Amber Gray lost her ring in the dressing room of an Old Navy a week before Christmas. She left her information with the store, so that if they found it they could contact her. During the week though the information ended up misplaced and a cleaning person had found the ring. The ring was given to the store and an image of Gray was released. Soon after the image had been posted WMTW on Facebook, Gray was tracked down and she will soon get her ring back.
This isn't the first time I've heard of people getting lost items back through Facebook. Even though a lot of people argue that social networking sites are bad, they can still prove to be useful. Lost items can be returned, old and lost friends can be found, and important news can spread fast with the help of social networks. It took a lot longer for information to spread out earlier in history.
Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Donating Organs Makes a Bond - Elvira Gamboa
Marsha Johnson received a kidney from deceased donor Rayna Hernandez. She also developed a close relationship with the donors parents, Alberto and Cynthia Hernandez. They've developed a close and almost familial bond with each other over the donation of a kidney. Marsha even has a close relationship with Rayna's six year-old child. Alberto and Cyntia have also become donors.
It's interesting to see how a medical procedure has brought people who were strangers closer. It's shows how much easier it is that people can communicate with each other and bond over something you wouldn't think people would usually bond over.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Tainted Apples - Elvira Gamboa
Tainted caramel apples have been consumed by many people and at least five have died. The apples are infected with a bacteria known as listeria monocytogenes. There are also nine pregnant women who have been infected, pregnant women are more susceptible to this bacteria, and three children are infected as well.
Even though we have progressed a lot through medical science and protection from germs, we still have to be careful of what we eat. We can still get terribly sick if we ingest something dangerous like bacteria.
Even though we have progressed a lot through medical science and protection from germs, we still have to be careful of what we eat. We can still get terribly sick if we ingest something dangerous like bacteria.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Expansions - Alyssa Hamilton
The US factories, a large part of daily life in America. Not only do they provide what you find in your house, but for many they also provide jobs. The US manufacturing sector is still continuing to expand, which should be a good thing, but its growth rate hit an 11-month low, possibly causing mayhem in the industry. While the people in charge of this assure the public that it is okay, and is being handled, they have said that the data serves as a warning light to many that the fourth quarter is very likely to see a weakening in result.
Factories have always been a large part of the economy of the US, in the past when the factory business was just starting up the invention of interchangeable parts made the switch to larger factories easier and more effortless. Hopefully an event much like this will take place soon to pull the US manufacturing sector out of their slump.
Factories have always been a large part of the economy of the US, in the past when the factory business was just starting up the invention of interchangeable parts made the switch to larger factories easier and more effortless. Hopefully an event much like this will take place soon to pull the US manufacturing sector out of their slump.
Disappearing - Alyssa Hamilton
Private cancer specialists in the United States have started disappearing. This leaves the patients high and dry and out for the worst, left without a doctor to finish treatments. Since 2008 over 313 independent practices have closed and 359 have been facing financial difficulties. If the problem continues to persist we may be left without easy access to treatment for cancer. Making fighting that battle even more difficult.
This can relate back to medical care in the United States. We've had issues in the past obtaining quick and correct medical treatment, back in the days of the civil war medical experts thought that it was a good thing when a wound had puss and would often leave it, causing infections in the wounds. Without the correct medical care the private cancer specialists give, hope for fighting cancer and winning is bleak.
This can relate back to medical care in the United States. We've had issues in the past obtaining quick and correct medical treatment, back in the days of the civil war medical experts thought that it was a good thing when a wound had puss and would often leave it, causing infections in the wounds. Without the correct medical care the private cancer specialists give, hope for fighting cancer and winning is bleak.
Drone Strike - Alyssa Hamilton
The United States has had some shady affairs with drone strikes in the past, especially in the middle east concerning Zawahiri. However, a new analysis of the data shows that even when operators target specific people or places, narrowing it down as much as possible, they still end up taking out much more then should be allowed. Many cases also require more then one strike, killing a large amount more then necessary. Studies show that the US has targeted almost 41 men and in the process 1,147 more died.
This unnecessary blood loss is a lot like the Civil war, in the United States when the North and the South turned on each other it was the bloodiest war in US history. Killing a record number of people, just over a fight about slavery. This unnecessary blood loss shows the lengths with which the US is willing to go to get what they want, and this isn't very comforting.
This unnecessary blood loss is a lot like the Civil war, in the United States when the North and the South turned on each other it was the bloodiest war in US history. Killing a record number of people, just over a fight about slavery. This unnecessary blood loss shows the lengths with which the US is willing to go to get what they want, and this isn't very comforting.
Rising Hope - Alyssa Hamilton
Drawing all eyes back to the house market sales and expectations have increased this month. Buying homes has always been a struggle, the market is never right and houses are just to expensive, or at least the land they're sitting on is. But now sales conditions have increased for the better according to MFR. However on the other hand, although sales have increased, prices have as well, still making it difficult to attain your own place.
While this current event may not seem very exciting among the midst of the others, I think it is a key event to link back to history. In the past the New World was all new land, unsettled and cheap. Without paying more then 25 dollars you could own acres worth of land. Now you pay thousands for square feet.
While this current event may not seem very exciting among the midst of the others, I think it is a key event to link back to history. In the past the New World was all new land, unsettled and cheap. Without paying more then 25 dollars you could own acres worth of land. Now you pay thousands for square feet.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
"Obama: US re-establishing relations with Cuba" by Alex Norton 4th Period
President Barack Obama announced the re-establishment of diplomatic relations with Cuba on Wednesday and declared an end to America's "outdated approach" to the communist island in a historic shift aimed at ending a half-century of Cold War enmity.Cuban President Raul Castro addressed his country saying that the Cuba and the United States still have differences but they are going to have to learn to live together. Obama aims to expand economic ties with Cuba, open an embassy in Havana, send high-ranking U.S. officials to visit and review Cuba's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. The U.S. also is easing restrictions on travel to Cuba, including for family visits, official U.S. government business and educational activities. But tourist travel remains banned.
Obama's actions was an abrupt use of executive power, but he couldn't end the U.S. economic cargo on Cuba.
Read more about it here:
This is one of the reasons the united states set up their government in a way that doesn't allow absolute power, because people will just make huge decisions
Obama's actions was an abrupt use of executive power, but he couldn't end the U.S. economic cargo on Cuba.
Read more about it here:
This is one of the reasons the united states set up their government in a way that doesn't allow absolute power, because people will just make huge decisions
Passengers injured on a turbulent American Airlines flight by: Jonell Williams, 2nd Period

An American Airlines plane-- a Boeing 777-- has made a safety landing in Narita, Japan after experiencing high turbulence with accompanied injury in the cabin. Flight 280 was departing from Seoul, South Korea to Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas when a severe winter storm caused the plane to make an emergency landing. Fourteen were examined for injury and out of the fourteen, four passengers and one crew member were sent to local hospitals for treatment. The 240 passenger plus 15 crew plane won't be leaving Japan until Wednesday, because of blizzard warnings in the northern and western part of the country and a developing storm east of Japan causing severe turbulence.
This is an actually surprising turn of events because people actually got injured by turbulence. The Boeing planes have been a usual suspect of plane troubles or just bad luck. In a previous article I reviewed, a Boeing 757 made an emergency landing because of a blown air-duct, but weather is an unavoidable consequence of flight, and any plane would have shaken and injured its passengers. Hopefully the passengers will be okay and depart in a timely manner back to Texas.
Northern white rhino dies at San Diego Zoo: by Jonell Williams, 2nd Period
A male Northern white rhino died at the San Diego Zoo last Sunday, and there are only five left in the world. "Last year, the International Union for Conservation of Nature declared the northern white rhino as 'teetering on the brink of extinction'", and their high risk of poaching, primarily for buyers in the East Asia market, have made their number dwindle, because just their horns can sell for tens of thousands of dollars. Angalifu's (44) passing has made Nola (elderly female northern white rhino) and a few others rhinos in a wildlife conservative in Kenya the last five Northern white rhinos. Not to be confused with the Southern white rhino.
The mass extinction of the northern white rhinos reminds me of the mass killing of the buffalo on America's Great Plains by white settlers. The mass amounts of buffalo were so plentiful that settlers could shoot them freely from their trains to keep the buffalo from stopping the railroad and just for fun. Settlers often left the rest of the beast to rot in the middle of the plain just to get their pelts. Soon they would rot and their bones were used for fertilizer. Unlike the killings by settlers, Native Americans killed the buffalo and used every single part of its body, until it was completely consumed. Attitudes towards certain animals because of their fur or horns have lead to mass changes of the environment and ecosystem, and the animals unfortunate demise.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Ipod Project -Pearson Chambers 4th
In 2006 Dan Cohen came up with the idea to take unused iPod, and donate them to those who suffer from Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia. It customizes playlists that link to the persons past, and has proven to spark memories linked to the music the person lived around. In 2010 Cohen created Music & Memory, an organization where people can donate used iPod's for senior citizens in need for them. His goal is to 1 million music players.
This is a really creative idea that's beneficial to people who are suffering from the disease. I think this is a good example of the arts and science beautifully collaborating to make one cohesive solution to a problem. Abstract ideas like these would never have come to fruition in earlier centuries.
This is a really creative idea that's beneficial to people who are suffering from the disease. I think this is a good example of the arts and science beautifully collaborating to make one cohesive solution to a problem. Abstract ideas like these would never have come to fruition in earlier centuries.
Tamir Rice shooting is a homicide by: Jonell Williams, 2nd Period
Tamir Rice's death, caused by a bullet shot to his torso by a Cleveland police officer, has been ruled a homicide by the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner's Office last Friday. His death was not ruled as an "accidental death, death by natural causes or suicide", and his injuries affected his "major vessel, intestines and pelvis". The twelve-year old boy was in front of a recreational center pointing his pellet gun at random people which lead a 911 caller to report a black male --"probably a juvenile"-- for holding a pistol --but mentioned twice that the pistol was "probably" fake. The dispatcher mentioned the bare situation and asked for a response from the policemen, "but it doesn't appear the dispatcher told them of the caller's suspicions that the gun was probably fake or that the person was probably a minor". This lead to Officer Timothy Loehmann (26), within two seconds, shooting Rice while he reached for his pellet gun in his waistband. Tamir's mother did not give or condone Tamir handling an air gun, so it was acquired through one of his friends.
