chooses to stay awake and watch their own surgery, they will just be put under local anesthesia.
This new method could overall help with medical expenses and better improv the economy of medicine. Throughout history, medical expenses have always been extremely high. During Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency, the idea of medicare came about. From the 60s and there on, there have been different variations on that theme of medicare and health care. I think if people can get the guts to stay awake for their surgery, that would be an incredible experience and cut down medical bill costs people struggle to pay.
This new method could overall help with medical expenses and better improv the economy of medicine. Throughout history, medical expenses have always been extremely high. During Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency, the idea of medicare came about. From the 60s and there on, there have been different variations on that theme of medicare and health care. I think if people can get the guts to stay awake for their surgery, that would be an incredible experience and cut down medical bill costs people struggle to pay.
Westminster attack: Everything we know so far about the events in London, Hayley Cagle
Summary: A Muslim man committed an attack of terror in Westminster on Sunday when he plowed down the highway and into pedestrian areas killing 5 and injuring 90.
Analysis: What has this world come to? There's a terror attack everyday, seems like it. People aren't ever willing to agree to disagree or listen or show compassion. It's if we are just robots, artificial, with no emotions, only a personal agenda. We have to change our behavior if we want to see change.
Analysis: What has this world come to? There's a terror attack everyday, seems like it. People aren't ever willing to agree to disagree or listen or show compassion. It's if we are just robots, artificial, with no emotions, only a personal agenda. We have to change our behavior if we want to see change.
Mackenzie Bessner- Cincinnati club Shooting
Several unidentified shooters opened fire at a Cincinnati nightclub early Sunday, killing one person and wounding 15 others, officials said. The shooters escaped the melee at Club Cameo and they remained on the run Sunday. "Several local men got into some type of dispute inside the bar and it escalated into shots being fired from several individuals," police said. "As a result, there were 16 people that sustained gunshot injuries one of which is deceased." The motive for the shooting remains unclear, but police have said that there was no indication the attack was terrorism related.
When I read this article, I was saddened and disappointed. More and more shootings, terrorist attacks, suicides, etc. keep happening. I truly do not understand how someone can have so much hate in themselves to harm others in any way to the point of taking away a stranger's life. This article has reminded me of so many tragic events that have happened in the past year but especially the Orlando nightclub shooting. It happened in June of 2016 and devastated so many people worldwide. My thoughts and prayers are going out to everyone's families in this hard time. This article was published by CNN, a reliable news network.
Several unidentified shooters opened fire at a Cincinnati nightclub early Sunday, killing one person and wounding 15 others, officials said. The shooters escaped the melee at Club Cameo and they remained on the run Sunday. "Several local men got into some type of dispute inside the bar and it escalated into shots being fired from several individuals," police said. "As a result, there were 16 people that sustained gunshot injuries one of which is deceased." The motive for the shooting remains unclear, but police have said that there was no indication the attack was terrorism related.
When I read this article, I was saddened and disappointed. More and more shootings, terrorist attacks, suicides, etc. keep happening. I truly do not understand how someone can have so much hate in themselves to harm others in any way to the point of taking away a stranger's life. This article has reminded me of so many tragic events that have happened in the past year but especially the Orlando nightclub shooting. It happened in June of 2016 and devastated so many people worldwide. My thoughts and prayers are going out to everyone's families in this hard time. This article was published by CNN, a reliable news network.
Leslie Zaragoza-Bringing WW1 battlefields to life with virtual reality
Students from ST. Mary’s College have recently learned how to display battlefields from World War II into reality. During the trial, many of the participants were required to use headphones to help provide sound to the headset. The virtual reality depicted the horrific moments lived in the War, they got the chance to explore Some battlefields and revived memories that seemed forgotten. The software ran 30 headsets so that everyone would able to view the same thing. The instructor later tells them they’re able to zoom to the scenes by manipulating the bottom in the top. Many of the participants expressed that being able to visually the horrors made them understand a lot better how it was to live during the war. The interesting part of the software in addition to the virtual tour in, it also includes a historian that guides you throughout the battlefield.
The Video was published by the BBC news to inform the world about the technological advances around the world that help enrich the educational experience. The headset of virtual reality creates a new way for a student to learned about history in a fascinating way compared just learning from old textbooks. Technology like this might available someday in schools to learn different subjects.Next year the St.Mary’s College in planning to recreate the WWII D-Day.
Leslie Z.-Disturbing videos that are tricking children
When we adventure into the depths of the web we realize how ominous some videos can be but, just recently in YouTube thousands of videos containing some of the famous children’s cartoon are being altered with voluptuous or inappropriate content. Parent and journalist, Laura June, noticed that while her daughter was watching Peppa pig, the video displayed the character with distorted features, in some point in the video the character pulled her teeth out.She also noted that the soundtrack played distressing crying, June later stated that because the character portrayed in the video was close to Peppa Pig her daughter interpreted as Peppa Pig. Many of these videos are parodies or such over the top content they’re clearly for mature audiences yet other are unauthorize copies of authentic cartoon yet, such videos have titles like ‘Frozen Elsa Huge Knot’, ‘Naked Hulk loses his pants’.
The article was written by the BBC news to informed parents and adults with young children about the dangerous videos that children might be expose to. In YouTube, we can find very creepy and concerning videos that can definitely traumatize you, therefore YouTube is recommending parents to download YouTube Kids App so they can activate the restriction mode so they can prevent certain videos to be displayed.
Audrey Griffin "NYPD cop who killed unarmed teen quits before he's fired"
NYPD cop who killed unarmed teen quits before he's fired
An NYPD officer who killed an unarmed teen back in 2013 just resigned after being found guilty of manslaughter, before he could be fired. When he was first charged he pleaded not guilty. The officer shot the 18-year-old boy in the bathroom of his own home as his grandmother and younger brother watched. During the trial the officer claimed that the teen had his hand in his waistband which led him to believe he was reaching for a weapon even though there was no weapon found at the scene. The boy was shot in the chest and died. His family received a $3.9 million settlement.
It's ridiculous we still have to face these types of stories on a regular basis. A new story of a shooting of an unarmed black male should not pop up in the news every week. Our police officers, who are meant to be keepers of the peace, are killing innocents on an alarmingly regular basis. This can be synthesized to the injustice police officers served during Civil Rights protests during the fifties and sixties. As is happening now, they used unnecessary and cruel force to contain people who mean no harm. Everyone needs to learn to treat situations with a calm and sensitive mind.
Alyssa Sartuche - slave songs
Summary: "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" is the most well known african american spiritual songs. It has been the adopted anthem of England's rugby union team.This song is believed to be a coded message for the slaves that were seeking in the underground railroad. The slaves wished for freedom while this sort team just most just most likely wants to win.
Analysis: Overall this looks very disrespectful to all the slaves that suffered everyday. In England this song is song by mostly whites for cheering a team on. Clearly when you listen to the lyrics it talks about suffering and nothing about winning.
Analysis: Overall this looks very disrespectful to all the slaves that suffered everyday. In England this song is song by mostly whites for cheering a team on. Clearly when you listen to the lyrics it talks about suffering and nothing about winning.
SUMMARYAn appeals court refused a request for an emergency order made by two Native American tribes that would have stopped oil from flowing through the Dakota Access Pipeline. The decision by the U.S. court of appeals for the District of Columbia circuit means the pipeline could begin full operation as soon as Monday. The order was filed by the Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Sioux tribes, and it asked the judge to order the Army Corps of Engineers to withdraw permission it granted the pipeline’s owner to build beneath North Dakota’s Lake Oahe until a lawsuit over the matter is resolved. Judge James Boasberg’s ruling said the appeal failed to meet the “stringent requirements” needed for an immediate injunction.
ANALYSIS: This is just straight up racism. These people were gonna do something good and lets be honest. of these were white men, nothing wouldve been refused. They wouldve even been praised. You know thats true.
