Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Psy: I'm 'Ending' 'Gangnam Style' Tonight - Jonas Portillo
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Man Pleads Guilty to Burning of Ohio Mosque- Taiina Ayala
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Newtown, Connecticut- Jorge Olvera
I pray and hope for all the parents and children that were involved in this situation, to overcome this sad event...
Monday, December 17, 2012
Gun regulations, yo.
Gun Regulations.
I'm all for the whole concealed hand guns and all that, but we definitely need more laws to go with it. And finding out our government just wants to give out guns with fewer regulations just sounds like anarchy waiting to happen. So many people have been killed by a careless person with a gun, why give out more? I can understand if a teacher has a gun (as long as said teacher knows how to properly use it), but allowing someone inexperienced to handle it is going too far. Maybe owning a gun should come with the same regulations as owning a car: go through the proper training and testing to get a license.
Would it help? By Amanda Garcia
Report of ’80s Sexual Abuse Rattles Yeshiva Campus by Natalie Newman
Both of these students were treated with little respect and in ways that would not be as easily dismissed nowadays. The article closes it well by saying that students are different these days. Students are not as quiet as they used to be.
Natalie Newman
its always the quiet ones...
Who's fault is it really?
Killing in san Antonio by desiree cook
Several people were I.hired and killed in San Antonio and they believe that this is from the allusion of the world ending in 2012. It was a massacre and no one expected it. The man walked into the movie theatre and just shot it up.
I think that these last two massacres are an eye opener to America and society that we are NOT safe and Barack needs to do something about this. People dying from left to right just because they think the world is ending was never part of the plan. When I say plan I'm referring to the families who have to prepare for next year without their child or better yet, plan their own child's or loved one's funeral. This is a big mess and needs to be fixed IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!
Obama visits school killing town by Jonathan Landeros
Opinion: I'm sadden with these terrible news, I can't believe someone would do that to some children. It's just a real shock.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
The brief life of a mass-murderer by Carter Brown
Saturday, December 15, 2012
26 dead in elementary school shooting
It's sad to see how inhumane how people kill children. Lanza is not only inhumane for this sadistic and cynical act he committed, but he's also a coward for taking his own life after taking so many innocent ones.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Father Carved Pentagram On 6-Year-Old Son’s Back by fredy medina
Monday, December 10, 2012
Emma's last hope by Amanda Garcia
I hope they can perfect this method so that they can do it on other patients that have the same disease as Emma. Hopefully this may be their final cure.
Apps for Children gone too far by Amanda Garcia
I personally dont believe that little children should be learning on iphones in the first place, and if they are, they certainly should be approved and safe. Several of these apps are tracking the location of the device without even telling the user, this is a huge safety hazard. I just hope they can figure this out before something serious happens.
Woman murdered a lottery winner by Omar Rivera
This story shocked me. How can someone be so obsessed with money to be able to take someone's life away from them. I'm sure if the man won millions of dollars he wouldn't mind of you asked for like a couple thousands! Just ask! It's shocking to see citizens disrespect each other in such a way. Now my taxes are going to help pay for her life in prison! FML
Girl's Gene Therapy Eradicates her Cancer - Paolo Buccino
4th Allegation of Elmo's Sex Scandal- Taiina Ayala
Apple to start making products in the united states
Mexican singer dies in plane crash by Jonathan Landeros
Opinion: well, I am truly sorry that this Mexican-American famous singer has left life without saying goodbye or dying in a comfort way.