What I find most interesting at first glance would be the choice of words, "homocide" instead of murder which would be the same thing. But the use of anti-inflammatory language is necessary because the situation itself is pretty inflammatory and the authors do not want to arouse more negative emotion in their audience. Tamir Rice's circumstance is of the most unfortunate kind and could have been avoided if all the information had been given to the policemen by the dispatcher, and had Tamir's gun had the orange tip that all air guns and non-fatal weapons require. Another factor that reporters mention is Tamir's size (5 foot 7 inch, 192 pounds) and that he could be easily mistaken for an adult. Yet Loehmann, a policeman known for his immaturity, inability to complete tasks as instructed and weepy and distracted attitude during gun practice, should not have had a gun if he was emotionally unstable with handling it. The Cleveland Police Department should have taken heed of Independence Police Department's memo of Timothy Loehmann, and not put the man in a position of such power.
Person of the Year: Ebola Fighters- Pearson Chambers 4th
This years " Person of the Year" was a heated race. But also a very interesting one. With contestants like Vladimir Putin, with is work in Russia, and Taylor Swift, a pop artist who has had another break out year and the protesters in Ferguson . The Ebola fighters in my eyes are the best choice.
2014 has been a crazy year. And one of the most prominent stories was the spread of Ebola. These people, who put there life on the line, deserve national recognition for their bravery and courage. Without there help this outbreak could have ended up like the black plague in England. This control of the disease shows the progress and innovation of the time
2014 has been a crazy year. And one of the most prominent stories was the spread of Ebola. These people, who put there life on the line, deserve national recognition for their bravery and courage. Without there help this outbreak could have ended up like the black plague in England. This control of the disease shows the progress and innovation of the time
Illegal Immigration Assistance- Mackenzie McGregor
Recently, it was discovered that a Customs and Border Protection officer was aiding drug traffickers across the border. The officer, Jose Luis Zavala, was discovered to be a drug trafficking aid after a recent investigation by Homeland Security. It was discovered that Zavala let a 2004 Ford cargo van through the Gateway Bridge International with 3,000 pounds of marijuana. This is disturbing as the possibility of servicemen aiding illegal immigration of people and drugs could put U.S. citizens in danger. Hopefully, there will not be too many more incidents such as this one, or else the Customs and Border Protection will have to look into further background checks and replacing countless officers that appear to risk the safety of the nation's people.
Low Gas Prices- Pearson Chambers 4th
Gasoline prices around the United States are being cut at enormous rates. Two weeks ago, the average price of gas in the entire country was $2.50 , now, just a few weeks later, 13 States have prices under $2.00, with Oklahoma leading as being the first State to have that title. These prices have been driven by plummeting crude oil prices, though OPEC says it isn't concerned. These prices are due to the falling demand of oil due to economic slowdown in South Asia, more fuel efficient vehicles, and a large production, though the strength of the dollar doesn't hurt either.
During these times of low prices there has many similarities compared to the early 20th Century to current day. For example when the US is ever driven by a war economy, we begin to increase our war production and generate stockpiles. This leads to a very low demand, and creates a drop in prices. These reactions create a stable government and positive economic growth. But, never last long periods of time.
During these times of low prices there has many similarities compared to the early 20th Century to current day. For example when the US is ever driven by a war economy, we begin to increase our war production and generate stockpiles. This leads to a very low demand, and creates a drop in prices. These reactions create a stable government and positive economic growth. But, never last long periods of time.
Starbucks wants to be the new "Willy Wonka of coffee" -Josh Rudes Pd.4
"This is all about elevating the experience, beyond any coffee experience, or retail experience, anywhere in the world, I wanted to ... create this multi-sensory experience with theater, romance, drama." That was Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz on his new Starbucks "experience". The Reserve Roastery will roast its own coffee for sale, as well as package and ship coffee to other stores. Schultz's main goal is double well as open another Roastery in Asia in 2016. The items will come at a premium: prices will range for $3-$6.50. This is a 40-50% increase over normal Starbucks price. He also plans to sell beer and wine in the evening. To reach their goal of 30 billion in revenue by 2019, they'll have to take control of the digital aspect of coffee sale.
While these are ambitious goals for the CEO, I believe they will translate in the end. Starbucks is becoming more global and mobile than ever, and the goal should be reached well before 2019, in my opinion. This was a smart idea, and I believe these Roasteries will be a huge success in the U.S., as well as worldwide.
While these are ambitious goals for the CEO, I believe they will translate in the end. Starbucks is becoming more global and mobile than ever, and the goal should be reached well before 2019, in my opinion. This was a smart idea, and I believe these Roasteries will be a huge success in the U.S., as well as worldwide.
Tamir Rice shooting ruled a homicide- Josh Rudes Pd.4
The death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice was caused by a police officer who mistook Rice's air gun for a real firearm. The gunshot inflicted caused damage to the major vessels, intestines, and pelvis. The 911 call stated that there was juvenile black male pointing a gun at people-but that the gun was probably fake. When two police officers arrived at the scene, Rice was shot within 2 seconds. Rice died the next day. Rice allegedly reached for the toy gun (of which the orange tip had been removed) and police felt "threatened". The officers are currently on paid leave.
These kinds of stories, which become abundant, always leave people with a bad taste in their mouth and make them angry. Pure ignorance of peace by police officers are the result of these tragic deaths. There's no reason a 26 year old officer shouldn't give a 12 year old, real gun or fake gun, a chance. This is another tragic circumstance which will bring more people to the streets in response to police violence.
These kinds of stories, which become abundant, always leave people with a bad taste in their mouth and make them angry. Pure ignorance of peace by police officers are the result of these tragic deaths. There's no reason a 26 year old officer shouldn't give a 12 year old, real gun or fake gun, a chance. This is another tragic circumstance which will bring more people to the streets in response to police violence.
Cops shot man in Wal-Mart,then interrogate his girlfriend- Josh Rudes Pd.4
A grand jury decided not to indict the officer who shot John Crawford III. Crawford was waving an air rifle he picked off a store shelf, and while police said it was a sort of"perfect storm", the family believes excessive force was used. Accusations have arisen from the tense interrogation of Crawford's girlfriend, these accusations being that the police are trying to justify what they've done. The interrogation was, indeed, tense. The questions asked were direct and forceful, almost attacking the girlfriend's (alleged) innocence. The family's attorney has used this against the police, also accusing them of attempting to cover up a bad shooting. The family is filing a civil lawsuit against the Beavercreek Police Dept. and the Beavercreek Wal-Mart.
Protesters have eaten up this case, using it already in nation-wide fights against seemingly race-induced police violence. This is just another tragic mistake by a police officer involving a victim, that could have been solved using less violent terms.
Protesters have eaten up this case, using it already in nation-wide fights against seemingly race-induced police violence. This is just another tragic mistake by a police officer involving a victim, that could have been solved using less violent terms.
American Airlines flight diverts because of turbulence- Josh Rudes Pd.4
An American Airlines flight heading to Dallas/Fort Worth from Seoul diverted to Narita, Japan Tuesday because of extreme turbulence. The turbulence injured at least 14 people in a cabin of 255 people, and 5 had to go to the hospital. The reason of the turbulence was the development of a winter storm over Japan. The storm was very strong, similar to a Nor'easter in American terms. The flight will not continue on Tuesday.
This would be a frightening flight to be on, given the abundance of plane problems recently. Luckily, it was just turbulence and the plane was able to land safely. People got out with only minor injuries, which I feel they should be lucky to have, as they could've easily been killed had the captain decided to keep flying.
This would be a frightening flight to be on, given the abundance of plane problems recently. Luckily, it was just turbulence and the plane was able to land safely. People got out with only minor injuries, which I feel they should be lucky to have, as they could've easily been killed had the captain decided to keep flying.
Prospect in family massacre found dead- Josh Rudes Pd.4
The remains of Bradley Stone were found in a wooded area Tuesday. Stone had been on the run since Monday as a suspect of killing his ex-wife and five former in-laws. The death seemed to be from self-inflicted wounds. Stone was former Marine reservist, but there was no real cause for the actions taken. In addition to the the ex-wife, the wife's mother, grandmother, sister, sister's husband and sister's daughter were all killed. Oddly enough, Stone's two daughters were left unharmed. The police later found out that Stone was denied custody of his children earlier that week.
This is an odd case, considering there was no clear reason for the massacre. While Stone might've been angered by his denial of custody, there's no reason to kill his wife, much less the entire family. This a tragic series of events, which have disturbed a peaceful Pennsylvania neighborhood.
This is an odd case, considering there was no clear reason for the massacre. While Stone might've been angered by his denial of custody, there's no reason to kill his wife, much less the entire family. This a tragic series of events, which have disturbed a peaceful Pennsylvania neighborhood.
Wealth gap widens ever further- Hannah Clifford 5th period
The wealth gap between white and other ethnicities is wider than ever before. Even though the recession has everyone, the average wealth for whites has actually gone up in the past few years. In 2013, it went up by 2.4%. At the same time, black household net worth went down by a third an Hispanic wealth dropped by 14%. Between 2010 and 2013, the drop in median income for minorities was 9% while for whites, it was merely 1%.
This was written by Tami Luhby on December 15 for CNN. This is all very unsettling. Though there are many factors that go into the tallying of these statistics, but because whites are generally gaining from these facts, I can't help but think of the period of time right after Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. When the slaves in the confederate states were free, many of them searched for jobs. Though they were payed, they're employers did not provide them with the full pay that they should have received. Discrimination towards minorities has always been a huge problem in our country and unfortunately, this proves that the situation is not completely fixed.