SYNTHESIS: This can be compared to the trump immogration law that was refused in court too.
ANALYSIS: This is just straight up racism. These people were gonna do something good and lets be honest. of these were white men, nothing wouldve been refused. They wouldve even been praised. You know thats true.
SYNTHESIS: This can be compared to the trump immogration law that was refused in court too.
runaway cop-Karina Enriquez
A while back in the year of 2012 a police officer from the area of New York had killed a teenager with a gun shot. This did not only stood out because of the killing of the young teen but also because it was the rising of the idea of black lives matter for the teenager was indeed an african american. Graham,18 year old, was shot in his own bathroom due to a suspicion of reaching for a weapon. Now the jury service had its final investigation and was due to have to fire this police officer . Haste, police officer, decided to resign days before this case finished and his closure as officer was going to be forced upon him.
This post was written by Azadeh Anasari for CNN news on March 27,2017. This was the first time i heard about this incident but not the first time i heard about incidents like these. Our community keeps getting better but as soon as something good happens. we take about ten steps back with incidents like these.
A while back in the year of 2012 a police officer from the area of New York had killed a teenager with a gun shot. This did not only stood out because of the killing of the young teen but also because it was the rising of the idea of black lives matter for the teenager was indeed an african american. Graham,18 year old, was shot in his own bathroom due to a suspicion of reaching for a weapon. Now the jury service had its final investigation and was due to have to fire this police officer . Haste, police officer, decided to resign days before this case finished and his closure as officer was going to be forced upon him.
This post was written by Azadeh Anasari for CNN news on March 27,2017. This was the first time i heard about this incident but not the first time i heard about incidents like these. Our community keeps getting better but as soon as something good happens. we take about ten steps back with incidents like these.
Izzy Brown- Netflix New Movie"Death Note", Another Example of Media Whitewashing
Summary: Netflix has just announced their next film and has received many negative feedback. They have taken the manga and anime "Death Note" and have made an American live action. But what has people giving it backlash is the severe lack of Asian representation. The lead in the film, Light, is played by Nat Wolf, a white actor, and L who is played by Lakeith Stanfield. Many have gone to media to spread their disappointment and annoyance.
Analysis/Synthesis: What has many people upset over this is how there is already a lack in Asian representation in movies, shows, etc. It doesn't make sense to not cast a very inclusive Asian cast when it's a Japanese to American adaptation, the only difference is it being based in America. Seeing that this is an Americanized film doesn't mean that most of the actors have to be white; because Asian-Americans do exist. Whitewashing is as prominent now as it was in back then in the 1900s (and beyond). An example of this is when white people wanted to enjoy the African Americans' music but it was a taboo in society so they would whitewash the music (via covers of songs) and water it down essentially.
Analysis/Synthesis: What has many people upset over this is how there is already a lack in Asian representation in movies, shows, etc. It doesn't make sense to not cast a very inclusive Asian cast when it's a Japanese to American adaptation, the only difference is it being based in America. Seeing that this is an Americanized film doesn't mean that most of the actors have to be white; because Asian-Americans do exist. Whitewashing is as prominent now as it was in back then in the 1900s (and beyond). An example of this is when white people wanted to enjoy the African Americans' music but it was a taboo in society so they would whitewash the music (via covers of songs) and water it down essentially.
Gracie Darlington: NYPD cop who killed unarmed teen quits before he's fired
New York police officer, Richard Haste, has resigned afterthe NYPD trial commissioner "found him guilty on all counts and recommended his employment be terminated." In 2012, Haste shot and killed 18-year-old Ramarley Graham. Graham, unarmed, was shot in front of his grandmother and 6-year-old brother in the bathroom of his home. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said that the trial of Haste "ended with the right decision -- termination."
This article was published to inform its readers of the outcomes of Haste's trial. The author is obviously sympathetic to Graham's wrongful death. Police brutality is an extremely relevant issue today, as more and more news stories of innocent young black men being fatally shot by white police officers pop up in the news. Stories like these are the reason that the Black Lives Matter movement is so important today.
This can relate back to the police brutality that occurred during the Civil Rights movement during the 1960s.
This article was published to inform its readers of the outcomes of Haste's trial. The author is obviously sympathetic to Graham's wrongful death. Police brutality is an extremely relevant issue today, as more and more news stories of innocent young black men being fatally shot by white police officers pop up in the news. Stories like these are the reason that the Black Lives Matter movement is so important today.
This can relate back to the police brutality that occurred during the Civil Rights movement during the 1960s.
Lauren Brady P4 3/27/17 North Korea Tests More Missiles
Over the last few months, North Korea has become bolder in its nuclear tests. On Friday, it conducted its third test in the last few weeks alone. The Friday test involved intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM). Said missiles have the capability of threatening America. Fortunately, the test proved the North Korea still has work to do to facilitate the missile head, such as producing better rockets and compacting the ICBMs so that the can be placed on a rocket. However, the tests have finally caught America's attention. For the first time, the US has placed F-35B fighters in South Korea as part of a training exercise. This shows an increase in awareness and action from the US regarding the North Korean nuclear threat.
I have posted many articles about the North Korean nuclear tests. I am glad to finally see some action on America's part, though my long-term goal is to see the implementation of THAAD, which would shoot down nuclear missiles, preventing an attack. What is discouraging, though, is how the turnaround between tests has become very short. Also, if North Korea were to perfect the ICBMs, America would be at a huge risk of nuclear attack, as would South Korea and Japan. ICBM technology first became available in the Cold War, leading to situations like the Cuban Missile Crisis.
I have posted many articles about the North Korean nuclear tests. I am glad to finally see some action on America's part, though my long-term goal is to see the implementation of THAAD, which would shoot down nuclear missiles, preventing an attack. What is discouraging, though, is how the turnaround between tests has become very short. Also, if North Korea were to perfect the ICBMs, America would be at a huge risk of nuclear attack, as would South Korea and Japan. ICBM technology first became available in the Cold War, leading to situations like the Cuban Missile Crisis.
high school student suspected of school shooting.
Gray Breidenbach
A high school student in Maryland has been detained after her parents informed local authorities that she might be planning a mass murder at her school. When police searched her home they found a shotgun and ammunition, along with materials for a pipe bomb. The 18-year-old has been taken into custody, and is undergoing evaluations at a local hospital.
incidents such as Columbine, are hard to forget when thats such a real situation. i cannot believe that someone would hate their school so much, and the people in it, to execute a mass murder like that. It just boggles my mind. Whether Nichole Cevario would have followed through with her plans, we fortunately will never truly know. I'm glad she was dealt with accordingly.
A high school student in Maryland has been detained after her parents informed local authorities that she might be planning a mass murder at her school. When police searched her home they found a shotgun and ammunition, along with materials for a pipe bomb. The 18-year-old has been taken into custody, and is undergoing evaluations at a local hospital.
incidents such as Columbine, are hard to forget when thats such a real situation. i cannot believe that someone would hate their school so much, and the people in it, to execute a mass murder like that. It just boggles my mind. Whether Nichole Cevario would have followed through with her plans, we fortunately will never truly know. I'm glad she was dealt with accordingly.
Kate Pinkerton - Cincinnati club shooting
Summary - There was a shooting in the Cameo nightclub in Cincinnati, Ohio. 16 people were injured and one person was killed. Cornell Beckley and Deondre Davis, who is in the hospital in critical condition, have murder charges against them. The club had security guards who had metal detector wands that everyone had to go through in order to enter into the night club, but people have managed to sneak weapons in. The club has had a history or violence in it in previous years. The attack wasn't terrorist related, just caused by a dispute between people.
Analysis - This is just another reason as to why there should be tighter gun control in the US. Almost weekly we hear about shooting in public places, whether caused by terrorist or just personal anger against other people. One of the people being charged was also in serous condition so I guess that's just karma for injuring other people. There has been an increasing problem of gun violence which I don't believe will be solved by letting everyone have guns (because there might be bears so they need guns in schools).
