A little more than a week ago, Hiroshima and other areas of Japan received record amount of rainfall in a short period of time. It was reported that an area had as much as 9 and 1/2 inches of rain in only a day's time. The massive downpours invoked landslides throughout the area that took homes, businesses, and communities with them. Rescue workers, friends, and family workers now are digging mostly to uncover loved ones taken under. Only as of a week ago, the death toll reached up to 50, with 38 people still missing. Even the mayor of Hiroshima acknowledged that he didn't request an evacuation soon enough. Now over a thousand people are evacuated, but there are still many who are searching and digging.
Natural disasters like these are so important to be informed on. There are many dates throughout history - especially American history - in which natural disasters and other events in nature shape the outcome of events. For example, during the American Revolution, the Continental Army suffered a long winter that inhibited battle for a long period of time. Demonstrating thats people respond differently when they are challenged with facing nature before man. Also, the article gives a good example on how little control humans have on the natural world, and nature can take a turn for the worst that can effect our basic needs like food and shelter and mostly safety.
Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Recently in late August, James Foley was beheaded by the members of ISIS in Syria, due to his retaliation for the U.S airway strikes. Foley had a job as a journalist in the GlobalPost newspaper, and was reported missing in Syria in November of 2012. ISIS released a detailed video of the beheading of Foley onto the internet. The U.S since the death, has proclaimed that troops attempted to save him, along with the other Americans held hostage, but unfortunately were unable to find him. ISIS has claimed that another journalist that is held hostage would be killed if the airstriks continued. President Obama has been referring to ISIS as "cancer". "The U.S of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be vigilant, and we will be relentless," says Barack Obama.
Maddie Murphy
APUSH pd. 6
Maddie Murphy
APUSH pd. 6
Katelyn Cook, pd.3 KKK Still Alive and Recruiting...
Plastic bags filled with candy and KKK flyers that read, "Save our land, join the Klan," filled the driveways of several houses in Seneca, South Carolina. "If it ain't white, it ain't right." This is the message recorded on the KKK recruiting hotline given on the flyers. People in this neighborhood are shocked that this infamous group is this alive and recruiting in the 21st century. The Klan is known for their hate acts towards African Americans, but Catholics, Jews, gays, lesbians, and immigrants are also targeted. Now that there is an increased amount of racial tension in the United States in result of the Ferguson shooting, the Klan is using this as an opportunity to strengthen their group again by recruiting members from cities across the nation.
The authors of this article, which was written in third person point of view, are Kristina Sgueglia, Marisa Marcellino, and Ray Sanchez. It was published August 21, 2014. This is relevant because it shows that racism is still alive today. The Ku Klux Klan was established in the 1860's where they would practice violent actions against African Americans in the South while wearing white outfits that hid their identity. This article was written for Americans who want to be aware of, and do not agree with the racist and prejudice beliefs of the KKK. This article was written to inform people that the Ku Klux Klan does still exist in our nation today, even after 200 years, and we need to be aware and cautious of these people.
The authors of this article, which was written in third person point of view, are Kristina Sgueglia, Marisa Marcellino, and Ray Sanchez. It was published August 21, 2014. This is relevant because it shows that racism is still alive today. The Ku Klux Klan was established in the 1860's where they would practice violent actions against African Americans in the South while wearing white outfits that hid their identity. This article was written for Americans who want to be aware of, and do not agree with the racist and prejudice beliefs of the KKK. This article was written to inform people that the Ku Klux Klan does still exist in our nation today, even after 200 years, and we need to be aware and cautious of these people.
1st Human Trials With Ebola Vaccine To Begin Next Week In Maryland - Jack VanGorden 4th Pd.
For the first time ever, an experimental ebola vaccine will be tested on humans in Maryland. The vaccine has said to have been in the making for several years and they should have results by the end of the year. The vaccine is the result of efforts from scientists to stop the fast-spreading outbreak in Western Africa that could affect more that 20,000 people this year if nothing is done. The trials will include 20 healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 50 and while it will take place at the NIH lab in Bethesda, the experiment will also be done in the United Kingdom, Mali, Gambia, and possibly Niger.
I am extremely happy to hear that something is being done to help stop this tragic outbreak in Africa. While I was aware of what was happening before I read this article, I had no idea how severe the casualties are expected to get. I assume that this article was written for the public in the hope to spread the word of this new revolutionary vaccine that is foreseen to change the lives of so many West Africans.
Woman Stabs Two Children To Death During Exorcism : Citlali Gutierrez, 6th pd
Monifa Sanford and Zakieya Avery stabbed to death Averys 1 year old and 2 year old as well as hurt her 5 year old and 8 year old while performing an exorcism. After a psychiatric evaluation a report was sent to the court that neither could be criminally held responsible for their actions. Police say the older children would have died if it had not been for their neighbor who called police after seeing a bloody knife and an open car door.
This Article was written august 30 2014. The tragedy occurred January 17 in Germantown townhouse. Written in third person, The writer does not include any feeling into the article. It is sad to say but there is still many things that can happen around us without knowing if it is humanly possible.
