Monday, October 22, 2012

KKK is Still Active D; -Taiina Ayala

Althoguh one might think the that the time of extreme racist hate crime is over, they are sadly mistaken. Unfortunately racist groups such as the KKK, or Ku Klux Klan, still exist and they are still active. The perfect testimoney to this statement is the recent incident including a 20-year-old African American-Lousianian woman who claims 3 men set her on fire and wrote KKK on her car along with a racial slur. Sadly, crimes like these are still prevelant in Louisiana. Hidden, but prevelant.

I am so deeply disappointed that such things still exist. Lately I've been reading a lot about the Civil Rights Movement; in History, in English, reading "Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and in my outside reading book, The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore. I guess it's all just a coincidence that all of these things having to do with the Civil Rights Movement have come up, but I do know that I have gained an insight that I never had before. Reading "Letter from Birmingham Jail" has especially had an impact on me. Of course I had heard of the Civil Rights Movement and of Martin Luther King Jr. but never to this extent. The letter was simply moving. And when I came accross the article about this poor woman, I couldn't help but feel deeply ashamed. Martin Luther King Jr. was such a powerful man. He fought and fought and fought for equality and for racial segregation to cease to exist. And to hear stories like this, this many years later, is a shame. Of course, he did have a huge impact, that is, things have gotten better. But still. This is sad people. I wonder if there will ever be a day were racism does not exist.



  1. There are also other groups like the Hammerskins, which are relatively young. They formed in Dallas in the late 1980's, which goes to show that not only does this stuff still exist, it still develops.

  2. I agree with Paolo because everything people entertain, including ignorance, will grow as big as you let it.People are only effeted byt he things they are afraid to change.
