Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What Body Language Tells Voters- Taiina Ayala

We have all studied the rhetoric of political leaders' speeches (especially if you're in Ms. Tounsel's class.) But what we haven't talked about, or even thought about in my case, is body language! I found this article extremely interesting! Like I said before, I never thought about the gestures given by speakers of any sort, not to mention the president and prosective future president! As I watch the first Presidential Debate, the gestures are all sticking out to me now. I can't help but wonder if they plan these sort of things like they plan their speeches. You guys should check this little article out, it gives examples of the specific gestures that they use, their names, and what they do, what impct they have.



  1. It's so true that body language is a huge impact on what your saying. People need to make sure that what their saying relates with how their acting.

  2. Body language is not normally a function of the conscious mind.