Analysis - This is just another reason as to why there should be tighter gun control in the US. Almost weekly we hear about shooting in public places, whether caused by terrorist or just personal anger against other people. One of the people being charged was also in serous condition so I guess that's just karma for injuring other people. There has been an increasing problem of gun violence which I don't believe will be solved by letting everyone have guns (because there might be bears so they need guns in schools).
Trump, Embattled in Washington, Recharges Among Fans in Kentucky-gray breidenbach
President Donald Trump, who was recently embattled in Washington, traveled to Kentucky to rally the folks there. He promised to keep terrorists out of the country, crack down on illegal immigration, and rewrite trade agreements. "America first" is what he told the people of Kentucky and the people of america. He also promised that he would undo President Obama's "disaster" of a health care plan, and to life emissions restrictions on coal fired power plants. Trump expressed his care for coal miners and how he was going to put them "back to work".
I think that Trump makes many promises, and statements that he will follow through with. Of course, in Kentucky, the people are on his side and they like his morals and values. I think it will be better without Obamacare. Trump and his cabinet will formulate an alternative healthcare system and people will have a way to afford healthcare. Legal immigrants will be exposed to a safer, more successful healthcare plan.
I think that Trump makes many promises, and statements that he will follow through with. Of course, in Kentucky, the people are on his side and they like his morals and values. I think it will be better without Obamacare. Trump and his cabinet will formulate an alternative healthcare system and people will have a way to afford healthcare. Legal immigrants will be exposed to a safer, more successful healthcare plan.
Elizabeth McCullough- Student suspected of planning a school shooting
Synopsis: A high school student in Maryland has been detained after her parents informed local authorities that she might be planning a mass murder at her school. When police searched her home they found a shotgun and ammunition, along with materials for a pipe bomb. The 18-year-old has been taken into custody, and is undergoing evaluations at a local hospital.
Analysis: With Sandy Hook so close in our rear view mirror, it's hard not to be paranoid about such attacks. Whether Nichole Cevario would have followed through with her plans, we fortunately will never truly know. I can't imagine the fear members of her community are experiencing. We always think, "that could never happen here," until the impossible becomes reality. Hearing about something like this makes you grateful and scared all at once. I hope I never have to hear of another school shooting in my lifetime. But I guess that's a lot to ask.
Synthesis: This news is eerily similar to the Columbine High School shooting in 1999. Two teens attending school there brought weapons into the school and planted bombs. It ended up being one of the worst school massacres in history, and by far one of the most infamous.
Analysis: With Sandy Hook so close in our rear view mirror, it's hard not to be paranoid about such attacks. Whether Nichole Cevario would have followed through with her plans, we fortunately will never truly know. I can't imagine the fear members of her community are experiencing. We always think, "that could never happen here," until the impossible becomes reality. Hearing about something like this makes you grateful and scared all at once. I hope I never have to hear of another school shooting in my lifetime. But I guess that's a lot to ask.
Synthesis: This news is eerily similar to the Columbine High School shooting in 1999. Two teens attending school there brought weapons into the school and planted bombs. It ended up being one of the worst school massacres in history, and by far one of the most infamous.
Hannah Howell- The Plastic Plague
Summary: The great Pacific Garbage Patch has become famous just like the Great Barrier Reef. But unlike the Reef, Its is a huge hotspot of marine waste created by spiral currents. Scientists have found 750000 microplastic pieces per kilometer. Plastic is such a durable material and can last up to centuries. The marine life here is truly suffering.
Analysis: It may not seem like a big deal that this one tiny spot in the ocean is riddled with garbage, but there are so many places like this. There are also many islands where the trash has piled up and it is effecting the human life there, too. Though there are many good actions being taken to help this problem (such as companies making their products with less plastic), there is still much to be done. Obviously, don't litter and be sure to recycle what you can. Using less plastic products will help our planet as a whole.
Analysis: It may not seem like a big deal that this one tiny spot in the ocean is riddled with garbage, but there are so many places like this. There are also many islands where the trash has piled up and it is effecting the human life there, too. Though there are many good actions being taken to help this problem (such as companies making their products with less plastic), there is still much to be done. Obviously, don't litter and be sure to recycle what you can. Using less plastic products will help our planet as a whole.
Dishonor On Disney-Leah Lara
After Disney announced it's plans to release an live-action Mulan film, it has been met with nothing but contervercy. At first, Disney reported casting a white actor to play Shang- but when fans protested, they quickly changed their tune. Now the the film is in danger of having no tune at all. After the directer of the film said " it will be a big girly fighting epic" with "no music", fans quickly voiced their outrage on twitter. Not including Mulan's famous soundtrack would be a huge mistake, and would be in a different approach that Disney's live action Beauty and the Beast which included all of the original film's music.
Seeing Disney whitewash and then half- ass one of the most beautiful Disney stories is heartbreaking. not only the older Disney fans who hate to see their childhood ruined, but it could effect young children who are waiting to see people that look like themselves on a big Hollywood screen. Most people don't realize just how much diverse characters in movies and T.V. shows can have a positive effect on children. When Walt Disney first founded Disney in 1928, I'm positive that he didn't foresee the greedy cash grabs that his company would be producing long after his death. I sincerely hope that Disney stays true to the original integrity of Mulan. Most importantly I hope that they will stop making easy live action versions of their old hits in order to make money- and start developing new ideas and stories like the real Disney that we all loved growing up.
Seeing Disney whitewash and then half- ass one of the most beautiful Disney stories is heartbreaking. not only the older Disney fans who hate to see their childhood ruined, but it could effect young children who are waiting to see people that look like themselves on a big Hollywood screen. Most people don't realize just how much diverse characters in movies and T.V. shows can have a positive effect on children. When Walt Disney first founded Disney in 1928, I'm positive that he didn't foresee the greedy cash grabs that his company would be producing long after his death. I sincerely hope that Disney stays true to the original integrity of Mulan. Most importantly I hope that they will stop making easy live action versions of their old hits in order to make money- and start developing new ideas and stories like the real Disney that we all loved growing up.
Anna Czyzewski - Bible and Rocks Thrown into Mosque Windows
Summary: At around 4 a.m. the Fort Collins Islamic Center was vandalized. Video footage shows a man throwing rocks and a Bible through the glass doors of the mosque. This attack has only been one of the many this year, the worst year on record of attacks on mosques due to bias. Regardless of the clues, police have not ruled it as a hate crime.
Analysis: The rise in hate crimes toward mosques can be connected the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers, and can also possibly be connected to the 2016 presidential election, in which the President elect had many Islamaphobic followers. If this attack was in fact a hate crime, it only goes to show how hypocritical and hateful people can be. Especially the people who believe they're in danger because of Islam.
Analysis: The rise in hate crimes toward mosques can be connected the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers, and can also possibly be connected to the 2016 presidential election, in which the President elect had many Islamaphobic followers. If this attack was in fact a hate crime, it only goes to show how hypocritical and hateful people can be. Especially the people who believe they're in danger because of Islam.
