Monday, March 25, 2013

Testing Drugs On The Developing World- Natalie Newman

Developing countries often serve as an easy and cost effective location for clinical trials for new medications. People volunteer to take part in clinical trials but this can be a tricky concept in developing countries where families are struggling to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. Free will gets questioned in developing countries due to the fact that many people are practically forced into volunteering these things because they finally see a rare opportunity to help their family survive.

This article focuses on free will in developing countries. The volunteers for clinical trials are not always as “free” as they seem. Their lives are being put at risk in order to earn money to survive or afford daily necessities.
Natalie Newman


  1. I do sort of think it's wrong to test drugs on people in develeoping nations. Like you said, the "volunteer" aspect of it is pretty much not volunteering. If it gets them money and food, I'm sure it's seen as an only choice for some people. But they are aware that they are risking their lives and health for their family, so in a way it is volunteer.