Obama Going To Michigan to Push Higher Taxes for Richest- Natalie Newman
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Josh Brent arrested by Carter Brown
Armed Senior Citizen (Bang) by Clara McLain
Go Grandpa. We should have more citizens with legal handguns to counteract those who have illegal arms. The second amendment is something many people take for granted, and taking away the right to have one isn't going to stop people from getting one.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Woman wants to get rid of her probation by Omar Rivera aa
This lady deserves to stay through the plan the court decided to give her. Bad decisions come with consequences and she has to realize that as well as serve what she deserves. She asked for this so it wasn't like she's super innocent and had nothing to do with the situation. As Americans we have to learn to follow the rules and regulations that apply to us.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
NASA- No Luck for Mars Rover- Taiina Ayala
I think it's really great and exciting to hear about outer space studies. It's a very foreign concept to many of us. Although this particular instance, nothing positive was found, I feel like with each find we get closer and closer to finding another planet with a possibility life. It's very interesting and it cuold be very useful to not only the United States but to the whole world! I'm glad the United States is the main country involved though! Makes me proud to be an Amrican... :)
"You're Pretending To Be Gay?" -LaTerria Whitfield
A man named Urek was featured on The View for "pretending to be gay". He is from a small town in Tennessee. One of his female friends came out to her family and they shunned her. Him being a Christian understood where her parents were coming from. They were both raised with a very strong and strict Christian foundation. He was so serious about this that he wondered if his family would do the same. He "came out" to his family, convinced one of his friends to be his "lover", and worked at a gay bar. He pretended to be gay for a year. He was happy to discover that his parents didnt treat him any different.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Twins fighting in the womb!
Scientist in London have used the newly developed cinema-MRI technology to discover rare and often irregular conditions. This article covers the discovery of two twins "fighting" for leg room in the womb. Although twins are known to experience sibling rivalry, it surprised us all to get to see actual footage of them physically kicking eachother! Cute? I think so (:! I also think that its really great that we get to see such wonders with our new technology and medical knowledge. This article is important because it may help diagnose fatal illnesses that may affect twins in the womb, often times, the twins trying to over power the other can lead to lack of or over development among the children!
Obama Warns of Consequences for Syria - Paolo Buccino
Voyager sees solar bigger than thought by: DESIREE COOK
There is. Not a spot beyond the end of our solar system. NASA officials have been saying for many months that voyager 1 is almost there when it comes to interstellar space. Voyager 1& 2 took off sixteen days apart in 1977 and voyager 1 is now 11 billion miles away from the sun. Monday,.project officials said new information sent back from the ship yielded a surprising result. When the direction of the magnetic lines change, voyager 1 will finally be in interdteallar space.
Ok so my whole concept is that voyager one is close to the sun but what does that have to do with our solar system. Its not clear to me if they're trying to find out how close we can get to the sun or how far our solar system is. I'm pretty much confused on their concept. I don't know too much about science but I feel that cnn needs to get it together before they leak out some cufusion to a subject that was maybe misunderstood.
Navy replacing mine-finding dolphins with robots starting 2017 - Jonas Portillo
In a bit of good news for dolphins – but bad news for robots – the Navy's roster of mine-hunting marine mammals is going to be replaced by unmanned underwater vehicles starting in 2017. The reason? It's not that the Navy's team of 24 mine-hunting dolphins is doing a bad job. It's just that it's a lot easier to manufacture and program a, "12-foot, torpedo-shaped robot," as reported by the San Diego Sea Tribune, than it is to stick a dolphin in a multi-year training program. That, and we presume it's a lot easier on the conscience if a hunk of lifeless parts gets blown up versus a… well, anyway. It's not as if the specially trained dolphins are being given a pink slip and sent out to a watery pasture. Rather, it's likely that the 24 mine-hunting dolphins – of 80 total dolphins within the Navy's $24 million marine mammal program – will be reassigned to different aquatic tasks. It's also possible that the dolphins might be retained to find bombs placed on the bottom of a body of water, a different kind of mine hunting that could still make use of the dolphins' unique skills. As for the logistics of mine hunting as a dolphin, we'll leave that to the Navy's website for the Marine Mammal Program, which describes the dolphins' capabilities in charming detail: "Everyone is familiar with security patrol dogs. You may even know that because of their exceptionally keen sense of smell, dogs like beagles are also used to detect drugs and bombs, or land mines. But a dog would not be effective in finding a sea mine," reads the Navy's site(describing a fairly obvious fact). "But just as the dog's keen sense of smell makes it ideal for detecting land mines, the U.S. Navy has found that the biological sonar of dolphins, called echolocation, makes them uniquely effective at locating sea mines so they can be avoided or removed." Now that the Navy can equip its underwater, robotic vehicles with a low-frequency broadband sonar – as reported by the Navy Times – the machines can effectively perform a similar task at a greater range, for longer times, without the need of a manned support boat for surface-based assistance. That said, some Navy officials still seem to have a certain fondness for mammals over machines. "The dolphins are phenomenal. Even with technology, we'll probably never come up with the ... level of intelligence to discern all of those things," said Ed Ebinger, deputy head of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Branch, in an interview with the Navy Times.