Jordyn Chapman-Two Girls Barred from United Flight for Wearing Leggings
Summary: Not only were two girls barred from a flight for wearing leggings, another was not allowed to board her plane from Denver to Minneapolis until she had changed into something else. “She’s forcing them to change or put dresses on over leggings or they can’t board,” Shannon Watts, who was at a gate at Denver International Airport, said on Twitter. “Since when does @united police women’s clothing?” United, responding to tweets about the incident tweeted that “United shall have the right to refuse passengers who are not properly clothed via our Contract of Carriage.” And added, “This is left to the discretion of the agents.” The airline’s passenger contract says for the safety of all passengers and crew members, the airline can refuse to let a passenger board if the passenger is “barefoot or not properly clothed.” Though they have this statement, the airline does not adequately define what falls under the category of "properly clothed." An internal policy for employees using the airline travel benefit, he said, specifically forbids leggings while traveling. It is unclear why United considers leggings to be inappropriate and whether other articles of clothing are barred under the policy. Social media exploded Sunday with users calling the incident horrendous, outrageous and nonsense. Several users asked why leggings aren’t proper clothing and promised to take their business — and leggings — to another airline. Many women wear leggings, yoga and athletic gear for comfort while traveling. “I have five kids: four of them are women. They wear yoga pants all of the time when flying,” said Watts in an email from aboard her flight. “I think this policy is arbitrary and sexist. It singles out women for their clothing and sexualizes little girls.”
Analysis: This article was written on March 26, 2017 by Luz Lazo and published under The Washington Post. Prior to reading this article, I knew nothing of the subject of restriction of dress code for a plane. Obviously you can't show up naked, but leggings are an entirely different ordeal. This article was written for air travelers to show a need for awareness in this "dress code" as well as make it known that there are some seriously questionable standards going on to play here.
Synthesis: You can connect this article to the second wave of feminism occurring from the time period between the 1960's up until the 1980's. It proved to be a time of questioning the status quo and western societal ideals about how women should be viewed and treated.
Analysis: This article was written on March 26, 2017 by Luz Lazo and published under The Washington Post. Prior to reading this article, I knew nothing of the subject of restriction of dress code for a plane. Obviously you can't show up naked, but leggings are an entirely different ordeal. This article was written for air travelers to show a need for awareness in this "dress code" as well as make it known that there are some seriously questionable standards going on to play here.
Synthesis: You can connect this article to the second wave of feminism occurring from the time period between the 1960's up until the 1980's. It proved to be a time of questioning the status quo and western societal ideals about how women should be viewed and treated.
Qiaunci Jones- US investigates Mosul air strikes.
Iraqi and US defense departments have launched investigations into a US-led coalition airstrike in Mosul that resulted in the deaths of 112 people. CNN's Michael Holmes spoke with Col. Joseph Scrocca about the incident.
This is similar to the attacks in desert countries. The world is getting dangerous and it reminds me of. Foreign policies for the US. America seems to always be in other countries business. We seem like we always want to help something.
Isabella Poscente- Insane birth story
Isabella Poscente- Insane birth story
Summary:Nicole McDonald gave birth to conjoined twins (at the head), Jadon and Anias. Nicole first held her son Jadon alone for the first time and was ecstatic. She said it was "one of the most profound moments of my life." This 27 hour long procedure made the parents overwhelmed with joy. Watching the video, that CNN provided, made me feel very bad for the parents and what they must have been going through during the very long procedure.
Anlysis/Synthesis:This article was written by Wayne Drash and posted on the CNN page. This is a positive effect on the audience because knowing something this miraculous is possible, just gives us hope for our world. I hope that Jadon and Anais recover and live healthy lives. This relates to many things in the past because conjoint twins is rare but is possible.
Summary:Nicole McDonald gave birth to conjoined twins (at the head), Jadon and Anias. Nicole first held her son Jadon alone for the first time and was ecstatic. She said it was "one of the most profound moments of my life." This 27 hour long procedure made the parents overwhelmed with joy. Watching the video, that CNN provided, made me feel very bad for the parents and what they must have been going through during the very long procedure.
Anlysis/Synthesis:This article was written by Wayne Drash and posted on the CNN page. This is a positive effect on the audience because knowing something this miraculous is possible, just gives us hope for our world. I hope that Jadon and Anais recover and live healthy lives. This relates to many things in the past because conjoint twins is rare but is possible.
Foregoing Anesthesia
Angelica Salazar
With advancements in society, there also is medical advancements that can be strange for the first view. Anesthesia helps people that undergo dangerous medical procedures, and in the article, the new trendy local anesthesia seems to interest some people. Local anesthesia is like general anesthesia, however, you are able to be aware of what is going on. You are wide awake, but can't feel a thing. This terrifies some people, but others may be curious. It is much cheaper, so it is advancing into the common treatment. Doctors, however may see this as an awkward and strange opportunity. To them, it feels much more safer and protective.
It's hard to comprehend the strategies doctors would use back then because compared to treatment advancements now. But knowing that you can be aware during the dangerous procedures, shoes how America's medical tactics are advancing widely
Emily McDougal - "It's OK to Throw Rocks at Girls" Billboard
Summary: A jewelry store in North Carolina recently put up a billboard that read "Sometimes it's OK to throw rocks at girls." The large sign was immediately very controversial around the city, especially after the last billboard that had been put up in North Carolina, which read "Real men provide. Real women appreciate it." There was immediate backlash towards Spicer Greene Jewelers, the store who had produced the sign. Many questioned the intention of a public statement such as the one they had produced. However, the jewelers quickly responded, stating that it had not been their intention in the slightest to imply that it was acceptable to throw rocks at women, or anyone. They claimed the billboard portrayed something they did not mean. The store has publicly stated that they will give 10% of all profits they made the previous week to a domestic violence shelter in the area.
Analysis: This article was published on March 27, 2017, by Doug Criss, to explain the recent events surrounding a controversial message that a jewelry store had produced. Before I had even read the article, I was ready to argue against the store and any excuses they made for such a terrible message. However, after reading, I truly believe that this was an honest mistake on the store's part. It seems as if they truly had no intention of offending or upsetting anyone, and their actions after the accusations pointed at them seem to imply this as well. This entire situation seems to have been quickly and efficiently taken care of, and I don't think it should be taken harshly on any account.
Synthesis: Controversial billboards have often been seen in the past, including those supporting political messages, such as an ad for a Mexican food restaurant that was put up in August of 2016. It read "the best Mexican food this side of the wall," and provoked uproar in the surrounding area.
Analysis: This article was published on March 27, 2017, by Doug Criss, to explain the recent events surrounding a controversial message that a jewelry store had produced. Before I had even read the article, I was ready to argue against the store and any excuses they made for such a terrible message. However, after reading, I truly believe that this was an honest mistake on the store's part. It seems as if they truly had no intention of offending or upsetting anyone, and their actions after the accusations pointed at them seem to imply this as well. This entire situation seems to have been quickly and efficiently taken care of, and I don't think it should be taken harshly on any account.
Synthesis: Controversial billboards have often been seen in the past, including those supporting political messages, such as an ad for a Mexican food restaurant that was put up in August of 2016. It read "the best Mexican food this side of the wall," and provoked uproar in the surrounding area.
There's a Hole in the Sky Like a Deep Black Pit and It's Filled With... New Stars??? - Cal Thompson, 1st period
The area in which a black hole resides has recently been observed as the birthplace of new stars. Black holes consume matter and discharge hot waves of gas (much like my father). This can provide the perfect conditions for star formation.
Black holes are ominous, looming, vilified culprits in today's society. They consume and consume and consume, in sci fi serving as inescapable obstacles that only bring death. However, they can also be harbingers of life.
Darkness in not the end. From death grows new life, and matter is constantly being changed and transformed and repurposed and born again.
officer quits before he is fired- Camryn Stafford
Richard Haste, a new york police officer, resigned on sunday before he was fired. Haste was on the verge of being fired after he shot Ramarley Graham during a 2012 chase and NYPD trial commissioner "found him guilty on all counts and recommended his employment be terminated." NYPD Police Commissioner James O'Neill is in full agreement with the findings and recommendations of action of the trial commissioner. The New York Mayor Bill de Blasio also agrees and posted on Facebook that it "ended with the right decision -- termination."Graham was fatally shot by Haste in the bathroom of his home after he ran to his home with officers following behind. The family of Ramarley Graham received a $3.9 million settlement in a wrongful death lawsuit against the city in 2015.