Taliban school attack Josh Rudes Pd.4
A group of gunmen entered a Pakistani school Tuesday, killing at least 145 children and faculty. The culprit? The Pakistan Taliban. Their reasoning for killing innocent children was simply revenge; revenge for "killing of hundreds of innocent tribesmen and their children" in a military offensive. The Pakistani military had launched a campaign to disperse tribal regions affiliated with the terrorist group. The school educated both boys and girls, and employed both men and women as teachers. This made it an obvious target for the anti-Western education and anti-female employment members of this Taliban.
The people of Pakistan have every right to be outraged. This is an unnecessary course of action given the circumstances. There is no reason that any militant group should kill innocent people as simple revenge. I believe the only reason the Pakistani military is staging a campaign is because the feel threatened. The Taliban is, after all, a terrorist organization.
Turbulence injures passengers. Madhee Moseman
An American Airlines plane en route from Seoul, South Korea to Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas diverted to Narita, Japan, Tuesday after several passengers and crew were injured by turbulence during the flight.American Flight 280 departed Incheon International Airport near Seoul in route to Dallas-Fort Worth when an intense winter storm shook the cabin and caused injuries that forced the aircraft to divert.Medical personnel have been able to evaluate the 14 passengers and crew members who asked for medical attention, said American spokeswoman Andrea Huguely in statement. Dang.
Chocolate Shop Hold Up -Myles Bennett
Yesterday in Sydney, Australia, a man entered a Lindt Chocolate shop and held the many people inside hostage for over 16 hours. The gunman demanded to speak to Australia's Prime Minister and made many other requests. At about 2 AM Sydney time, the police outside heard gunshots inside and decided to enter the cafe. Two of the seventeen hostages were killed; one trying to disarm the gunman and the other death is not clear at the time. As the media got more involved, it came out that this man was out on bail for 40 counts of sexual assault and an accessory to his ex-wife's murder. He also pleaded guilty to writing hateful letters to the families of fallen Australian service members, calling them "Hitler's soldiers". He was a violent man who should not have been walking the streets, in my opinion. He was a self-styled Muslim who believed in Radical Sunni Theology. He is believed to have been trying to get a message out to the Australian government and possibly America that he and others do not support Australia and America's support in the fight against ISIL.
Click here to read more about this devastating occurrence.
Analysis: This is like the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. A rebel force decided to bomb America and cause a huge scene to get their point across. They did not support the United States' opinions and decisions and decided to go to drastic measures to prove themselves and their side. It is sad to think that people feel they have to act in such a way to get their views noticed. These sad occurrences because of extremist groups such as ISIS/ISIL are not necessary and should be avoided at all costs.
Click here to read more about this devastating occurrence.
Analysis: This is like the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. A rebel force decided to bomb America and cause a huge scene to get their point across. They did not support the United States' opinions and decisions and decided to go to drastic measures to prove themselves and their side. It is sad to think that people feel they have to act in such a way to get their views noticed. These sad occurrences because of extremist groups such as ISIS/ISIL are not necessary and should be avoided at all costs.
13 Year Old Cliff Diver Goes Missing by Laura Walton
Written By Holly Yan, Via CNN
Original Story Here:
Hawaii, U.S
A search has resumed by the U.S Coast Guard to look for a 13 year old who went cliff diving with his friends and never resurfaced. The cliff he dived from was about 15 feet near Hapuna State Beach Park. The authorities have been looking for the boy since Sunday. A dive team was dispatched to search below while the coast guard searched above. He has not been discovered yet.
Personally, I think this is a case of proposed peer pressure gone wrong. I understand how one can get caught up in adventures and serendipity but he was 13. I still think 13 is the age where you should be supervised by your parents, and as a result, he is missing. I hope someone finds him.
N.C. teen's hanging death ruled a suicide; mother says it was a lynching By, Harrison Epstein
In short a young man went out walking one night and was found the next morning, hanging from a swing set and covered in fire ants. His mother immediately assumed there was foul play involved and insisted that the authorities investigate further even though they thought that it was a suicide. The particular part is that no one is quite sure who suggested suicide in the first place and after inspection found that it had been almost implied as opposed to actually being recorded. Naturally this raised suspicion and the mother of the man continues to fight for answers in this awful case.
I don't like this case at all. It is depressing and unbelievable, but the main reason I am writing about this article is because of the mother's choice of words. She very specifically used the word "lynching" which is a very historical word. Why she chose to use a word with a racial connotation I have no clue, but the use of that word is almost sickening because it brings back memories of civil rights and police hanging African Americans from trees just because they could. I think word choice is very important and one must be careful with how you word something...
In short a young man went out walking one night and was found the next morning, hanging from a swing set and covered in fire ants. His mother immediately assumed there was foul play involved and insisted that the authorities investigate further even though they thought that it was a suicide. The particular part is that no one is quite sure who suggested suicide in the first place and after inspection found that it had been almost implied as opposed to actually being recorded. Naturally this raised suspicion and the mother of the man continues to fight for answers in this awful case.
I don't like this case at all. It is depressing and unbelievable, but the main reason I am writing about this article is because of the mother's choice of words. She very specifically used the word "lynching" which is a very historical word. Why she chose to use a word with a racial connotation I have no clue, but the use of that word is almost sickening because it brings back memories of civil rights and police hanging African Americans from trees just because they could. I think word choice is very important and one must be careful with how you word something...
Gold teeth and other oddities donated to Salvation Army's Red Kettle campaign in Orlando
In Orlando, FL, volunteers for the salvation army were counting the dollar bills and coins that were collected over the last few weeks from bell ringers and red kettles. In the mix of the stuff, they found four gold teeth. "I've never gotten teeth before," Williford, the development officer for the salvation army, said. Right now, he doesn't know how much they're worth. He's been trying to figure out how much some other odd are valued at. Other bizarre donations included a 5-ounce silver bar, valued at $92, a 2013 U.S. silver coin, which is valued at $17, but the most valuable being a gold South African coin, worth nearly $1300. Williford told local 6, "We could help 13 kids with their toys for Christmas, or we could do 300 meals in our shelters. So, that's a significant gift for us."
In all of my previous articles, I talk about very sad topics and events but I felt it necessary to end on a good note. Even though many dreadful things are happening around us, there are some good people left in the world. It reminds me off all of the solutions and rewards given to the people of the U.S. that changed their lives forever, like after war. Just like when people donate large sums of money to salvation army, they are giving back to the new generations of the U.S. by rewarding them for their hard work too. It makes me happy to reflect on how not everyone is hopeless.
^see video in link
In all of my previous articles, I talk about very sad topics and events but I felt it necessary to end on a good note. Even though many dreadful things are happening around us, there are some good people left in the world. It reminds me off all of the solutions and rewards given to the people of the U.S. that changed their lives forever, like after war. Just like when people donate large sums of money to salvation army, they are giving back to the new generations of the U.S. by rewarding them for their hard work too. It makes me happy to reflect on how not everyone is hopeless.
^see video in link
Deer wanders into University City Walmart Lydia Petree 4th pd
In Charlotte North Carolina, Shoppers and employees at a University City Walmart had quite a surprise Monday afternoon after a deer wandered into the store, and one shopper catching it all on video.
First off, I hope the deer is okay. Second, this just proves that no matter how much we try to industrialize the world, nature will never escape us. We tend to this this is our world to pollute and we are not effecting anyone but human kind but we have to remember we are the ones who moved in and took over. Not the animals of the world. No matter how much we deny it, this event is proof that we can never industrialize so much that mother nature will die out.
^see video in link
N.C. teen's hanging death ruled a suicide; mother says it was a lynching Lydia Petree 4th pd
In Bladenboro, NC, a mother is convinced her son was lynched and didn't commit suicide, even though that's what people are believing. The mother says she will believe he committed suicide if proof is given to her, but that has yet to happen. She says she's long lost confidence in the Bladenboro Police Department and the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation.The last time Lacy saw and heard her son, Lennon age 17, was August 28. He went to take a walk that night and his family never saw his alive after that. Just before 7:30 the next morning, he was found hanging from the frame of a swing set in the center of a mobile home community. Medical documents said his body was covered in fire ants. Lennons brother also believes his was lynched, regardless of it being declared a suicide. In the wake of his death, some wondered whether Lennon had been killed because he was in an interracial relationship with a 31 year old white woman. Many agree, due to his stature, he would not have been able to pull off this attempt alone. Lacy says the belt he was hung with was NOT his belt. There were many pieces of evidence that did not align with a suicide, like the belt and some shoe size evidence. Although we still do not know whether it was a lynch or a suicide, the family is just doing their best to keep afloat.
This is another example of racial inequality that has been appearing recently more than usual. It makes me so depressed to think of the fact that people are still behaving this way in the world because I thought we passed this stage of history throughout the years. This racial inequality should have ended when the emancipation proclamation was issued and taken into action.
This is another example of racial inequality that has been appearing recently more than usual. It makes me so depressed to think of the fact that people are still behaving this way in the world because I thought we passed this stage of history throughout the years. This racial inequality should have ended when the emancipation proclamation was issued and taken into action.
More than 400 arrested as Ferguson protests spread to other U.S. cities Lydia Petree 4th pd
the violence in ferguson, Missouri continues, making this the third night of the extravagant protests. More than 400 people have been arrested in the St. Louis suburb, all trying to make a statement for racism and the most recent case of a white man not getting arrested for killing unarmed black teenager. There have been protests in Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta and other cities. Ferguson, the city, has had two nights of rioting, looting and arson with some businesses burned to the ground. Police made 45 arrests in Ferguson in the Tuesday night protests. Tensions between police and black Americans have simmered for decades, with many blacks feeling the U.S. legal system and law enforcement authorities do not treat them fairly. Obama has tried very hard to stay civil and keep a lid on his anger, but he did state deep distrust exists between police and minorities and that "communities of color aren't just making these problems up."
