Monday, May 23, 2016

Virginia Transphobic School District- Carlos Joglar


In a unanimous vote, the Grayson County School Board in Virginia has voted to require students to use the bathrooms of their biological gender. The law is designed to prevent transgender students from using the bathroom that they feel match their gender identities. The law was passed despite the fact that Kelly Wilmore, the school's superintendent, has reported that no transgender students are currently enrolled in the school. The vote contradicts the Obama administration's declaration that students have the right to choose which bathroom they enter.

At Booker T, we are fortunate enough to allow our students to choose whichever bathrooms they identify with, and for students who don't stick with a gender identity, there are available bathrooms that only require a counselor's permission for access. Unfortunately, other schools are not as open minded as we are. This is obviously out of transphobia and discrimination, because if no transgender students are reported to attend the school, why would they feel the need to pass the law? Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it, and it seems apparent that these people forgot about the civil rights movement in the 50's and 60's. Just as there were segregated bathrooms, now people are trying to force people into bathrooms they don't feel comfortable in. We need to move past this as a society. People will keep fighting for their rights, so be on the right side of history or get trampled.

1 comment:

  1. honestly, just let the kids go to the freaking bathroom! does it REALLY matter which one?? - kenley Turner