The author of this article, Azadeh Ansari, is known for writing a lot about minorities so she seems fit to weigh in on this topic. I've noticed that it has taken a long time for the decision to be made on the murder, considering the fact that Graham was shot five years ago and Haste is just now deciding to quit. However, There have been other racial injustices before and after this one so sadly this is no surprise. I feel that the article is significant because it shows that some of the policemen committing these actions are not oblivious to the fact that they are wrong, they know that what they are doing is not ok and still chose to do it. This can be synthesized to Richard. M. Nixon being involved in the watergate scandal and resigning before he was impeached.
Richard Haste, a new york police officer, resigned on sunday before he was fired. Haste was on the verge of being fired after he shot Ramarley Graham during a 2012 chase and NYPD trial commissioner "found him guilty on all counts and recommended his employment be terminated." NYPD Police Commissioner James O'Neill is in full agreement with the findings and recommendations of action of the trial commissioner. The New York Mayor Bill de Blasio also agrees and posted on Facebook that it "ended with the right decision -- termination."Graham was fatally shot by Haste in the bathroom of his home after he ran to his home with officers following behind. The family of Ramarley Graham received a $3.9 million settlement in a wrongful death lawsuit against the city in 2015.
The author of this article, Azadeh Ansari, is known for writing a lot about minorities so she seems fit to weigh in on this topic. I've noticed that it has taken a long time for the decision to be made on the murder, considering the fact that Graham was shot five years ago and Haste is just now deciding to quit. However, There have been other racial injustices before and after this one so sadly this is no surprise. I feel that the article is significant because it shows that some of the policemen committing these actions are not oblivious to the fact that they are wrong, they know that what they are doing is not ok and still chose to do it. This can be synthesized to Richard. M. Nixon being involved in the watergate scandal and resigning before he was impeached.
Madelyn Dean - In Health Bill’s Defeat, Medicaid Comes of Age
Medicaid was passed along with medicare by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1956. In modern times now, the amount of Americans in need of medicaid has surpassed the need for medicare. Part of the failure of the Republican Bill to rid of the affordable care act was the cuts directed towards medicaid. Trumps attempts to get rid of the Affordable Care Act have been unsuccessful due to lack of planning or better solution. Both Democrats and even Trumps own Republican party disprove of the bill and there is no chance in the near future that said bill shall be passed.
This article was written to inform the reader of the Republican parties actions and the governments standards meant for the protection of Americans. This began with the passing of Medicaid/Medicare for the protection of Americans by the government by president Lyndon B. Johnson.®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0
This article was written to inform the reader of the Republican parties actions and the governments standards meant for the protection of Americans. This began with the passing of Medicaid/Medicare for the protection of Americans by the government by president Lyndon B. Johnson.®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0
Jay'La Sims - Jupiter at opposition
SUMMARY: Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, will directly align with the Earth and the sun — to go outside and observe this massive gaseous world and its moon.This event is called an "opposition," simply because Jupiter will be directly opposite the sun in orbit. It's special because when celestial objects are directly opposite the sun, they appear brighter in the sky. And because Jupiter will be near its closest distance to the Earth this year, it will appear slightly bigger. Jupiter reaches opposition once every 13 months.
ANALYSIS: I love science. This can connect to NASA and it's beginning with U.S space history. I think this is very cool information and helps us see things from Earth. Jupiter in opposition is very interesting and I'm glad watching it is an even other people participate in.
ANALYSIS: I love science. This can connect to NASA and it's beginning with U.S space history. I think this is very cool information and helps us see things from Earth. Jupiter in opposition is very interesting and I'm glad watching it is an even other people participate in.
Liza Kaye: 300 billionaires live outside of their home country
Germany, India, and China are the three countries that produce the most billionaires in the world. However, the billionaires that are produced from these three countries often do not stick around. It turns out that 300 billionaires live in other countries, besides their home country. However, immigrants are often harassed and ridiculed. Immigrants are usually negatively looked upon, often thought of as stealing others' jobs and taking up needed space. However, it has shown that some of these immigrants are actually quite successful, and even more successful than those living in their home countries that these immigrants are migrating to. About half of Germany's billionaires are actually based in Switzerland. The billionaires from India have often moved within the United Kingdom. However, the United States is the most populous country for immigrant billionaires.
In recent and past history, immigrants were often looked down upon. However, a shift in attitude in regards to immigrants and their success levels may change after the news of their success and migration.
Germany, India, and China are the three countries that produce the most billionaires in the world. However, the billionaires that are produced from these three countries often do not stick around. It turns out that 300 billionaires live in other countries, besides their home country. However, immigrants are often harassed and ridiculed. Immigrants are usually negatively looked upon, often thought of as stealing others' jobs and taking up needed space. However, it has shown that some of these immigrants are actually quite successful, and even more successful than those living in their home countries that these immigrants are migrating to. About half of Germany's billionaires are actually based in Switzerland. The billionaires from India have often moved within the United Kingdom. However, the United States is the most populous country for immigrant billionaires.
In recent and past history, immigrants were often looked down upon. However, a shift in attitude in regards to immigrants and their success levels may change after the news of their success and migration.
Katie Haidet - Cincinnati Nightclub Shooting
Summary: Early on Sunday, several unidentified shooters opened fire at a Cincinnati nightclub. Officers said that they took the life of one person and wounded 15 others. The shooters escaped the melee at Club Cameo and they remained on the run Sunday. "Several local men got into some type of dispute inside the bar and it escalated into shots being fired from several individuals," police said. "As a result, there were 16 people that sustained gunshot injuries one of which is deceased." The motive for the shooting remains unclear, but police have said that there was no indication the attack was terrorism related.
Analysis: This article was published on CNN. When I came across this article my heart was hurting for the ones family who lost their live and the others wounded. More and more shootings, terrorist attacks, suicides, etc. keep happening. I will never understand how someone could wake into a place and start shooting at strangers. This article has reminded me of so many tragic events that have happened in the past year but especially the Orlando nightclub shooting. It happened in June of 2016 and devastated so many people worldwide.
DIY stands for "Die In Yemergencyroom". FMU stands for "From Meat Uverdose"
I love looking at nifty little videos of nifty little girls creating nifty little crafts that my un-nifty little ass could never accomplish... I've recently been watching a boatload of crafty videos, from the helpful-ish clothing hacks, to the diabetes-inducing food tutorials. I find myself thinking, "Yea, if I could just go pick up a small ladder, some twine, and some old cloths, I could make that cat tower! Neat-o!" I don't even have a cat. These are such useful tutorials... for other people. "Yea, I could make that long loaf of bread, with chicken, onions, and cheese baked into it! I'd be dead by the time I finished eating it, but golly gee, I sure would eat it!"
The blogpost is almost done, and I haven't thought of a main idea for it yet. It's either, "Let's plan a day for a shit-ton of people to get together, and make all of these crafty shits", OR it's "Fuck you @vibedegirl on Instagram, I can survive without you, and your bath bombs, and your mason jar holders, and your head scratchers, and your foods that will land me in the E.R. I WILL SURVIVE"
Wallis Brown
The blogpost is almost done, and I haven't thought of a main idea for it yet. It's either, "Let's plan a day for a shit-ton of people to get together, and make all of these crafty shits", OR it's "Fuck you @vibedegirl on Instagram, I can survive without you, and your bath bombs, and your mason jar holders, and your head scratchers, and your foods that will land me in the E.R. I WILL SURVIVE"
Wallis Brown
Trump's Approval Rating Drops due to "Trump Care"- Abby Pryor 8th
Donald Trump has always been unpopular amongst the people of America- but now his approval ratings have dropped even lower than before. Currently, it is at 40%, which is not good. Only 29% of the total surveyed Americans approve of President Trump. Although, this was before Trump tried to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with his own healthcare plan. He assured the American people that Obamacare would "explode" and his new "Trumpcare" would be 100% better. Most Americans however, didn't want this to happen- so the bill was pulled.