It is very clear the riots will not stop until there is justice. This is one of the many events like this that has happened and this one just happened to be the straw that broke the camels back. People will no longer tolerate the injustice regarding African Americans. It has been like this for all of history, with tension between races in certain places and I don't think anyone should tolerate this anymore. This is another case of history repeating itself.
It is very clear the riots will not stop until there is justice. This is one of the many events like this that has happened and this one just happened to be the straw that broke the camels back. People will no longer tolerate the injustice regarding African Americans. It has been like this for all of history, with tension between races in certain places and I don't think anyone should tolerate this anymore. This is another case of history repeating itself.
Pennsylvania town tense as police hunt alleged killer Lydia Petree 4th pd
Montgomery County, north of Philadelphia, authorities hunted Tuesday for a former Marine reservist in the U.S. Marines until 2011, mainly as a meteorologist, suspected of killing his ex-wife and five other former in-laws. Schools closed due to not knowing if the suspect was still in the area. The police are certain they will find the suspect, Bradley William Stone. They have his phone which they found that contained a photo on it but they are not sure if he has changed his look drastically so they edited the picture to look how they think he looks now. Later, person with a knife demanded the man's car keys, but ran after they struggled. The dog owner had a gun and fired multiple shots at the suspect, who seen running from the area and hasn't been seen since. When he killed his family, the neighbors heard the children saying "no mommy, no." and the man then tried to get them into the car, and succeeded. The kids were in their PJ's and the man just said "mommy's hurt pretty bad. We have to leave" and then they sped off. Nicole Stone, her mother, grandmother and sister and the sisters husband were found dead. The sisters son was injured.
Relating back to my other article, murder is happening in several places all over the world. The man must have been traumatized enough to do this. I hope they catch him because people throughout history have succeeded in getting away with these acts of horror and it needs to stop.
Relating back to my other article, murder is happening in several places all over the world. The man must have been traumatized enough to do this. I hope they catch him because people throughout history have succeeded in getting away with these acts of horror and it needs to stop.
Pakistani officials say siege at school over Lydia Petree 4th pd
Taliban gunmen stormed a military-run school in Peshawar, a northwestern Pakistani city, on Tuesday. 141 people died in the attack — 132 children between the grades 1-10 and nine staff members. 121 students and three staff members were injured. 7 attackers wore explosive vests and died in assault, though they aren't sure if they were killed or died by being suicide bombers. No one saw any goal of the attack except for killing the innocent children. The horrific attack, claimed by the Tehreek-e-Taliban, a Pakistani militant group trying to overthrow the government, sent dozens of wounded overflowing local hospitals. The attack began by gunman coming into the school and shooting randomly and was followed by army commandos arriving to stop the gunmen. A young girl was even shot in the head because she threatened to stick up for women's rights. This appeared to be the worst attack in Pakistan since a 2007 suicide bombing in the port city of Karachi killed 150 people. People are just heartbroken by the terror going on.
This is connected to history because of how many battles or wars started by cruel acts like these. Also, how it has to do with inequality, like with this girl who tried to stick up for womens rights and got shot. They difference is, that time has passed for america but not for everywhere in the world. This makes me very sad, especially because they have no idea what their intentions were besides being cruel. It does not make any sense why people, MULTIPLE people, would do such horrific things, with intention behind it or not. I FULLY understand this is not a U.S. story, but I find it important enough to tie to US history because although this happened in a different country, many incidents like this happen in the United States too.
This is connected to history because of how many battles or wars started by cruel acts like these. Also, how it has to do with inequality, like with this girl who tried to stick up for womens rights and got shot. They difference is, that time has passed for america but not for everywhere in the world. This makes me very sad, especially because they have no idea what their intentions were besides being cruel. It does not make any sense why people, MULTIPLE people, would do such horrific things, with intention behind it or not. I FULLY understand this is not a U.S. story, but I find it important enough to tie to US history because although this happened in a different country, many incidents like this happen in the United States too.
A teen was found dead in the middle of a community center in the dead of night. When his mother received the news, she was in disbelief and insisted that someone else had lynched him. The teen was said to be in a life crisis, dating a 31 year old white neighbor and having family problems. He left his house in the middle of the night wearing size 12 Jordans, but when he was found he was wearing size 10 nikes. Friends and family are grieving, but as to why he hung himself it still remains a mystery.
Some people argue about the right to take your own life. People who do not succeed in commuting suicide get put forcibly in asylums or rehab centers. There must be a reason to why this teen hung himself, he must be going through a lot.
Some people argue about the right to take your own life. People who do not succeed in commuting suicide get put forcibly in asylums or rehab centers. There must be a reason to why this teen hung himself, he must be going through a lot.
Suicide or Lynching Written by Megan Darlington
A teen was found hung in the center of the community he lived in recently. The big issue here is that the autopsy says that he hung himself, but his mother believes differently. She believes that he was lynched! There are some weird factors in this case. The 17 year old was dating a 31 year old woman, and when he was found hanging, he wasn't wearing the shoes he left the house in earlier that day. He left wearing Jordan's size 12, and was found in Nikes size 10.5. Also a family member had recently died so people say he was depressed.
I think that this case is crazy. Personally, I think he committed suicide, but with all the weird facts, you never know. If he was lynched, this relates to what we are learning now in class. Groups such as the KKK would hang people just for the fact that they were not white, such as this kid. The shoe thing is a little weird, but at the same time, the kid was really depressed. Who knows?...
I think that this case is crazy. Personally, I think he committed suicide, but with all the weird facts, you never know. If he was lynched, this relates to what we are learning now in class. Groups such as the KKK would hang people just for the fact that they were not white, such as this kid. The shoe thing is a little weird, but at the same time, the kid was really depressed. Who knows?...
Monday, December 15, 2014
Falling Gas Prices by Corran Nolan
Gasoline prices around the United States are being cut at enormous rates. Two weeks ago, only one gas station in the entire country was selling gas for below $2 a gallon, now, just a few weeks later, 13 States have prices that low, with Oklahoma leading as being the first State to have that title. These prices have been driven by plummeting crude oil prices, though OPEC says it isn't concerned. These prices are due to the falling demand of oil due to economic slowdown in South Asia, more fuel efficient vehicles, and a large production, though the strength of the dollar doesn't hurt either.
This is similar to times like the early 20th Century when the US was driven by a war economy, and then came out with lots of war production and stockpiles, and not very much demand, leading to a drop in prices. However, these prices encourage growth and promote stability in the markets, as well as help consumers, so they should not be considered strictly bad.
This is similar to times like the early 20th Century when the US was driven by a war economy, and then came out with lots of war production and stockpiles, and not very much demand, leading to a drop in prices. However, these prices encourage growth and promote stability in the markets, as well as help consumers, so they should not be considered strictly bad.
Arrest made in Auburn football player's killing - Jack VanGorden
Markale Deandra Hart was arrested and charged with murder this Sunday in connection with the shooting death of Jakell Mitchell, a freshman Auburn University football player. The victim was reportedly shot at an apartment complex that was off-campus. Hart, 22, is being held on a $150,000 bond at Lee County Jail. While police made a statement that no further arrests were expected to be made, they are still investigating. The Auburn athletic staff were saddened by the news that they lost a great athlete and member of their department. Even though Jakell sat the season out to gain some weight before being put on the field, he was said to have been an essential receiver and runner. Before the death, Scott Fountain, coach of the Tigers, told their official website that he was "a fantastic athlete that is going to do a lot for us." Auburn University recently released a statement expressing their condolences to the family.
This article was written by Joe Sutton and Ben Broomfield of CNN News at 5:36 PM, Sun December 14, 2014. While I found the article very interesting, I wish the author had been more detailed in describing the case. I am curious to know the motive behind Hart's killing of the student. I think that the article was written to inform the general public about the sad news and to bring some clarity to a situation that has been on the mind of many of Auburn's mourning students. It's always sad to hear about anyone, especially someone so young, passing away. Hopefully, the police force will work diligently to put this man behind bars.
This article was written by Joe Sutton and Ben Broomfield of CNN News at 5:36 PM, Sun December 14, 2014. While I found the article very interesting, I wish the author had been more detailed in describing the case. I am curious to know the motive behind Hart's killing of the student. I think that the article was written to inform the general public about the sad news and to bring some clarity to a situation that has been on the mind of many of Auburn's mourning students. It's always sad to hear about anyone, especially someone so young, passing away. Hopefully, the police force will work diligently to put this man behind bars.
Paul Revere's Time Capsule From 1795!? by Madeline Ibarra
Recently, a supposed time capsule from 1795, burried by the one and only Paul Revere has been found in the Massachusetts State House in Boston. This item was discovered during a water leakage problem in the building. There has been rumors about a Revere artifact somewhere in the building but it was unknown to be in the cornerstone. In charge of recovering this item was Pamela Hatchfield, head of object conservation at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. After debating on whether or not to remove the object, it was decided to remove it. The process took hours to chip into the stone to carefully preserve the box as much as possible. What is inside the box is still unknown and members of the museum are debating whether or not is should be opened and then returned to a stone like keeping or not.
This discovery has the possibility to reveal new information from this time period that could further help us understand our history. For now, we are left to speculation about the contents of the box. If this was discovered in the historic Boston, what other sorts of secrets could the historic cities of America be hiding? Maybe we only have a small idea of what happened in the past and there is so much that we haven't discovered yet.
3 Dead as Sydney Cafe Siege Ends - Froy Gutierrez 4th
The 16 hour holding of hostages by radical Islamist in Sydney has finally come to an end. Three are dead, including the terrorist himself. There were 17 hostages. Terrorist attacks have only grown in frequency, and it is evident that the west must take further action against radical militant Islamist groups. Now more than ever, after 911, recent events in Boston, Ontario, and now Sydney; its clear that the West is under the thumb of terrorist groups. We cannot feel fully safe in our own cities, and terrorists know that. The war on terror is not over, and more action must be taken if we are to stop these attacks.
