Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Man Pleads Guilty to Burning of Ohio Mosque- Taiina Ayala

In Toledo, Ohio, Randy Linn, former Marine,  admitted Wednesday that he broke into a mosque and set fire to a prayer rug because he wanted revenge for the killings of American troops overseas.
He pleaded guilty to hate crime charges, saying he'd become enraged after seeing images of wounded soldiers in the news.
"Every day you turn on the TV, you see Muslims trying to kill Americans," said Linn, a truck driver from Indiana.
When asked by a federal judge whether he thought all Muslims are terrorists, he answered: "I'd say most of them are." He estimated that he had drunk 45 beers over several hours before he decided to drive to Ohio. No one was hurt.

These are the kind of things that START wars! You're "fellow American troops" Mr. Linn, are out there getting killed because of events no different from the one you just took a part in yourself. So if you should be mad at anyone, be mad at yourself. These kind of things enfuriate me. There is no reason to do this. That is someone's RELIGION. Someone's LIFE. Those mosques are supposed to be safe. Havens for people who worship there peacefully. And he just burnt it down?? RIDICULOUS! "Every day you see Muslims killing Americans?" Every day you see Americans killing Americans! "Most Muslims are terrorists?" This man is ridiculous. I mean every one has a right to their own opinion, but you DO NOT have the right to go burn down anything you don't agree with. Goodness! And the fact that he was drunk out of his mind didn't help things at all. I mean, he drove a whole 2 hours to go burn down this mosque. He should consider himself lucky that he all he wlaked away with is 20 years in prison. He was drunk driving, he could've killed himself! It was very fortunate that no one was physically hurt. They say ignorance is bliss, but not in this case! Ignorance is just plain ignorance.


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