Monday, April 1, 2013

Boston College against condoms? By Carter Brown

So, I saw this come up on my "Trending Stories" feed on Bing the other day, so I figured I would check out the story and write about it on the blog. There is supposedly a group a Boston College called the "BCSSH" (Boston College Students for Sexual Health) that are giving out condoms on campus. Ok, no problem the way I see it. Well, Boston College is threatening legal action against the group for doing so. My opinions on the following are conflicting. I mean... If it's against school policy, then you shouldn't do it, but I don't really see the problem. It's a bunch of responsible college students promoting safe sex through these "Safe Site" clubs they have. What is wrong with promoting safe sex? All in all, their actions conflict against the "Jesuit Catholic values of Boston College" so the students were asked to stop what they were doing. Does anybody else think what they are doing is right? I mean... They're promoting safe sex on campus. It's not a crime.


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