Monday, November 26, 2012

Aging Backwards:The reality is real!

UK's channel 4 interviewed,Tony and Christine Clark, they both have the mental capacity oftwo rambunctious 7-year-old boys. When they go to visit the two men they see nothing but bored games on the table.  These two "young men" are actually old men!  GROWN! men, Matthew who is 39, and Michael who is 42, are aging, but not how "we" age, they're aging backwards. Yeah! Weird I know! We always  say we wish we could go back to the "Good 'ol Days", but if we actually could I don't think we would. Both Matthew and Michael were diagnosed with leukodystrophy, an extremely rare  and unexpected genetic disorders , it's kind of a one in a millin type of thing, but it's actually one and forty thousand, this disease attacks the Myelin, or white matter, in the nervous system, spinal cord, and brain. The condition has not only strongly effeted their physical appearance, but their emotional and mental capacity as well. It's kind of ironic the mother said I wish my boys would be kids again and now that she's got her wish I don't think it was all jshe bargained for. Only six years ago, both Michael and Matthew had steady jobs, growing families and productive living situations.While, today, liing with their parents whom are in their sixties, and should be enjoying their retirement, but instead having to live their life all over again, playing board gamestheir sixties.