The 16 hour holding of hostages by radical Islamist in Sydney has finally come to an end. Three are dead, including the terrorist himself. There were 17 hostages. Terrorist attacks have only grown in frequency, and it is evident that the west must take further action against radical militant Islamist groups. Now more than ever, after 911, recent events in Boston, Ontario, and now Sydney; its clear that the West is under the thumb of terrorist groups. We cannot feel fully safe in our own cities, and terrorists know that. The war on terror is not over, and more action must be taken if we are to stop these attacks.
Armed Guards lack training and oversight by Milan Hamilton
They carry a gun, often wear a badge and might look like police officers. But armed security guards, on patrol at all hours throughout the United States, have lax training standards and haphazard oversight. While a manicurist in California must complete 400 hours of training to be licensed, an armed guard gets authorized after 54 hours, including just 14 hours of firearms training. In 15 states, no firearms training is required at all. And incidents involving armed guards -- perhaps accidents or caused by ignorance -- can be deadly. In Nevada, a guard fired his gun into the air outside a rowdy teen dance. When the bullet came down, it struck and killed a teenage bystander. And in Colorado, which has no statewide training requirements, an armed guard at a high school agreed to drive a student home. When he handed the student his gun to put away, it went off, firing a bullet through the student's leg. The backgrounds of those allowed to work in armed security are also varied. The CNN/CIR investigation found armed guards with criminal records for domestic violence, drug and alcohol offenses and even revealed former law enforcement officers with serious disciplinary problems who found new careers in security.
Yet they come under little scrutiny until something goes wrong.
This is a little disheartening because we can't even trust the people we are suppose to trust. This is also interesting to hear after knowing of all the events in Ferguson and about Ferguson. It makes you wonder how fair the whole incident really was. This can also relate to the injustices that happened during the civil rights movement because if the officers weren't even trained, how can we know that people are receiving fair treatment?
Yet they come under little scrutiny until something goes wrong.
This is a little disheartening because we can't even trust the people we are suppose to trust. This is also interesting to hear after knowing of all the events in Ferguson and about Ferguson. It makes you wonder how fair the whole incident really was. This can also relate to the injustices that happened during the civil rights movement because if the officers weren't even trained, how can we know that people are receiving fair treatment?
Obama talk on military Reign Washington
President Barack Obama on saluted troops returning from Afghanistan and declared the United States is moving past the time for large deployments aimed at nation building. Obama adds what the military has caused in terms in opression and economic downfall in the past ten years. The Nation building is what is going to help the national as a whole because with out the base the nation will crumble. There also won't be a need for a military if there is no nation.
Personally I believe that the troops should have been brought back a long time ago. I also believe that the budget for the military is too high and we are paying taxes for stuff that we don't even know occur and exist. I truely believe that there should be more money going into education instead of blood shed. There is even more money going into prisons and jails that should go into education so that the kids going up won't have to end up in jail because they will have stable lives built off of a good education and not being brought up to end up in a jail that has been funded by their parents and neighbors.
President Barack Obama on saluted troops returning from Afghanistan and declared the United States is moving past the time for large deployments aimed at nation building. Obama adds what the military has caused in terms in opression and economic downfall in the past ten years. The Nation building is what is going to help the national as a whole because with out the base the nation will crumble. There also won't be a need for a military if there is no nation.
Personally I believe that the troops should have been brought back a long time ago. I also believe that the budget for the military is too high and we are paying taxes for stuff that we don't even know occur and exist. I truely believe that there should be more money going into education instead of blood shed. There is even more money going into prisons and jails that should go into education so that the kids going up won't have to end up in jail because they will have stable lives built off of a good education and not being brought up to end up in a jail that has been funded by their parents and neighbors.
Man Kills Ex-Wife and 5 Former In Laws - Froy Gutierrez 4th
A man in Pennsylvania killed his ex-wife and five of his former in laws this weekend. The man was armed with a gun. With recent shootings in Sydney, Australia, tensions have peaked when it comes to gun control. As a nation, can we allow shootings of this nature to keep occurring? There are two sides to the coin of gun control, and we seem to be at a stand still. The fight between individual rights and public safety reached its peak after the Sandy Hook shooting, and with recent events, hopefully the argument resurfaces soon. We cannot allow more lives to be lost in this manner, and it is exigent that we find a solution.
A man in Pennsylvania killed his ex-wife and five of his former in laws this weekend. The man was armed with a gun. With recent shootings in Sydney, Australia, tensions have peaked when it comes to gun control. As a nation, can we allow shootings of this nature to keep occurring? There are two sides to the coin of gun control, and we seem to be at a stand still. The fight between individual rights and public safety reached its peak after the Sandy Hook shooting, and with recent events, hopefully the argument resurfaces soon. We cannot allow more lives to be lost in this manner, and it is exigent that we find a solution.
Sandy Hook Families Suing Gun Maker; Margaret Canady P.2
The families of 9 of the 26 people killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting are filing a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the rifle used by the shooter. The families are claiming that Bushmaster Firearms International should not have made the Bushmaster AR-15 Rifle available to the public, as it was designed solely for military use.
The lawsuit was announced just days after the second anniversary of the shooting. In 2012, Adam Lanza killed his mother before driving to Sandy Hook Elementary, killing 20 children, six adults, and finally shooting himself.
The company has made no comment addressing the lawsuit. Plaintiffs of the case claim that "companies assume no responsibility for marketing and selling a product to the general population who are not trained to use it nor even understand the power of it."
This is a controversial topic and I'm not sure if there is a correct answer. First and foremost, I think we need to give medical/psychological assistance to the mentally ill who are so often pushed to their limits, and then we wonder why they commit these terrible acts of violence. Instead of ignoring the problem of mental illness, it needs to be addressed upfront. Second, should regulation of firearm production be in the hands of government or individual businesses? Do we allow the government to set regulations on economic goods for safety precautions, or do we give more freedom to the people and run on this idea of a laissez faire economy? In addition, the Second Amendment secures our right as citizens to bear arms. But there is no reason for any ordinary citizen to have access to a military style weapon.
With these questions and issues, there needs to be clear communication and a look at the pros/cons of each argument.
The lawsuit was announced just days after the second anniversary of the shooting. In 2012, Adam Lanza killed his mother before driving to Sandy Hook Elementary, killing 20 children, six adults, and finally shooting himself.
The company has made no comment addressing the lawsuit. Plaintiffs of the case claim that "companies assume no responsibility for marketing and selling a product to the general population who are not trained to use it nor even understand the power of it."
This is a controversial topic and I'm not sure if there is a correct answer. First and foremost, I think we need to give medical/psychological assistance to the mentally ill who are so often pushed to their limits, and then we wonder why they commit these terrible acts of violence. Instead of ignoring the problem of mental illness, it needs to be addressed upfront. Second, should regulation of firearm production be in the hands of government or individual businesses? Do we allow the government to set regulations on economic goods for safety precautions, or do we give more freedom to the people and run on this idea of a laissez faire economy? In addition, the Second Amendment secures our right as citizens to bear arms. But there is no reason for any ordinary citizen to have access to a military style weapon.
With these questions and issues, there needs to be clear communication and a look at the pros/cons of each argument.
Arrest made in Auburn football player's death by Milan Hamilton
Police have arrested Markale Deandra Hart, 22, in connection with the shooting death of a freshman Auburn University football player, the Auburn Police Division said in a news release Sunday. The Camp Hill man is being charged with murder in the death of 18-year-old Jakell Mitchell of Opelika, Alabama, police say. "An investigation into the shooting was immediately initiated by the Auburn Police Division and as a result, Hart was developed as a suspect," the statement said. "Auburn Detectives traveled to Dadeville and with the assistance of the Tallapoosa County Sheriff Department and Jackson Gap Police, were able to locate Hart and take him into custody." Dadeville, Alabama, is about 30 miles northwest of Auburn and Opelika. Hart was taken to Lee County Jail and is being held on a $150,000 bond. No more arrests are expected, police said. Mitchell was shot and killed at an off-campus apartment complex overnight, police said Sunday. Mitchell was a freshman football player, according to news website He had signed with Auburn this year but sat the season out to gain weight and train for next year, reported. He had played high school football in nearby Opelika.
This is so sad and it makes you wonder about the motives of these things. Why do people wish to kill other people? It's so heart breaking and my prayers go out to his family. This is an example if a future that could have prospered if it wasn't first diminished. When I hear about such tragedies as these it reminds me of the innocent hurting that has gone on in history many times to Native Americans and slaves.
This is so sad and it makes you wonder about the motives of these things. Why do people wish to kill other people? It's so heart breaking and my prayers go out to his family. This is an example if a future that could have prospered if it wasn't first diminished. When I hear about such tragedies as these it reminds me of the innocent hurting that has gone on in history many times to Native Americans and slaves.
Obama's Immigration plan - Amanda Cervantes p.4
On November 20 president Obama announced his executive plan for immigration reform. This reform would affect millions of undocumented people that are currently living in the U.S. allowing them to have deferrals with authorization to work in three year increments.And it would also expand the DACA program- the Differed Action for Childhood Arrivals, this would allow young people who were brought here at a young age to be able to apply for work permits.This plan will be eligible for any child who came to the U.S before January 2010. Meanwhle conservatives of Congress have disagreed with Obama's policy saying he is abusing his executive power, most Americans also dissaprove of the policy or feel a neutral stance to it.
I think Obama is just trying to get an immigration reform done before the end of his presidency so that it could be something he could leave and prove that he actually did. Ever since his election, the immigrant community has been asking for a reform since the start of his first term, and now is just the time for Obama to try to implement something before time runs out.