I think Obamacare has helped many people over the last 8 years. There is always a need for reform and new plans, but I do not trust the Trump administration to improve anything for anyone. It shows in the polls that the majority of the American people agree with that statement as well. I think his ratings will continue to drop as the years go on.
Donald Trump has always been unpopular amongst the people of America- but now his approval ratings have dropped even lower than before. Currently, it is at 40%, which is not good. Only 29% of the total surveyed Americans approve of President Trump. Although, this was before Trump tried to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with his own healthcare plan. He assured the American people that Obamacare would "explode" and his new "Trumpcare" would be 100% better. Most Americans however, didn't want this to happen- so the bill was pulled.
I think Obamacare has helped many people over the last 8 years. There is always a need for reform and new plans, but I do not trust the Trump administration to improve anything for anyone. It shows in the polls that the majority of the American people agree with that statement as well. I think his ratings will continue to drop as the years go on.
A European court's ruling about religious clothing could have unfortunate results. -Zia Bella Blair 7th
A European court recently issued a controversial ruling that effectively says employers can legally ban their employees from wearing religious symbols at work. And while the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling doesn't single out any one religion, the cases in question involved Samira Achbita, a Muslim woman who was fired from her job as a receptionist for wearing a hijab to work, and Asma Bougnaoui, a design engineer at an IT consultancy firm fired after a customer complained about her headscarf. In its ruling, the ECJ stated that companies are allowed to institute in-house rules prohibiting employees from wearing political, philosophical, or religious symbols, in order to project a neutral public image. And while it seems fair enough that a private company may not want to come off as endorsing the political or religious views of its employees, it comes at a time when anti-Muslim sentiment is reaching a fever pitch across Europe and North America. This ruling, while non-binding, sends a discouraging message that may come off as legitimizing anti-Muslim views. "It will lead to Muslim women being discriminated in the workplace, but also Jewish men who wear kippas, Sikh men who wear turbans, people who wear crosses. It affects all of them, but disproportionately Muslim women," Maryam H'madoun of the Open Society Justice Initiative told The Guardian. This article comes from Upworthiest. I think this is so wrong, no one should be discriminated against no matter what the intention.
Kiri Luckey
Kiri Luckey:
Teacher raises $80G to buy 650 bikes for entire school class
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. – A South Carolina teacher has raised more than $80,000 to buy 650 bicycles for every student in her school. Katie Blomquist teaches at Pepperhill Elementary in North Charleston. WCIV-TV reports she began her online fundraising campaign right after Labor Day last year with a goal of raising $65,000. Blomquist says she came up with the idea after a student told her that he wanted a bike, but his family couldn't afford one. The idea blossomed into a viral sensation and donors to the effort include major corporations and talk show host Steve Harvey. Blomquist surprised the kids Thursday morning by unveiling bikes in the school parking lot. She says the effort has become "more amazing" than she ever dreamed.
Synthesis: This is so sweet! Our generation needs to do more good and kindness like this teacher rather than going against eachother. At the end of the day we are all equal and deserve to be treated equal. This teacher has such a big heart and it was very kind of her to raise a fundraiser to buy all the kids bikes.
Maddie Gold-Slave songs sung for sports
One of the most recognized African-American spiritual Songs, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" has also been the adopted anthem of England's rugby union team, its haunting chorus a common echo in stadiums where the national team plays. Is it right that a slave-era song, one which is believed to be a coded message for those slaves seeking the underground railroad to freedom, is used to galvanize a national team to sporting glory?
This seems disrespectful to American history due to the suffering that African American people went through. lyrics which are about suffering and despair shouldn't be sung by thousands of England fans who are middle-class, and often white.
This seems disrespectful to American history due to the suffering that African American people went through. lyrics which are about suffering and despair shouldn't be sung by thousands of England fans who are middle-class, and often white.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Devyn Lemack- White Skittles
Near the end of March, Skittles decided to launch 'white' candy to inspire LGBTQ pride. They did this because "only one rainbow matters" as stated on the back of the skittles package. “Give the rainbow, taste the rainbow. All the lentils are white in celebration of Pride. Enjoy the mystery mix.” So they all still have their flavors, but you just don't know which one you are about to eat. Instead of getting good feedback, people hated and called Skittles racist for choosing white as the color for the candy meant to praise equality.
This was posted near the end of March, showing that this idea of the white Skittles is new. I honestly think it was a cute idea of supporting the LGBTQ community, but of course there had to be some hate. I think they just did white because when you take the color away, that is what they are. Prior to reading this article i saw this topic on twitter and wanted to see the skittles! This is a cute idea and i want to see how long it lasts!
Larissa Perez #4: Two Arrested in Cincinnati Nightclub Shooting
Summary: Last week in Cincinnati there was a Cameo nightclub shooting and in a result two men are being faced with murder charges. Police Chief Eliot K. Isaac says that it was a altercation in the nightclub that deteriorated into a fight. It is believed that there were many shots fired but so far they have only found 16 shell casings. According to the Mayor "the city must figure out a way to get guns off the streets and teach people not to resolve disputes with guns." He also said "We live in a city and a country where you should be able to go out and have a good time and not be terrorized by gun violence." That night one of the victims, Deondre Davis was shot and is now in critical condition, and his family his by his side hoping for the best.
Analysis: This was published by CNN on March 26, and was written by Shachar Peled, Joe Sutton, Jay Croft and Shawn Nottingham. First off this makes me really sad. What I found astonishing is that how people can go straight to violence so quickly, and sometimes over the smallest of things. This also reminded me of the Orlando shooting when I first read this. If this continues terrible things will happen unless something changes.
Audrey Gavitt- Cincinnati nightclub shooting
Summary- They came for a night of music and dancing. They left by fleeing past wounded clubgoers lying on a bloody floor. Shortly after 1 a.m. Sunday at the packed Cameo Night Club in Cincinnati, a DJ called for security over and over, one man recalled later. Four off-duty police officers were outside in the parking lot. Police officers investigate the crime scene at a Cincinnati nightclub. To get in, clubgoers had been searched for hidden weapons. Still, the witness told CNN affiliate WLWT that he heard about 20 gunshots in the club. One person was killed and 15 wounded. Police said several people had been able to sneak guns into the club and they believe more than one person was involved in the shooting. They said it might have developed from a dispute that started earlier in the day. The shooting was not related to terrorism, authorities said. Police identified the slain man as O'Bryan Spikes, 27. Several victims were undergoing surgery, Cincinnati Police Sgt. Eric Franz told CNN Sunday morning. Police do not have any suspects in custody but are interviewing witnesses.
Analysis- This was published by CNN on March 26 and written by Jay Croft, Shawn Nottingham and Joe Sutton. This event reminded me of the Orlando shooting in June 2016. Although the event at the pulse night club in Orlando was much more of a tragic event then this one they are still similar. The fact that things like this continue to happen is horrible and something needs to be done to stop it.
Analysis- This was published by CNN on March 26 and written by Jay Croft, Shawn Nottingham and Joe Sutton. This event reminded me of the Orlando shooting in June 2016. Although the event at the pulse night club in Orlando was much more of a tragic event then this one they are still similar. The fact that things like this continue to happen is horrible and something needs to be done to stop it.
Rachel Bozalis - Recent US Airstrikes in Iraq have lead to many civilian deaths
Recently, a series of air attacks by the US in Mosul, Iraq have left many civilians dead. Mosul is the main stronghold of ISIS in Iraq, and the US has been fighting with Iraqi officials to regain control of the city since 2014 when it was taken over. ISIS has about 600,000 civilians trapped in the old city, which has narrow streets and crowded buildings, making it incredibly difficult to attack from the air. The US advocates strongly for zero civilian deaths, however this is not very important to ISIS, who commonly uses human shields and hides out in protected areas like schools and neighborhoods. On March 17, a truck filled with explosives, which was reportedly left by ISIS officials, was struck during an airstrike, killing around 200 civilians. Details like who detonated the truck and whether or not it was from the air are mostly unknown, as most of those who witnessed the attack are now dead. Regardless of who instigated the explosion, the US has decided to try to use different tactics to ensure that civilians are kept safe.