Threat agasint President Barack Obama: Juliana Cortez, 3rd period
President Barack Obama was last located in Connecticut on Saturday, as stated by reporters. The U.S. Secret Services, along with the State Police, are looking to locate a car in Connecticut that might be a possible threat to our president. On Friday night Obama was attending a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee fundraiser, in Newport Rode Island, 90 miles away from where the 2014 Volkswagen was last found.The Secret Services nor the State Police want to share with us the "nature of the treat". On Saturday, the Secret Services stated that they are working on investigating the suspicious person, no charges or arrest have been dropped in this case.
NASA's decades-old Voyager 2 mission is a preview of new mission to Pluto: Joelle Gnikpingo, 2nd period.
NASA's decades-old Voyager 2 mission is a preview of new mission to Pluto: Joelle Gnikpingo, 2nd period.

As we speak, NASA's New Horizons explorer is making its way to the dwarf planet of Pluto and its five moons. The voyage takes 10 years and covers 3 billion miles. New Horizons is expected to reach Pluto next summer and will be the only space probe to ever visit this planet. This spacecraft is similar to another of its kind, Voyager 2, which was launched to explore Neptune. The Voyager flew by the planet and got a glimpse of it and its largest satellite. Because New Horizons is more technologically advanced than the Voyager 2, the scientists are expecting more grand discoveries.
As we speak, NASA's New Horizons explorer is making its way to the dwarf planet of Pluto and its five moons. The voyage takes 10 years and covers 3 billion miles. New Horizons is expected to reach Pluto next summer and will be the only space probe to ever visit this planet. This spacecraft is similar to another of its kind, Voyager 2, which was launched to explore Neptune. The Voyager flew by the planet and got a glimpse of it and its largest satellite. Because New Horizons is more technologically advanced than the Voyager 2, the scientists are expecting more grand discoveries.
- There have only ever been 5 space probes to ever travel so far from the sun.
- There are previews of what Pluto is expected to look like.
- The scientists are hoping that Pluto or its largest moon, Charon, will be named an active body in the outer solar system.
- If this trip is successful, NASA will be able to send space probes farther out to explore more of the solar system.
- I believe the voyage will be successful because of all of the updated technology and that they will reach Pluto in July 2015.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Labor day starts off with a bang: Alyssa Hamilton 3rd period
This year Labor day has started off with an unusually loud bang, as 11 people were shot at the start of Labor day weekend in Chicago. The shootings began with the murder of a 36 year old man, who was found lying in the street with gunshot wounds. The shootings then progressed further, as around the city shots were fired. A 28 year old man was shot at while exiting his car Saturday morning. Later a 47 year old women was shot while still inside her car. This was then followed by a 32 year old man shot in the arm, a 34 year old man shot in the abdomen, and a 26 year old man who was shot in the back after his shooters displayed gang symbols. Adding on too this is a 32 year old man, a 22 year old and a 19 year old who were shot together, a 23 year old man, and a 28 year old man; all of them were shot in various places.
The amount of violence in Chicago this weekend alone is dumbfounding. 11 shot, and not even in a full two day period. Police seem to be doing nothing about this, while the people are starting to worry. While Chicago is a large city, this is still an obscenely large amount of violence in such a small amount of time. My prayers for a quick recovery of those who got shot, and to the families of those shot.
The amount of violence in Chicago this weekend alone is dumbfounding. 11 shot, and not even in a full two day period. Police seem to be doing nothing about this, while the people are starting to worry. While Chicago is a large city, this is still an obscenely large amount of violence in such a small amount of time. My prayers for a quick recovery of those who got shot, and to the families of those shot.
Wikipedia bans anonymous user from congress linked computer- Amanda Cervantes 4th
Wikipedia pages are free to the public, anyone can edit the content written. Recently, Wikipedia has placed a one month ban on anyone logging on from an congress linked IP adress. Apparently, a user traced to the U.S House of Representatives sparked this decision due to having made edits to Wikipedia's page of the popular series "Orange is the New Black" on Wednesday. The user had specifically edited the portion of the page that mentions Laverne Cox, a series regular and transgender actress, changing her description on the page from "a real transgender woman" to "a real man pretending to be a woman". Many changes like this had been tracked coming from the same IP adress on many different pages, in fact this has been the third act against this IP adress, having been blocked twice in July due to similar edits on several pages with transgender issues.
This article information was written by Anya Van Wagtendonk, a journalist for PBS news hour. This article touches a subject that is very relevant in American minds, the conflict of government power over Americans daily lives, although this issue is mostly dealing with an individual with an IP adress from congress, the fact that someone from the 'government' would be going out of their way to edit such specific portions of public information will cause more suspicion in many. This also touches our idea of freedom of speech, how free are we to post what we want, and to read what we want. Especially with the new frontier of the internet.
This article information was written by Anya Van Wagtendonk, a journalist for PBS news hour. This article touches a subject that is very relevant in American minds, the conflict of government power over Americans daily lives, although this issue is mostly dealing with an individual with an IP adress from congress, the fact that someone from the 'government' would be going out of their way to edit such specific portions of public information will cause more suspicion in many. This also touches our idea of freedom of speech, how free are we to post what we want, and to read what we want. Especially with the new frontier of the internet.
