Saturday, May 11, 2013

More Cameras in Schools? - Taiina Ayala

   High Schools of Vermont have proposed an answer to problems dealing with security. Of course, this is a matter on everyone's mind considering the recent massacre's our country has had that have taken places in schools just like ours, or our children's. However, is the installation of security cameras in school the solution? Mount Mansfield Union High School of Vermont has just come to the decision that they are.  The high school bought these cameras seven years back, but parents and students strongly opposed the idea, so the cameras were taken down. But recently, the decision was made that they will be put back up. After thoroughly acquiring everyone's opinion involved, (the students voted 70% approval for the installation) the cameras will be re-installed throughout the interior of the school.
   Another high school, Burlington High, has as many as 32 cameras throughout their school. However, cameras are not the solution for everyone. "There are no cameras inside or on the exterior of Champlain Valley Union High School and many students like it that way." The students see the cameras as a compromising of the trust between school faculty and the students.
   Mount Mansfield High students say that they don't believe the installation will be preventative. That they will merely clear up facts after an incident has occurred.  Another main problem with this idea, is money. We all know that Dallas ISD is BROKE. And I'm sure many other school districts will have it in the budget to buy these cameras. Sure, the cost was low for Mount Mansfield High, but that's only because the cameras were already previously bought. Maybe this idea of security cameras in schools will spread, or maybe not. I personally don't have that much of an opinion on it. I agree with points made on both sides.


1 comment:

  1. I agree on the fact that I don't havemuch of an opinion. I understand why some people would believe that more cameras would solve issues but at the same time cameras will catch what is in action but; not necessarily the planning of the incident.
