Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Boston College Trying to Stop Condom Giveaways- Taiina Ayala

 Boston College Students for Sexual Health (BCSSH) is a group at Boston College that has been giving out free condoms and other sexual health related items from their dorm rooms, also called, "dark rooms," or " Safe Sites." Boston College officials are NOT happy about it. They have recently sent a threatening letter to the so-called founders of this program, saying that if they don't stop the distribution, legal measures will be taken. The school is a Jesuit- Catholic founded school and the dean of the college said "''their actions were incongruent with the Jesuit Catholic values of Boston College and asked them to cease in this activity.'" He says that no matter what the state's civil rights act says, what these kids are doing is violating the school rules, and that they, as a private institution, have the right to hold the students accountable for what they are doing.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. Part of me is just fine with the fact that the students are taking the necessary precautions to protect themselves and be smart. But then again, it does encourage the students to behave in ways that are not condoned by the schools beliefs. The dean said it was againt the rules, so technically, the students can be punished. Lizzie Jekanowski, chair of BCSSH, has said that the shcool has known about  their program for two years now and have not made any effort to contact them besides this recent, threatening letter. If matters, persist, we will see if  the group of students for safe sex backs down, or if they will be going to court.


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