Katt Williams Arrested After Alleged bar rampage
Magician's head set on fire on TV. By Fredy Medina;jsessionid=7eaYB2AxELmAauEFSt4kgquU?emvAD=320x444&emvcc=0&
Deadly bus crash in Miami airport by Jonathan Landeros
Well, I'm sorry for that mistake the driver did it led to other people losing life, and some getting scars.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Baby House by Clara McLain
Though this practice seems to be very backwoods, the clients pay a large sum of money to have their baby at the house, and the clients found out about the house after finding a link on the internet advertising it. Crazy the extent people go through to be here.
Wyoming killer was upset with dad by Carter Brown
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Walmart Workers Protest on Black Friday- Taiina Ayala
I think it's great that these workers are excercising their fredom of speech to get what they want and deserve. I also think it was very smart of them to do it on Black Friday, although I doubt many people were affected by the protestors. I hope eventually these workers get what they demand!
Monday, November 26, 2012
After Drought, Reducing Water Flow Could Hurt Mississippi River Transport- Natalie Newman
Natalie Newman
Casey Anthony detectives overlooked searches on home computer - Paolo Buccino
Ugly murder caused by a small mistake? Sad but true.
I know about lynchings done here in America, but never gave much thought to other countries. All murder is bad, but to think that this was done over a small misunderstanding, just makes me want to cry. The group of people didn't even catch the boys doing anything wrong, they just heard about them being robbers so "Hey? Why not kill 'em before they do anything? Right?" Uuuuh. No. After seeing the video on the CNN website, I can honestly say that no one deserves what happened to them. I believe in the death penalty, but this isn't anyway to take care of delinquents.
Lynching in Nigeria
Aging Backwards:The reality is real!
Heavy storm by jonathan landeros
After, a heavy storm hit in devon, cornwall, malmesbury and kempsey 816 houses were affected. Two people have currently been identified as dead during the storm and a man died by driving into a river, but police have noted that the man died on his own, excluding the storm, this could've of happened even without the storm.
Fake Identification Isn't Just For Teens by Clara McLain
Misophonia, do you have it?
Coast Guard ends search for teen swept away by sea - Jonas Portillo
Mexicans feeling persecuted flee U.S. BY: DESIREE' COOK
A six year old boy born in arizona was a us citizen and he had trouble with the transition from moving to mexico from the united states. He had missed the houses and cars and books. He told the reporters that the transition was challenging. His parents live in the U.S. without proper immigrant documents and that put them in great danger in the united states so they fled to mexico. This is where they did weird but differents jobs to provide for their family. They also had gotten a car and usually they should have gotten arrested for be undocumented illegal immigrants but they didn't.
All I have to say is I know the americans were here first and this is our land but that don't mean we have to bomb rush people out of our country now that's just rude. You see a family that's struggling why would send them back to a place where they were trying to escape from??? This country/state is very big and we can let some people in. STOP BEING SO DURN SELFISH!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Investigation ongoing in Texas highway wreck by Carter Brown
Monday, November 19, 2012
Fake bomb by jonathan landeros
A man was sentenced 13 in a half years in jail by Australian court because in 2011 he locked a fake bomb around an 18 year olds neck.The bomb was declared safe after experts examined it for 10 hours and he was sent to jail after being found in the home of his ex-wife in Louisville, Kentucky.His lawyer declared he was going through a hard time since his marriage had ended and got confused about reality while reading a book called revenge.Also while the depression was going on he was most of the time drunk which made the situation more intense.
