Sunday, February 23, 2014

steve jobs to be on a postage stamp?? : Devon Travis

January 7, the U.S. Postal Service's Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee issued a list of potential figures to be on commemorative stamps in the upcoming year. Among the list of names is Apple's founder Steve Jobs, who passed away in 2011. Other figures in the running are gay rights activist Harvey Milk, Jimi Hendrix, or Michael Jackson. The Elvis Presley stamp may be making a return in the near future. The postal agency is looking for new ways to get people to mail things with relevant and beloved popular figures.

This article is interesting to me because they're already wanting to commemorate Steve Jobs. It shows America's dependence on technology and the impact Apple has had in the past 20-30 years. For him to be on a list with ICONS from decades ago is a big deal for the late Jobs and for the Apple company. Remember when the Ray Charles stamp was introduced just this year? That's a huge deal for the music industry, but remember Charles died 10 years ago. Jobs is getting his mark on the paper world very shortly after his unfortunate death, and this is a big deal. We praise technology and commemorate it more eagerly because of this digital age. But it's ironic seeing that this technology pioneer will be the face of paper letters of packages to friends, an old trade. 

if you want to read more:

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