Monday, February 3, 2014

"Texas Student Tased by Police Exits Coma, Enters Rehabilitation" - Camille Farrar

            Noe Nino de Rivera, a 17-year old student in Texas was tased by an officer at his school recently. Nino de Rivera was attempting to break up a fight between two girls in the hallway when one of the school’s officers, Randy McMillan, used a taser on him. Nino de Rivera fell backwards and hit his head, resulting in a brain hemorrhage. He went into surgery soon after to try to reduce damage and was placed in a medically induced coma. Video evidence shows that Nino de Rivera wasn’t doing anything particularly aggressive toward the officer. Nino de Rivera entered a full time rehabilitation center last Friday.
            I hope that Nino de Rivera is able to recover as much as possible. I think it’s horrible that McMillan used the taser without signs of aggressive behavior from Nino de Rivera. Officers such as McMillan should be in place to protect students from any dangers, not hurting those attempting to keep others safe. Nino de Rivera was merely breaking up a fight.


  1. I cannot believe this. A boy who was trying to do something good gets this back. It sucks. Protocol for school security officers definitely needs to be revisited.

  2. I think it's a little extreme for the school security guard to have tased him since he wasn't doing anything wrong. I hope that school officials and others review security footage and act appropriately when dealing with consequences for the officer. I also hope that Nino de Rivera makes a full recovery.

  3. i hate that some officers are so quick to judge people. I hope Nino De Rivera is able to recover fully- NIa Edwards 4th period