Well he did a good job about being wise in this, but at least he didn't kill anybody.
Gas prices down for the U.S. By:Desiree' Cook
The gas price has went down seven cents within the past two weeks. It has also went down twenty-six cents within the past six weeks. That's a good thing to a lot than othrs. Because of the Sandy storm, some regions went up in gas. Long island gas has went up to $4.18. They expericed the storm but the good thing is that they don't go out that much due to be trapped or stuck in the house so they won't waste any gas.
I'm glad that long islant is okay. These gas prices are REDICULOUS though. To pay $4.18 for some gas, oh no ma'am pam my car will be sitting in the drive way unless jesus is calling. But the u.s. is doing good with these gas prices because I travel a lot and burn a lot of gas. But I want to go to chorpus christi where gas is $1.97 and drive till I can't drive anymore!!!!
Tests Show Train Warning Signs Worked at Texas Crash Site- Natalie Newman
Natalie Newman
Hostess: Going Out of Business or Not? -Taiina Ayala
I am really sad about this. I haven't ever been a Twinkie fan but I do like some of their other products. FOR EXAMPLE, I eat Hostess Mini Muffins every morning for breakfast :( Now I'm really sad and I just don't know what to do. I mean sure, other companies make mini muffins but they are just not the same! Plus, Twinkies, Ding-Dongs, Ho Ho's and Snowballs are some of our country's favorites! I hope they can pull it together for the sake of my breakfast mini- muffins. :(
Goodwill or Gooddeal?
Space Station Astronauts heading back to Earth Tonight-Jonas Portillo
Dog whisperer suicidal
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Monkey Beaten to Death By Andres Munoz
Defense Cuts by Clara McLain
Violence, a daily reality as world leaders push Israel-Gaza cease-fire
Body found near burning Gulf oil rig by Carter Brown
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Man accused in Patz case makes appearance by Carter Brown
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Hours After Hours...: Jorge Olvera
The media also accuses us of wasting time. I think people should mind their own bushiness! This is what we do, would you rather us be spending it on drugs and other activities where you know it's bad for us. For people who don't know that, these are really good ways of meeting people and making friends.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The Five Dollar Doc!
CIA Director David Patraeus Resigns - Paolo Buccino
What I was wondering, is how a civil issue like an extramarital affair resulted in his resignation. The problem is that his behavior opened him up for black mail, which is a major security risk to the country. As the director of the CIA, he had access to tons of classified and sensitive information. The woman he had an affair with is currently being investigated by the FBI because she may have accessed classified information.
The Idaho Falls service shop employer found the the package in the engine compartment.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Old people killed from mushrooms in california
Food grown in the wild to people. I hate that innocent people died or are now in the hospital after some dang soup!
Should you hold your child back??? By Desiree' Cook
Mrs. Donna explained in dept how impotant it is to not hold your child back. Instead she wants you to let them excel and think about what crucial stage your child's brain is in. Many people think they have their own children figured out and end up confused. Each child is unique in their own way and has certain learning capabilities that need to be used in a classroom so why hold the back??? If the kid has the smarts don't hesitate to let them excel to higher levels.
I can relate to mrs. Donna because I have a brother who is very intelligent and his mother doesn't want to put him in head start yet along school... I have a problem with that. His learning capabilities are out of this world and he needs to be in a classroom so he can get the correct education for his learning abilities. I just feel like a child shouldn't be held back if he or she is smart enough to keep up with those around them all because of the parent.
