Saturday, August 31, 2013

Ilana Lemack 5th period Summer Heat Prompting Some Schools To Close Early

            The unbearable heat in several Colorado, Texas, and Illinois cities is causing many schools to be released early or, depending on the school, cancel classes all together. Schools in Illinois canceled classes for students on Tuesday, however they required teachers to report to work. Schools in Colorado released the students from school hours early. The temperatures were reaching 93 degrees and adding the humidity the schools could feel as hot as 103 degrees.
            Other schools in Chicago did not release the students, but they took extra precautions to keep the students and teachers cooled down on Tuesday. Many schools were left without power in all classrooms but one or two, so during the day if a student got overheated they could take a break in an air-conditioned room.
            Parents of the students had mixed reviews of how to deal with the heat. Some parents thought that their students should not have to suffer through the insane heat while other parents said that if they could make it through the heat with no air-conditioning several years ago, so can their children.

            I think that if schools are over heated, especially in states like Texas, it is extremely important to take precautions to keep the students and teachers hydrated and cool. Whether it’s constant breaks to the air conditioned rooms, water bottles available for everyone, or even canceling classes, whatever is necessary to ensure that everyone is safe and kept cooled down.
            The students’ parents may have different opinions of what they think is best for their kids, but in the end it is about what the head of the school and school district believe will be best for all the students. 


  1. Overheating is a serious problem, so I believe the students in these situations should be given water breaks whenever necessary so as to prevent heat exhaustion.

  2. I agree with you in the idea that when the weather is too unbearable that it is the school's job to keep the students and teachers safe and hydrated. Children shouldn't have to suffer through the heat just because their parents did "several years ago". Times have change and so have people's ability to adapt to the weather. -Nia Edwards 5th period