I think Obama is just trying to get an immigration reform done before the end of his presidency so that it could be something he could leave and prove that he actually did. Ever since his election, the immigrant community has been asking for a reform since the start of his first term, and now is just the time for Obama to try to implement something before time runs out.
The end of the Sydney Siege
Early Tuesday morning in Sydney, Australia, police stormed a cafe and freed numerous hostages, ending a 16 hour siege. Three people were killed including the gunman. While police haven't publicly identified the man, a source is naming him as Man Haron Monis, an Iranian refugee. Monis had a history of extremist behavior and mental instability. Hostages in the cafe were forced to display an Islamic flag, causing fears of a "jihadist" attack in the Australian city. Around 2 am local time, several hostages managed to escape the cafe after gunshots were heard. As a result, police moved in with heavy gunfire and stun grenades.
First of all, my condolences to the victims, the hostages, and anyone else that was affected by this event. With that in mind, I hope no one begins to blame Islam as a whole for the actions of one man. Ever since 9/11 and even before then, there has been a sort of stigma against Muslims and I think it's unnecessary. Even if several groups of Muslims have perpetrated acts of terrorism worldwide, this shouldn't affect the image of the religion as a whole. These acts, driven out by Muslims or not, were influenced by extremist and unstable behaviors. This is another example of why we should practice tolerance of other people's opinions, beliefs, and heritages.
‘I will have justice for what they did to me’: Pregnant St. Louis woman loses eye after police fire non-lethal round at car during Ferguson protest Brett Akop
"Dornnella Conner lost her left eye when a police officer fired a non-lethal bean bag round at the car her boyfriend was driving on the outskirts of Ferguson, Mo. early Tuesday." Conner seeks justice for the injustices and irresponsibility of Ferguson Police. "Just hours later she would be part of the tragic storyline when a police officer fired a non-lethal bean bag round at the car her boyfriend was driving, shattering the passenger side window and leaving her face a bloody mess, according to reports." Conner has every right to be furious, considering the fact that she was completely innocent.
I genuinely don't understand how Ferguson officers continue to enrage the public, one would think that these men and women would act with more caution and maturity. It appears as though these officers have no pity, they simply fear for their own lives, as opposed to protecting those in harm.
Ferguson witnesses: some lied by Milan Hamilton
The grand jury in the case of Michael Brown's shooting didn't just face an onslaught of witnesses with conflicting memories of what happened the day white police officer Darren Wilson killed Brown, an unarmed black teenager. It also heard from witnesses who couldn't be believed at all.
Some admitted lying. Others changed their stories under questioning. Prosecutors were so skeptical of one woman's account that they asked whether she might have dreamed about seeing the confrontation in Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9. Most of the dozens of witnesses who testified likely did their best to describe what they saw, but a review of thousands of pages of grand jury documents shows that untrustworthy testimony came from some witnesses on both sides. What is unusual in the Ferguson case is that prosecutors chose to call so many witnesses, including some whose credibility they doubted. Analysts differ over why prosecutors called witnesses with questionable credibility. Some say the prosecution wanted to present a jumbled case, to help Wilson. Others say the intense scrutiny and likelihood of a separate federal probe make it common in some places to toss anything and everything at a grand jury probing a controversial police killing -- even witnesses who prosecutors believe aren't likely to tell the truth.
This is interesting because it completely changed the case now that he witnesses admit to their wrong doings. I wonder how this affects the case and the crime in itself. This can link back to possible events that occurred during the civil war where southerners lied to their slaves once they were freed. Liars in politics change the outcome of everything.
Some admitted lying. Others changed their stories under questioning. Prosecutors were so skeptical of one woman's account that they asked whether she might have dreamed about seeing the confrontation in Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9. Most of the dozens of witnesses who testified likely did their best to describe what they saw, but a review of thousands of pages of grand jury documents shows that untrustworthy testimony came from some witnesses on both sides. What is unusual in the Ferguson case is that prosecutors chose to call so many witnesses, including some whose credibility they doubted. Analysts differ over why prosecutors called witnesses with questionable credibility. Some say the prosecution wanted to present a jumbled case, to help Wilson. Others say the intense scrutiny and likelihood of a separate federal probe make it common in some places to toss anything and everything at a grand jury probing a controversial police killing -- even witnesses who prosecutors believe aren't likely to tell the truth.
This is interesting because it completely changed the case now that he witnesses admit to their wrong doings. I wonder how this affects the case and the crime in itself. This can link back to possible events that occurred during the civil war where southerners lied to their slaves once they were freed. Liars in politics change the outcome of everything.
Sydney Siege Ends With Two Hostages And Gunman Dead/ Madeline Boreham 4th period
After a 16 hour standoff at the Chocolate Cafe Cafe in Sydney Australia, ended three people have been confirmed dead, two hostages and the Gunman dead. Police decided to storm the cafe after hearing gun shots. The gun man was identified as a 50 year old Iranian man who was known to send hate to families of Australian soldiers who had died overseas. He was also charged as an accessory to the murder of his wife. He was also Police think that his motive was that he had nothing to loose, because of his extensive criminal record. The police encourage everyone to continue their daily lives, but many people are left shaken and scared of what the future holds.
This is such sad news not only with the death of those people, but also the fear that the gunman managed to instill in the people. It is times like this that pull everyone closer and people see what really matters. Police are still looking into the background of the gunman so it will be very interesting to see what else comes from his story. There must have been something to set off the gunman mentally for his violent ways, I think his ultimate goal was fear so then even if he died his cause would have control over the people. We can connect this to attacks in America where fear was the main goal of the attackers, but as a nation we united and stood strong. That is why it makes so much sense for the police to be saying to carry on with your lives, because you can't give them that power. That being said I believe that we should take time to reflect, mourn the fallen, and hope for peace in Australia within the next few weeks.
This article was written by Stuart Cohen for NPR.
This is such sad news not only with the death of those people, but also the fear that the gunman managed to instill in the people. It is times like this that pull everyone closer and people see what really matters. Police are still looking into the background of the gunman so it will be very interesting to see what else comes from his story. There must have been something to set off the gunman mentally for his violent ways, I think his ultimate goal was fear so then even if he died his cause would have control over the people. We can connect this to attacks in America where fear was the main goal of the attackers, but as a nation we united and stood strong. That is why it makes so much sense for the police to be saying to carry on with your lives, because you can't give them that power. That being said I believe that we should take time to reflect, mourn the fallen, and hope for peace in Australia within the next few weeks.
This article was written by Stuart Cohen for NPR.
Supreme Court settles dispute over undersea California- Amanda Cervantes p.4
The U.S Supreme court settled a long dispute over California's undersea border. This dispute has been going on since the 1950's after Congress passed the Submerged Land Acts, this decree began in 1945 where president Truman said that submerged lands belonged to the federal government, and the court had agreed.Congress then passed a law where states could have ownership of lands up to 3 miles off the coast, but a fixed boundary was never set.This boundary setting can have an impact on the market of oil, among other things, and the future of alternative energy production.
its interesting that this dispute has been going on for so long and finally has been settled, but i do think that this will benefit California's enviromental policies because it will have more freedom and control over a wider area of space and hopefully will use it for innovation within the enviromental factors.
its interesting that this dispute has been going on for so long and finally has been settled, but i do think that this will benefit California's enviromental policies because it will have more freedom and control over a wider area of space and hopefully will use it for innovation within the enviromental factors.
Pregnant woman loses eye in Ferguson protest
A pregnant woman in Ferguson, Missouri lost her eye when police shot bean bags that were supposed to be non lethal into her car. The rubber bullet or bean bag was shot into her car window and plunged into her left eye which later had to be taken out. The woman although reacting as anyone would who just lost their eye expressed that she was happy to be alive.
This all started from a case of police brutality, which has been evident in the past three years in America. It is in the bill if rights that we have the right to protest and the freedom of speech, but yet a woman looses her eye and is shot down literally when standing up for what she believes in. Sometimes the base of our country lass which is the constitional and the bill of rights is looked over for the advantage of higher authority.
A pregnant woman in Ferguson, Missouri lost her eye when police shot bean bags that were supposed to be non lethal into her car. The rubber bullet or bean bag was shot into her car window and plunged into her left eye which later had to be taken out. The woman although reacting as anyone would who just lost their eye expressed that she was happy to be alive.
This all started from a case of police brutality, which has been evident in the past three years in America. It is in the bill if rights that we have the right to protest and the freedom of speech, but yet a woman looses her eye and is shot down literally when standing up for what she believes in. Sometimes the base of our country lass which is the constitional and the bill of rights is looked over for the advantage of higher authority.
Whites get wealthier while Blacks and Hispanics lag behind by Milan Hamilton
The Great Recession hit all Americans hard, but only whites have seen their wealth rise during the recent recovery. And that's widening the already massive wealth gap between whites and other racial and ethnic groups to near record levels.
White households' median wealth ticked up to $141,900 in 2013, up 2.4% from three years earlier, according to a Pew Research Center report released Friday. Net worth for black households dropped by a third during that time to $11,000. Hispanic families experienced a 14% decline in wealth to $13,700. Whites have 13 times the net worth of blacks, the largest wealth gap that's existed since George H.W. Bush was president in 1989. The ratio of net worth between whites and Hispanics now stands at more than 10, the widest it has been since 2001. There are several reasons for the growing gap, says Pew, citing Federal Reserve Bank data. Minority households' median income fell 9% between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1% for whites. So minority households may not have been able to sock away as much or may have had to use more of their savings to cover expenses. It takes some digging to find these racial and ethnic disparities, which are masked when looking at the nation's overall median wealth. For all households, median wealth slipped slightly to $82,300 last year, down only 1.1%.
I thought this was interesting because it give you a different perspective on the statistics in the world. After learning about the Civil War and Reconstruction it makes me wonder if any of this can be a result of thing such as the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws that stopped blacks from having certain rights that they should be given.