The war on terror in the middle east has created massive amounts of stress for all areas of the world, especially (obviously), the middle east. I love that the US values the citizens there and does their best to keep them safe and away from conflicts. That being said, the confusion on how the car was detonated makes them look very unorganized, as they are unable to provide any answer as to whether or not it was them. Regardless of what happened, I hope that this conflict ends soon and does not turn into another Cold War, where tension over communism lasted for almost forty years (1950s- 1990s) . In the US, many fear those of middle eastern descent, just as they feared communism during the red scare. People are quick to make assumptions, be they negative or positive, about others as soon as they see them. I hope that the negative stigma around those from the middle east is soon eradicated and people can once again feel safe, both here in the US and in the middle east.
The war on terror in the middle east has created massive amounts of stress for all areas of the world, especially (obviously), the middle east. I love that the US values the citizens there and does their best to keep them safe and away from conflicts. That being said, the confusion on how the car was detonated makes them look very unorganized, as they are unable to provide any answer as to whether or not it was them. Regardless of what happened, I hope that this conflict ends soon and does not turn into another Cold War, where tension over communism lasted for almost forty years (1950s- 1990s) . In the US, many fear those of middle eastern descent, just as they feared communism during the red scare. People are quick to make assumptions, be they negative or positive, about others as soon as they see them. I hope that the negative stigma around those from the middle east is soon eradicated and people can once again feel safe, both here in the US and in the middle east.
Maggie Gibson Trump Offers No Apology for Claim on British Spying
Trump provoked a public dispute with Britain after he aired a baseless claim that Britain spied on him during his campaign on behalf of Barack Obama. British officials, outraged at the claim, denied the claim and made senior White House officials promise to never repeat it. President Trump didn't back down from the claim - he said he was just repeating a claim from a Fox News commentator. Mr. Trump has also stepped on the toes of quite a few other foreign countries in his time as president, such as Germany, Mexico, Australia, Sweden, and China. Britain's angry response came from Trump repeatedly accusing President Obama of tapping his phones, despite the lack of evidence.Trump said he was just quoting a Fox news commentator, and that they should talk to Fox. Mr. Spicer, representing Trump as the White House spokesperson, issued a statement saying they didn't regret the original statement. The spokesperson for the British ambassador issued a statement that the White House administration understood how ludicrous these claims were that the were not to be repeated. However, an anonymous White House official said Mr. Spicer refused to offer an apology to the ambassador. Fellow Republicans are starting to see Mr. Trump's stubbornness as an obstacle to their policy goals.With Britain as one of the closest allies to the United States, Trump's stubbornness could hurt the US's relationship with them. Mr. Trump's comment touched a nerve at GCHQ, the Britain's Government Communications Headquarters. In response, the agency denied the claims as "nonsense" and "utterly ridiculous."
The author was biased against Mr. Trump - pointing out all the negatives and all the mistakes Trump made. However, I do agree with the author. Trump's "America first" and non-apologetic attitude has done more harm than help. He has offended one of our most important allies, and could have done much worse, if Britain weren't so apologizing. Foreign policy is not something that Mr. Trump can just dismiss. Synthesis: WWI, being caused by political turmoil and alliances
The author was biased against Mr. Trump - pointing out all the negatives and all the mistakes Trump made. However, I do agree with the author. Trump's "America first" and non-apologetic attitude has done more harm than help. He has offended one of our most important allies, and could have done much worse, if Britain weren't so apologizing. Foreign policy is not something that Mr. Trump can just dismiss. Synthesis: WWI, being caused by political turmoil and alliances
Putin Meets Marianne LePen -Kate Kahle
French Conservative presidential frontrunner Marianne LePen, who is problematic for many reasons already, just met with Putin at the Kremlin in Russia. A Russian PR person told the media that Putin is not trying to influence the French election, but has the right to communicate with french politicians. LePen has often criticized the EU's sanctions against Russia, calling them "Unfair". She openly wants stronger relations between Russia and France, and has been criticized for taking out loans from Russian banks. LePen has also said a referendum on France's membership in the EU would recalled within 6 months of her election.
Ok so obviously this is just not the worlds time for progressive politics. The interconnectedness and neighborly feeling there has been in Europe, and pretty much all of the developed world in the last few decades is obviously coming to a close, first with Trump, and now with the impending election of Marianne LePen and her call to leave the EU, which could be like another Brexit. The French election is also in danger of being swayed by Russia in the same ways that the American election was (possibly) swayed.
Ok so obviously this is just not the worlds time for progressive politics. The interconnectedness and neighborly feeling there has been in Europe, and pretty much all of the developed world in the last few decades is obviously coming to a close, first with Trump, and now with the impending election of Marianne LePen and her call to leave the EU, which could be like another Brexit. The French election is also in danger of being swayed by Russia in the same ways that the American election was (possibly) swayed.
Mikenzie Moon, "Two Girls Barred From United Flight For Wearing Leggings"
Summary: Two girls who boarded a flight were barred for wearing leggings on a United Plane. Shannon Watts said on twitter, "since when does @united police women's clothing?" United responded that it was their 5th rule in the passage's contract that passengers should not be barefoot and be properly dressed. The policy doesn't specifically address legging so can confuse passengers. Social Media exploded Sunday, passengers said they'll take their business and leggings elsewhere.
Anyalsis/Synthesis: I think this is crazy when I was on a Southwest Flight last week I wore leggings there and back. They are a very comfortable option especially if you want to sleep, jeans or a dress are not a comfortable resulting in a not as pleasant flight experience. I don't think airline should choose what women can and can not wear. This is similar to the 20s when flappers cut there hair, raised the dresses, and danced. Women should be able to wear what they want on a plan especially something as common as yoga pants.
Anyalsis/Synthesis: I think this is crazy when I was on a Southwest Flight last week I wore leggings there and back. They are a very comfortable option especially if you want to sleep, jeans or a dress are not a comfortable resulting in a not as pleasant flight experience. I don't think airline should choose what women can and can not wear. This is similar to the 20s when flappers cut there hair, raised the dresses, and danced. Women should be able to wear what they want on a plan especially something as common as yoga pants.
Cincinnati nightclub shooting: One killed, 15 injured by Macey Kanaman 8th Period
Summary: Around 1am Sunday morning in the Cameo Night Club in Cincinnati many were wounded and a life was lost. Before entering the club, everyone is checked for any weapons with an electric wand. However, multiple were able to sneak in weapons. Some believe this shooting was the cause of an earlier dispute, yet the motive is still unclear. Many witnesses are being interviewed but no suspects are in custody.
Analysis: This is really sad to hear about. People go to the extremes over such small things. What amazes me is how these people were able to sneak guns into the club, especially with four police officers serving as security. I want to relate this to when everyone used to carry guns all the time and it was acceptable. People were used to seeing guns all the time and I can only imagine all the terrible accidents and or violence that happened since they were so easily accessible. Now, its not as likely to see guns everywhere and usually people are wary when they see people carrying them openly which is expected. I hope that somehow we can prevent these violent acts from happening again.
