Saturday, May 11, 2013

Chris Brown's Creepy Art Scaring Neighbors by Carter Brown

Apparently Chris Brown is just the crappiest neighbor ever. I've seen articles before complaining about his parking, and animals, but now people are complaining about a mural he painted on the side of his building. Only problem is it's scaring children, and their parents are not happy about it. Police were called and he was told to take it down but he won't. I see this situation from two different sides. I mean, I wouldn't want to take it down if I spent my time and painted something I liked on MY own building, I wouldn't want it painted over. But if it is scaring the town's kids and "throwing off the vibe", as a neighbor said, along with is violating the city's ordinances, then it should be removed. 'L.A. city code officials responded to complaints about the monster art and cited the "Run It!" singer $376 for unpermitted and excessive signage.' Source:

1 comment:

  1. If Chris Brown wants to paint a mural then he could paint a mural on the inside of his house. This is just another celebrity trying to get attention, in my opinion.
