Friday, August 30, 2013

Claire Zimmerman: The Syrian Conflict Gets Complicated

I got this video from BBC website. This video came out today. John Kerry (secretary of state) was giving a speech about the Syrian conflict. He started off saying that the United States Government could not tell us much about what is happening, but they could tell us a few things. These things are that there were preparations being made for the attack 3 days prior, the Government had been informed to wear gas masks, that these chemical weapons were launched from pro-Assad regime areas aimed at rebel areas, and that 1429 Syrians died in this attack. 426 of them were children.
The article that was below the video was not just addressing what he said in the video; it started talking about how the rest of the world reacted to the video. The Assad regime, however, came out saying that all of these reports are completely false. The United Kingdom stated that it was not going to go to war with us to Syria. France, on the other hand, said that they gave us their full support.  At this day and age, who can we really trust?
My family does a pretty good job keeping up with current events, so I know a fair amount about what’s going on in Syria. I wasn’t an expert, but I knew the basics: that the people were rebelling against their government. Stuff like this is happening a lot in the Middle East and North Africa. People are finally getting fed up with the governments they have, so they start rebelling and trying to overthrow it.
This article was written for any adult. It is an informative article, plainly written so that anyone can understand it. It was written so that more people can understand the violent occurrences that are going on in the Middle East. This article doesn’t really have something that it’s trying to portray besides just the facts of what happened. It just wanted to tell you what happened so you can form your own belief on the matter. This article is important because if we go to war with Syria, it will do a lot more damage to our country than it will good. We are already fighting another war. We are almost $16 million in debt. We have lots of problems occurring in our country.
America has a bad habit of trying to be a superhero. We want to help everyone. I’m not saying that helping people is bad. In this case, I wish we had the resources to save all those innocent lives that have been lost because of this revolution. But it’s like what they say when you are on an airplane during those safety procedures: you have to put on your mask first in order to help others. We have to take care of ourselves before we go off fighting other peoples’ wars that we have no business fighting in.


  1. This is an interesting issue to follow. I completely agree with what you had to say about the United States' involvement in this issue. I guess we'll see what happens.

  2. I think this situation puts the United States in a really tough position. As you said, we want to be the "superhero" country, and I think a lot of people expect it from us and want to count on America to save the day. If we were to get involved, however, it could potentially ruin our economy.

  3. It's really sad that we can't help out every country that needs help. But we have our own problems, and I believe it would do more harm if we went to war than good.