Analysis: This is really sad to hear about. People go to the extremes over such small things. What amazes me is how these people were able to sneak guns into the club, especially with four police officers serving as security. I want to relate this to when everyone used to carry guns all the time and it was acceptable. People were used to seeing guns all the time and I can only imagine all the terrible accidents and or violence that happened since they were so easily accessible. Now, its not as likely to see guns everywhere and usually people are wary when they see people carrying them openly which is expected. I hope that somehow we can prevent these violent acts from happening again.
kiana sanderson
summery:TROY, Ill. Anti-gun hysteria hit a disturbing new low this week in one Illinois town, when 4-year-old Hunter Jackson was suspended from preschool for bringing a harmless object an empty shell casing to school.The boy had put it in his pocket without his mother knowing.Hunter was suspended from A Place to Grow Preschool for seven days because he brought a spent .22 caliber bullet casing to school. The preschool had previously given Jackson a letter saying her son would be disciplined for pretending he was shooting things on the playground. The preschool also called the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
synthesis:On April 20, 1999, two teens went on a shooting spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, killing 13 people and wounding more than 20 others before turning their guns on themselves and committing suicide. The crime was the worst high school shooting in U.S. history and prompted a national debate on gun control and school safety. Because of this, something so small such as a bullet casing can really put up a red flag when a child this young has access to something that could be potentially dangerous
Madilyn Weems - A Rise of Feminism

In this article is discusses how a woman named Julia Busato breaks the stereotype of women by capturing photos of all body figures with a mannequin of a “perfect” female body. This movement is designed to give the bird to all women and men who believe in the old, house wife, women days where no women can be their own hero or have a figure that isn’t a tall, thin stick. I love this because it recaptures the feminist waves of women fighting for their rights in society, and telling men to “F- Off!”
Skyler Tepedino - Canadians Adopted Refugee Families for a Year...Then came Month 13
Canada has embraced and adopted the Syrian refugees like no other country, they were in for a nice run, but it would be hard at the end of that year. Some Canadians have adopted thousands of Syrian families giving them a new chance and helping them get on their feet again. They are only allowed to stay with them for one year and then they have to be let go and find their new path. As 2016 comes to an end and 2017 begins, the yearlong commitments begin to die, the new question now is "Month 13, when the Syrians would try to stand on their own." That was the common question the Canadians had when that time came. Liz Stark, a retired teacher, she adopted this family of four and took care of them and basically treated them as family. Even referred to them as grandparents, parents, and children. But this family's deadline was comping up soon and in two weeks the sponsorship agreement would sadly come to an end for them. They would no longer manage the newcomers' bank account and budget. Liz Stark got them an apartment and is now removing her name for the lease so now it is just theirs. S step closer into living on their own. One of her most crucial tasks was to make the Syrian family understand how the US bank system works and teaching them how to handle the American system. The Syrian family eventually settled in, but they did have thoughts of going back and not going through with the Canadian lifestyle.
Overall reading this article it made my heart sad. The Syrian family almost went back to the horrid place they just came from because some people aren't open to something new which made them afraid. But when I meet Canadians and after spending a week with them, really showed me how nice and welcoming they were to my family and I. Maybe the people they met or the area that they were in wasn't very nice and open to the fact that they are going to start living here. This can be tied back to when immigrants would escape from Iran or Iraq. The immigrants would have to stay with someone after they escaped or started running. They all needed a place to hide, and those people who let them into their homes are very giving people. That probably impacted and helped their lives out so much, and that is what the Canadians are doing. This story had so many emotions happy and sad ones. But in the end the Syrian family turned out well and they are off to a new start and a new life.®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0
Canada has embraced and adopted the Syrian refugees like no other country, they were in for a nice run, but it would be hard at the end of that year. Some Canadians have adopted thousands of Syrian families giving them a new chance and helping them get on their feet again. They are only allowed to stay with them for one year and then they have to be let go and find their new path. As 2016 comes to an end and 2017 begins, the yearlong commitments begin to die, the new question now is "Month 13, when the Syrians would try to stand on their own." That was the common question the Canadians had when that time came. Liz Stark, a retired teacher, she adopted this family of four and took care of them and basically treated them as family. Even referred to them as grandparents, parents, and children. But this family's deadline was comping up soon and in two weeks the sponsorship agreement would sadly come to an end for them. They would no longer manage the newcomers' bank account and budget. Liz Stark got them an apartment and is now removing her name for the lease so now it is just theirs. S step closer into living on their own. One of her most crucial tasks was to make the Syrian family understand how the US bank system works and teaching them how to handle the American system. The Syrian family eventually settled in, but they did have thoughts of going back and not going through with the Canadian lifestyle.
Overall reading this article it made my heart sad. The Syrian family almost went back to the horrid place they just came from because some people aren't open to something new which made them afraid. But when I meet Canadians and after spending a week with them, really showed me how nice and welcoming they were to my family and I. Maybe the people they met or the area that they were in wasn't very nice and open to the fact that they are going to start living here. This can be tied back to when immigrants would escape from Iran or Iraq. The immigrants would have to stay with someone after they escaped or started running. They all needed a place to hide, and those people who let them into their homes are very giving people. That probably impacted and helped their lives out so much, and that is what the Canadians are doing. This story had so many emotions happy and sad ones. But in the end the Syrian family turned out well and they are off to a new start and a new life.®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0
Las Vegas Strip Closed- Abbey Winiger
SUMMARY- On Saturday evening there was a shooting on the Las Vegas Strip. The shooter was apprehended without struggle and brought to the attention of authorities immediately. The shooting occurred on a bus with one of the men only sustaining major injuries. The victims were on the bus for one hour while negotaiating terms were being worked out. They closed down a massive street area due to the shooting. The man sureendered and a SWAT vehicle showed up to see his handgun which he was possessing. At this time there is no information about the killer or the victims, although someone on the scene said it was not an act of terrorism.
ANALYSIS/SYNTHESIS- Before reading this article I had heard of the streets in Las Vegas closing but not the reason. This is so scary to think that maybe the shooter just choose to do this violent act randomly. Hopefully he will punished by the full extent of the law, and that the families and those affected are safe.
Kyla Thomas- Risky surgery separates 10-month-old from parasitic twin
Summary: This article is about a small infant child, Dominique, who was born with a parasitic twin. Before the removal surgery, Dominique had her parasitic twin's waist, legs and feet growing out of her back. Dominique was also born with two spines that were closely connected. On a good note, there was a family who could help Dominique get the surgery that she needed to survive. The Swabb family gladly welcomed Dominique in their home and took her in as their own. "Baby Dominique is so affectionate and receives love so well, so we knew right away that she comes from a loving family," Swabb said. "She's bubbly, funny, spirited, full of smiles, and has the brightest, happy eyes." The surgery process was described as very complex and it required 5 surgeons and over 50 physicians to remove the excess limbs. In the end Dominque recovered well and she was even sitting up and sticking her tongue out the next day. The Swabb family said that they are really looking forward to Dominique seeing her blood family very soon.
Analysis: This story is very heart-warming. In the United States or in the world period, parasitic twins are not very common which makes this case so worthy of writing about. I am overjoyed that the child made it out alive and I am extremely happy that such a compassionate family, such as the Swabb family, were kind enough to care for a child that was not biologically their own. In relation to history, this story reminds me of the Zika virus outbreak, which was first identified in a Ugandan forest in 1947. These stories are similar in the fact that they both effected newborn babies. Although scientist are now discovering was that the Zika virus to be cured, there has not yet been a discovery of a cure for a birth defect such as a parasitic twin.
Brittney Delpey: A Boy Had Child Services Called on Him for Finding A Bullet Casing and Bringing It to School
This was written by Daniel Jennings on "Off the Grid News". A boy in a small town in Illinois found a bullet casing and brought it to school, landing him a 7-say suspension and a warning that if his infatuation with guns continued he would be expelled. He had had previous demerits for having pretended he was shooting things on the playground, but his mother is furious at the accusation that she believed could have happened to any other student. The school has since alerted child services of his misbehavior and the mother is having to face the consequences. This shows a high point of anti-gun sentiments as more people are growing more and more afraid of guns as mass shootings are on the rise. With this much anti-gun I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more legislation that adds more regulations and restrictions when it comes to guns.
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