Monday, December 10, 2012

Obama Going To Michigan to Push Higher Taxes for Richest- Natalie Newman

Obama recently hit the road again to Michigan in order to promote his plan to raise taxes on those who are wealthy. His goal is to convince people that his new economic policies will benefit the middle class. I do not believe this plan is fair to rich civilians who have worked exceptionally hard to gain their money and status. These people should not be punished with higher taxes for working long hard hours that helped them gain their wealth. Also, I do not believe taxing the wealthy civilians will lead to an improved middle class. However, the crowd responded with enthusian to Obama's plan. They chanted "Fired up, ready to go." With four more years, I can only hope a difference will be made.


  1. Some didn't even work themselves up to that level Lol and they have much money to spend.

  2. I totally agree with you Natalie. The economy doesn't revolve around the government. The wealthy people Obama wants to tax more also tend to be the ones running the businesses and companies many people work for. Raising taxes on them would do more bad than good.