White households' median wealth ticked up to $141,900 in 2013, up 2.4% from three years earlier, according to a Pew Research Center report released Friday. Net worth for black households dropped by a third during that time to $11,000. Hispanic families experienced a 14% decline in wealth to $13,700. Whites have 13 times the net worth of blacks, the largest wealth gap that's existed since George H.W. Bush was president in 1989. The ratio of net worth between whites and Hispanics now stands at more than 10, the widest it has been since 2001. There are several reasons for the growing gap, says Pew, citing Federal Reserve Bank data. Minority households' median income fell 9% between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1% for whites. So minority households may not have been able to sock away as much or may have had to use more of their savings to cover expenses. It takes some digging to find these racial and ethnic disparities, which are masked when looking at the nation's overall median wealth. For all households, median wealth slipped slightly to $82,300 last year, down only 1.1%.
I thought this was interesting because it give you a different perspective on the statistics in the world. After learning about the Civil War and Reconstruction it makes me wonder if any of this can be a result of thing such as the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws that stopped blacks from having certain rights that they should be given.
Northern white rhino dies at San Diego zoo; only 5 left worldwide- Joe Katinas
A northern white rhino has died at a San Diego zoo, leaving only five worldwide and bringing the species closer to extinction.
Angalifu, 44, died of old age Sunday at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.
"With Angalifu's passing, only five northern white rhinos are left on the planet, including Nola, our elderly female," the zoo said in their statement.
He was one of a handful of northern white rhinos left in the entire world, including a few at a Kenya wildlife conservancy. There are no known northern white rhinos left in the wild.
Southern white rhinos and northern white rhinos are different subspecies genetically.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature declared the northern white rhino as "teetering on the brink of extinction.", last year.
Rhinos are killed by poachers almost exclusively for their horns, which sell for tens of thousands of dollars.
This article makes me very disappointed. I'm sad that extreme hunting of species is still continuing in the world today. It reminds me of the 1800s in U.S. history when Buffalo was hunted by white people moving onto Native American territory and they were driven to near extinction.
The source for the article is here:
Angalifu, 44, died of old age Sunday at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.
"With Angalifu's passing, only five northern white rhinos are left on the planet, including Nola, our elderly female," the zoo said in their statement.
He was one of a handful of northern white rhinos left in the entire world, including a few at a Kenya wildlife conservancy. There are no known northern white rhinos left in the wild.
Southern white rhinos and northern white rhinos are different subspecies genetically.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature declared the northern white rhino as "teetering on the brink of extinction.", last year.
Rhinos are killed by poachers almost exclusively for their horns, which sell for tens of thousands of dollars.
This article makes me very disappointed. I'm sad that extreme hunting of species is still continuing in the world today. It reminds me of the 1800s in U.S. history when Buffalo was hunted by white people moving onto Native American territory and they were driven to near extinction.
The source for the article is here:
Cliff Diver Goes Missing- Iris Hughey p.5
On Sunday, after a 13-year-old boy went cliff-diving with friends in Hawaii and never resurfaced, The U.S. Coast Guard is still searching for him. He jumped off a 15-foot cliff near Hapuna Beach State Park on Hawaii's Big Island, the Coast Guard said. Authorities have been searching above, below, and on the water's surface. Dive teams have also bee searching underwater and the Coast Guard has been scannign by boat and helicopter.
It's really erie to me that someone can completely vanish, especially when there were witnesses as to where he landed in the water. And not only this, but not even traces of his remains have been found. I just hope for the sake of his family and friend's well-being that the boy is found so that they no longer have to wait.
It's really erie to me that someone can completely vanish, especially when there were witnesses as to where he landed in the water. And not only this, but not even traces of his remains have been found. I just hope for the sake of his family and friend's well-being that the boy is found so that they no longer have to wait.
Gunman Bradley William Stone Still At Large by Yasmine Bougacha (5th)
Early Monday morning, Bradley William Stone broke into his ex-girlfriend's apartment at 4 AM by cracking through the glass door and shooting her at a close range. He then abducted her two children and was seen fleeing the crime scene with them by a neighbor who was woken up by the ruckus.
This was unfortunately not all. Stone moved to two different neighborhoods and killed five people from a close range as well. An explosion soon followed in the same area, and a teenager was seen being carried out on a stretcher. After all of these felonies that were committed, Stone is still on the loose and was last seen around the Souderton area. He is 5'10 and weighs about 195 pounds and anyone who has seen him is strongly urged to come forward.
The police are frantically looking for him in the Pennsburg area but are extending the search to Philadelphia, the capital of Pennsylvania that is only 50 miles south of Pennsburg. As of now, he is still missing and is considered to be armed and extremely dangerous.
I hope they catch this guy and they punish him accordingly. Ever since police brutality became an issue against minorities, people have been saying how whites can get off by claiming to be "insane" or by blaming the issue on someone else. I hope that his situation will prove to be different and that this guy is sent to prison for life or given the death penalty.
This was unfortunately not all. Stone moved to two different neighborhoods and killed five people from a close range as well. An explosion soon followed in the same area, and a teenager was seen being carried out on a stretcher. After all of these felonies that were committed, Stone is still on the loose and was last seen around the Souderton area. He is 5'10 and weighs about 195 pounds and anyone who has seen him is strongly urged to come forward.
The police are frantically looking for him in the Pennsburg area but are extending the search to Philadelphia, the capital of Pennsylvania that is only 50 miles south of Pennsburg. As of now, he is still missing and is considered to be armed and extremely dangerous.
I hope they catch this guy and they punish him accordingly. Ever since police brutality became an issue against minorities, people have been saying how whites can get off by claiming to be "insane" or by blaming the issue on someone else. I hope that his situation will prove to be different and that this guy is sent to prison for life or given the death penalty.
Five people Shot in Miami in a drive by shooting. Reign Washington
A few young men were standing around conversating when a black SUV pulled up and a passenger inside opened fire on them. None have been confirmed dead but all are in critical health positions and are fighting for their lives. The police haven't had any leads on the mysterious black SUV that holds the key to the discovery of the criminals.
Due to no guns laws events in the US keep occurring like this with injuries and death by gun fire. Due to the bill of rights we have a right to bear arms but i believe that there needs to be more control over guns in terms of who can carry them and justified usage and ownership because there are too many senseless killings.
Gunman Loose in PA - Sophie Potrykus 2nd
Bradley William Stone, a Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, is still missing after being a the main suspect in the deaths of six people and wounding three others. SWAT officers are currently using military-grade vehicles to search the town of Pennsburg for this man. Police are continuing to actively search for him, and warning the residents of this town to stay indoors.
We hope to hear news of the capture of this man as soon as possible, and also for the residents of the town of Pennsburg to stay safe.
We hope to hear news of the capture of this man as soon as possible, and also for the residents of the town of Pennsburg to stay safe.
Music helps awaken lost memories due to Alzheimers - Amanda Cervantes p.4
In 2006 Dan Cohen came up with the idea to take unused ipods, and donate them to those who suffer from alzheimers or other forms of dementia. It customizes playlists that link to the persons past,and has proven to spark memories linked to the music the person lived around. In 2010 Cohen created Music & Memory, an organization where people can donate used ipods for senior citizens in need for them. His goal is to i million music players.
This is very interesting, and shows how powerful music is a person, its power is great enough to spark lost memories in people who otherwise would deteriorate faster without it, it proves to be a natural way of keeping someones mind in tact.
This is very interesting, and shows how powerful music is a person, its power is great enough to spark lost memories in people who otherwise would deteriorate faster without it, it proves to be a natural way of keeping someones mind in tact.
Paul Revere's Time Capsule found in Boston by Milan Hamilton
Paul Revere hasn't stirred up this much anticipation in Boston since his midnight ride from Charlestown to Lexington. More than two centuries later, a recently unearthed time capsule he buried with fellow revolutionary Samuel Adams -- the man whom Revere was riding to see that night to warn that the British were coming -- has got his former city, state and most of the Internet abuzz. The artifact was unearthed Thursday thanks to a water leak near its resting place inside a cornerstone at the Massachusetts State House in Boston. When workers investigating the leak stumbled upon it, Secretary of State William Galvin, who heads the state historical commission, called Pamela Hatchfield, the head of object conservation at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. According to Galvin, the box-shaped capsule was placed by the Revolutionary-era duo in 1795, a year when Adams was governor and when construction began on the State House and its iconic dome, which would eventually be overlaid with copper by Revere. Both he and Hatchfield said that based on historical records, the box is believed to contain coins, a plate and a Revere-inscribed plaque -- but no one knows for sure.
This is really cool and interesting and amazing how this was discovered. After learning about Paul Revere and Samuel Adams and their part in the American Revolution makes me more inclined to understand this cool discovery.
This is really cool and interesting and amazing how this was discovered. After learning about Paul Revere and Samuel Adams and their part in the American Revolution makes me more inclined to understand this cool discovery.
pro-government venezuelans protest us sanctions Reign Washington
High ranking Venezuelans are protesting against the United States due to the various laws placed in Venezuela by the U S that wasn't needed and unwanted. The Venezuelans are upset due to the fact that they don't have the power to assert any laws upon the U.S. and they believe that the U.S shouldn't have this power either.
I believe that the U.S shouldn't assett so much power on other countries and I also think that it us strange that we have embassies in other countries but there aren't any embassies from other countrirs in the U.S. It all goes back to manifest destiny and the start of expansion and assertion of American beliefs on other countries.
High ranking Venezuelans are protesting against the United States due to the various laws placed in Venezuela by the U S that wasn't needed and unwanted. The Venezuelans are upset due to the fact that they don't have the power to assert any laws upon the U.S. and they believe that the U.S shouldn't have this power either.
I believe that the U.S shouldn't assett so much power on other countries and I also think that it us strange that we have embassies in other countries but there aren't any embassies from other countrirs in the U.S. It all goes back to manifest destiny and the start of expansion and assertion of American beliefs on other countries.
