Sunday, February 23, 2014

why people that watch The Voice suck (Sam Smathers 4th)

“Why we never get over high school”
Written by Deborah Fallows from the Atlantic
Commentary by Sam Smathers 4th

Deborah Fallows says that a lot of people’s first questions to a new friend are, “Where did you go to high school?”. She says this is an indication that people never really get over high school. Where you went to school tells what socio economic class you were in, if you went private or public, if you went to the sketchy school in the bad part of town or if you went to the fancy private school with twelve kids. Where you went to high school is such a big deal that some person made a map of all of the schools in St. Louis and a description of what the typical student was in a certain year so you can look up what that person once was.
            Your past undoubtedly influences your future, but something as small as how much money your parents had when you were a kid is not a reasonable indicator of what type of person that person is. If people judge you on superficial things like where you went to school, and you didn’t even have a real choice where you went to school, than why would you want to be friends with them? What type of person gives a crap about what economic class you come from? That doesn’t matter, what matters is what you are doing now not what you once did. Judging someone by how much money their parents had is by far one of the worst things you can do. It doesn’t make any sense. It is illogical. It is like judging someone based on what their favorite animal was when they were seven, it doesn’t matter and it isn’t an accurate representation of what that person is now. The kids had no choice in what family they were born into. They didn’t choose where they went to high school, and even more it is four years of your life. In all honesty it doesn’t even matter. The people that care about high school are the people that watch The Voice at night and still talk crap about the boyfriend they had four years ago because they have nothing better to do than complain because they are too afraid to change anything. People like this are absolutely the most repulsive beings in creation and are the reason humans will end up killing ourselves and the reason we have ridiculous problems like obesity when people are starving.


  1. I agree that it is absolutely ridiculous to judge people based on where they went to high school, however, in some cases it may be nothing more than a way to get conversation started.

  2. I cant help to agree with you. Forget the past and face the future...What matters in the past related to highschool doesnt really matter anymore; how far you've gotten and where you ended up is going to be one of the most valuable characteristics one can obtain.