Official: 2 dead in Indianapolis explosion by Desiree' Cook
There was an explosion than interrupted the night on the southside of indianapolis. There were two people who died ans seven who were taken to the areas hospitals. One person says that it felt like their chest were shaking. Others were just grateful to be alive!
I feel like they are taking care of the people who were hurt. CNN believes that this was a bomb. Well duhh what else would cause an explosion! The thing I would be trying to figure out is who caused this. I didn't see anywhere in the article where they talked about finding out who did this and if they were trying to see if they were going to see if this bomber was going to strike again... where are the cops when you need them???
5 bodies found in a garage in Toledo,Ohio-Jonas Portillo
Husband Tracks Wife Having Sex with Student- Taiina Ayala
Okay, there are so many things wrong with this story.
FIRST OF ALL. Why. Why. Why. Did her husband TRACK her? Not than I am justifying her actions in any way, but Amie Lou Neely is her own person! Why would her husband be tracking her on a Saturday morning? That's a problem. One that no one has seemed to address. That's not normal. Not everyone just has those services handy to them at all times. He was prepared. Creep.
SECOND OF ALL. Of course, it's terribly terrible that she was having sex with a 16 year old boy and her student at that!
THIRD OF ALL, it was a Christian school! That's also an extreme ironic factor.
FOURTH OF ALL her "reasoning" behind it was totally wrong and illogical. When someone asks for something, you don't just give it to them! I wonder if she has any children and if so, does she just give them anything they ask for? That's such a problem.
FIFTH OF ALL, What the heck happened when the husband got there? Did he just call the cops? That whole situation just seems odd.
I guess that's it. It's sad that people out there exist, and stories like this are eye-openers. We are surrounded every day by prospective criminals. Here in OUR country, America.
Police Officer killed by friendly fire Vincent DeLuna

Earthquake hits Guatemala by Jonathan Landeros
This is very sad people were just having a normal time in life and out of no where a quake hit and people went missing dead or injured.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Vatican vows to fight gay marriage after gains in U.S., Europe
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Major Supreme Court Decision by Clara McLain
"In an order Friday, the justices agreed to hear a constitutional challenge to the part of the landmark Voting Rights Act that requires all or parts of 16 states with a history of discrimination in voting to get federal approval before making any changes in the way they hold elections."
It is very difficult to summarize this story, but it is about voting discrimination.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Husband goes crazy by Omar Rivera
This story brings ache to my heart. It's so sad and unfortunate. I imagine the struggle those kids went through for something that wasn't their fault. They were innocent and didn't deserve it. It's sad to know he reacted in such a way and shameful that he couldn't control his emotions to make better decisions.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Winter Storm Hits the North East - Paolo Buccino
This weather system had 65 mph wind gusts and might drop up to 4 inches of snow in New York. A lot of people up there have been without power for a long time. Down here in Texas, it wouldn't be so hard because the weather is relatively mild. Up there, the winter weather is extremely cold and harsh. People are freezing in their homes and some lost their winter clothing.
I think that we should keep these things in mind and try and help out with the situation in whatever ways we can. This winter storm is literally nothing so far. People will probably need help for a while.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
What's So Bad About It?! by Jorge Olvera
LZ Granderson wrote about this subject. It's humorous but hits certain areas of it are good points about including it in our country.Small quantities would seem at a good level from people getting in trouble. Fighting for this is unnecessary, cause eventually it will be legalized!
Monday, November 5, 2012
New York nanny charged with murder in stabbing deaths of two children
Inspiring Story of Alex Zanardi
Well, he figured a way, and since he has won several gold medals in the summer 2012 olympics for handcycling. Zanardi had a dream and he wasn't going to let anything get in the way of that. So he decided to create his own bike, that would suit him best. Alex Zanardi is very inspiring to me, because even though he thought things couldn't get any worse, he choose to make the best of it. This story tells me that all things are possible, and you are put on this earth for a reason.
World's rarest whale seen for the first time - Jonas Portillo
Young and wild kills By Rylie Walker