N.C. Boys death a lynching, Mother Says by Milan Hamilton
Claudia Lacy says she can accept anything: even that her youngest son committed suicide- if it's proven and explained to her. However, she says, local and state investigators have done neither to support their theory that Lennon Lacy hanged himself one summer night. She says she's long lost confidence in the Bladenboro Police Department and the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation. The last time Lacy saw and heard her son was August 28. Lennon, 17, played the lineman position for the West Bladen High School Knightsin in Bladenboro, North Carolina, and was focused on football. His family says that night, he packed a gym bag, washed his ankle brace and hung it on the clothesline to dry before heading out for an evening walk. The teen had asthma, his mother says, and a doctor had recommended he exercise outdoors at night when the temperature and humidity dropped. Around 10:30, Lennon left his family's small apartment and headed down a dirt road. Just before 7:30 the next morning, he was found hanging from the frame of a swing set in the center of a mobile home community. According to medical documents, his body was covered in fire ants. Lennon's mother was called to the scene several hours later, after he'd been placed into a body bag. She believes Lennon was lynched. The teen had been dating a 31-year-old white neighbor. The age of consent in North Carolina is 16. Some people in their small, southern town did not like that the two were together. Lacy did not like their drastic age difference. In the wake of his death, some wondered whether Lennon had been killed because he was in an interracial relationship. A week after Lennon was buried, a local teenager was arrested for defacing his grave. Lacy says she told investigators that the belts used to fashion the noose did not belong to Lennon. Lennon's family believes there was a rush to judgment. And until someone clearly explains and proves how her son died, Lacy says she'll keep fighting until she gets answers.
This is really so sad and I hope the family finds answers. This is really interesting because it relates to some of the tragic events that are happening now and also relates to the events that happened after the civil war. The groups that formed, such as the Klu Klux Klan would be responsible for acts like this and it would be interesting to know if this tragic hanging was a result of something similar.
This is really so sad and I hope the family finds answers. This is really interesting because it relates to some of the tragic events that are happening now and also relates to the events that happened after the civil war. The groups that formed, such as the Klu Klux Klan would be responsible for acts like this and it would be interesting to know if this tragic hanging was a result of something similar.
Hostages Held in Sydney Cafe - Sophie Potrykus 2nd
Monday, December 15, 17 hostages were held at gunpoint in a central Sydney café in Austrailia. The gunman was identified as Man Haron Monis and has been proved to have had a violent history and infatuation with extremism. He is believed to be acting alone and not apart of a larger plan of any kind. 2 of these 17 hostages were killed before the Sydney Police were able to siege towards the Café. Hundreds of police cars surrounded the café, waiting for the right time to try to get the hostages out. The Hostages inside were forced to hold up a flag with words written in Arabic saying, "There is no God but God and Mohammed is the prophet of God."
The rest of the hostages were soon after able to be rescued, but this incident has shaken up all of Australia. Hopefully within the next days we can be able to see Sydney on the road to recovery, conquering the fear of what just happened.
The rest of the hostages were soon after able to be rescued, but this incident has shaken up all of Australia. Hopefully within the next days we can be able to see Sydney on the road to recovery, conquering the fear of what just happened.
Tens of thousands dead in South Sudan conflict: UN - Elizabeth Walker P.3
Recently a Civil War has been going on in Sudan which forced it to split into North and South. Both sides of this civil war are at high intensities and emotions are flowing heavily. The fighting isn't stopping and it is just destroying resources and large sums of people. Eventually they are going to invest in children fighters. It is truly awful what is going on in this country and they need to find justice.
This is similar yet extremely different to the civil war in the United States. The United States' Civil War lost so much of our population and resources were lost but not like in Sudan. In sudan, people are dying because of petty disagreements and the people in Sudan are far more violent and dangerous.
Recently a Civil War has been going on in Sudan which forced it to split into North and South. Both sides of this civil war are at high intensities and emotions are flowing heavily. The fighting isn't stopping and it is just destroying resources and large sums of people. Eventually they are going to invest in children fighters. It is truly awful what is going on in this country and they need to find justice.
This is similar yet extremely different to the civil war in the United States. The United States' Civil War lost so much of our population and resources were lost but not like in Sudan. In sudan, people are dying because of petty disagreements and the people in Sudan are far more violent and dangerous.
Rights Battle Over Cake - Elisa p. 4
A small business owner and evangelical Protestant, Jack Phillips refuses to bake goods that are against the nature of his faith. This includes, but is not limited to Halloween treats, erotic-themed pastries, and wedding cakes for same-sex marriages. The last good in question is a common issue among small business owners like a photographer is Ne Mexico, a florist in Washington State, a bakery in Oregon, an inn in Vermont and wedding chapels in Idaho and Nevada. This is only a sample of the individuals that have refused service based off of sexual orientation, which is against the law in several states because it is discrimination in places of public accommodation. The particular case of Mr. Phillips is just the most recent issue of civil rights in reference to sexual orientation.
This issue is a difficult one because it breaches several laws and even an amendment of the Constitution. While there is the freedom of religion, which should be extended to everyday activities such as the happenings of a privately owned business, there are also many laws against discrimination based on sexual orientation and the basic right of the pursuit of happiness.
Full Article Here
This issue is a difficult one because it breaches several laws and even an amendment of the Constitution. While there is the freedom of religion, which should be extended to everyday activities such as the happenings of a privately owned business, there are also many laws against discrimination based on sexual orientation and the basic right of the pursuit of happiness.
Full Article Here
Technology Sabotaging Sleep? By: Nina Bharadwaj, 2nd Period
Studies show that about 90% of all Americans typically use some form of technology prior to going to sleep. Even though one may not think about this number as very significant, many officials are beginning to point out how dangerous it is to use electronic devices the time before one decides to sleep. It robs the human of sleep, if it is continuously used every night. A cause for this addictive activity that most Americans do before sleeping is that using electronic devices acts as a mental stimulations. They can cause your body to increase its energy, while it should be winding down. Research has indicated that those who use any electronic device prior to sleeping have more trouble sleeping or receiving a good, refreshing sleep.
One may think that watching a movie on television is not harmful, but it is proven that the light from a tv screen can keep one awake. Bright lights can hinder one's ability to get a good nights rest because they"suppress the release of melatonin, a hormone that helps your body know when it's time to go to sleep." A solution to deal with the issue of ringtones waking one up is to put all phones on silent, or one can mute noise on their phone and shut off their computer,
These recent studies are really mind blowing because of how much this article relates to me and most of America, as I tend to remain on my phone for a while before attempting to sleep. I had never really thought about a scientific reason that I have always felt the need to stay up and check social media prior to sleeping, but now that I am aware, I will try to be cautious of how often I use technology. It is really frightening how much Americans depend on technology, and this article should strike one with a realization to stop bringing the outside world of social media into their rooms, when it isn't necessary. This should be a warning for all Americans to not take advantage of how technologically advanced society is and to start making sure that one uses their electronic devices in a way that will help, not hinder, them.
One may think that watching a movie on television is not harmful, but it is proven that the light from a tv screen can keep one awake. Bright lights can hinder one's ability to get a good nights rest because they"suppress the release of melatonin, a hormone that helps your body know when it's time to go to sleep." A solution to deal with the issue of ringtones waking one up is to put all phones on silent, or one can mute noise on their phone and shut off their computer,
These recent studies are really mind blowing because of how much this article relates to me and most of America, as I tend to remain on my phone for a while before attempting to sleep. I had never really thought about a scientific reason that I have always felt the need to stay up and check social media prior to sleeping, but now that I am aware, I will try to be cautious of how often I use technology. It is really frightening how much Americans depend on technology, and this article should strike one with a realization to stop bringing the outside world of social media into their rooms, when it isn't necessary. This should be a warning for all Americans to not take advantage of how technologically advanced society is and to start making sure that one uses their electronic devices in a way that will help, not hinder, them.
President Obama Thanks Troops At New Jersey Military Base- Elizabeth Walker
Obama visited an Airforce hangar and gave a heart warming speech to enlisted solders to give them a bit of a spirit lifter. He let them know the situation in Afghanistan and that he was pulling troops out and by the end of the year we will half of what we have there. Obama compassionately thanked all of these men for their service. He told these men that reducing the troops didnt mean that he was reducing the problem. Hes going to need their help to defeat ISIS.
I think that Obama is a lot like Abraham Lincoln. They were both strong leaders and knew how to help their countries. They both also know the cost of war. They both wanted the best for their people and they wouldnt let anything get in the way of that
I think that Obama is a lot like Abraham Lincoln. They were both strong leaders and knew how to help their countries. They both also know the cost of war. They both wanted the best for their people and they wouldnt let anything get in the way of that
Police Brutality (Miguel Dones 6th)
A video of a police officer punching a woman in the back of a cop car was just released from back in June of 2014. the call to the case had to do with domestic violence. the video shows the woman resisting the body control from the officer but not being too spastic. the punch is caught on camera and directly after the woman says " You punched me for no reason." pictures were taken after the fact to show the damage and the punch left the women with a broken bone. no punishment was enforced on the police man.
So what the hell? There have been many cases of police brutality during these past few months. But this cannot be a new problem. Have there been cases oft his all along and have they just been put aside? How is it that the we need to begin to fear the people that are supposed to ensure and protect our safety? And how is nothing being done by the government? Police brutality is all overt the news and internet and at the end of each article its stated that the certain police officer that mistreated the certain someone isn't being punished and continues to be on duty! How long will it take?
So what the hell? There have been many cases of police brutality during these past few months. But this cannot be a new problem. Have there been cases oft his all along and have they just been put aside? How is it that the we need to begin to fear the people that are supposed to ensure and protect our safety? And how is nothing being done by the government? Police brutality is all overt the news and internet and at the end of each article its stated that the certain police officer that mistreated the certain someone isn't being punished and continues to be on duty! How long will it take?
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