Friday, August 29, 2014
IBM Promotes Supercomputer to Increase the Rate of Scientific Advances, By: Nina Bharadwaj, 2nd Period
The International Business Machines corporation (IBM) has recently heightened and improved the Watson supercomputer "'...in an attempt to speed up the rate of scientific breakthroughs." This supercomputer, Watson Discovery Advisor, was presented quite recently, this week to be more precise.
Some logic behind the systems success in the speeding up of scientific innovations include the systems ability to comprehend the quite complex and rather formal vocabulary of science. Additionally, the Watson Discovery Advisor is able to understand how chemical compounds can combine and interact. The vice president of the International Business Machines corporation, John Gordon, stated "Watson has moved to helping researchers investigate the great unknown problems of our time. The whole space around Watson and technology is trying to push forward innovations."
Apparently, it is evident that this improved supercomputer can largely decrease the time it would typically take for scientists to case study hypothesis and create resolute conclusions. As opposed to months, this process could take days or even hours. Other than science, this enhanced system does apply to other branches such as "'...financial services, energy, and legal."' Watson will soon be able to connect industries that appear in everyday life.
The new supercomputer's ability to extensively gather valuable data has already been aimed at the healthcare branch by means of collaboration "...with insurance firm WellPoint and New York's famous Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Care Center." Previously, in 2014, it was proclaimed that over $1 billion was invested into its Watson Group. Evidently, this was to increase the enlargement Internet-software techniques. The use of this revolutionary supercomputer extends to aiding in military manpower to gradually make the change into their regular daily lives. Watson has greatly examined over 3,000 electronic sources on this transition. The supercomputer has a very broad capability in showing one topics of purchasing a home to employment.
The author of this article is James Rogers, and he uses third person point of view. The article was actually posted today, August 29, 2014. The date shows how relevant and significant this topic is to society today because it is explained how this enhanced supercomputer will effect the future of technology in multiple sectors. The use of this topic also shows how innovative society is and how positive development is interminable. The audience of this article would most likely be young adults and elders that are interested in the topic of technology and how it continuously proves to grow. This article should have an optimistic influence on all audiences because it is continuously explained how positive this enhancement is to society. Rogers positive influence is also increased by his reference to multiple parts of society, not just science, so this article should appeal to all. Prior to reading this article, I did not have much knowledge on this supercomputer, but now it definitely influences my perspective on how prominent it is to society because of how it can lead to more efficiently discovered scientific breakthroughs.
Source: http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2014/08/29/ibm-touts-watson-supercomputer-to-speed-up-scientific-breakthroughs/
Ferguson, Ruby Aguilar 5th period
As many people know the popular topic about Ferguson is about a police officer who shot against unarmed Michael Brown. There are many sides to this story; the main one is said that Michael was surrendered with his hands up showing that he had no arms in his hands when the policed fired against him. Police officer repeatedly claim that they fired on account of self defense. This is seen as discrimination because Michael Brown was African American.
- CNN created the article. The article is written in third person.
- The article was updated Friday August 15, 2014. This means that the article is being kept updated.
- I knew a bit about Ferguson that it was about police officers shooting against and unarmed boy. This affects my understanding by giving me background knowledge and information.
- This article was written to any people who are interested about their surroundings. This can have both a negative or positive influence on the audience.
- The article was written to alert people about what is going on throughout the U.S.
- The point the article is trying to convey is that people's skin color often speaks or gives an impression before they do.
- The document is relevant to our lives today by showing how discrimination is still present in our daily lives.
The Tsarnaev Family Is In The American Spotlight...again. (Written by Elizabeth Muscari, 6th Period)

The chatter
has since been muffled and Tsarnaev’s name rarely makes headlines now, although the trial is currently underway. Surprisingly America’s
watch is now once again on the Boston bomber. This time, though, the American gaze is
set on his sister, Alina Tsarnaev, 24.
Mr. Tsarnaev's older sister was charged with aggravated harassment after she made a bomb threat to another woman on Monday. Although Ms. Tsarnaev
hasn’t specified the exact cause of the call yet her boyfriend tells sources he
shares a child with the woman she threatened. Ms. Tsarnaev was said to have told the woman she "had people who could put a bomb on you". Not only was this a threat to an innocent civilian, but also a hint that there could be details of the Tsarnaev's terroristic connections authorities might need to investigate in more depth. The native Russian and current
New Jersey resident turned herself in Wednesday after the recipient called it
to authorities’ attention.
The exposed stories of the Tsarnaev family are unraveling and once more the eyes dart toward the siblings. The Tsarnaev sister has been released from custody,
but, like her brother, is now awaiting a court date. Alina Tsarnaev’s
legal fate will be determined on September 30th, 2014 in Manhattan.
Written by Elizabeth Muscari, 6th Period
Courtesy of The Boston Globe and Milton J. Valencia. (http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2014/08/27/tsarnaev-sister-arrested-new-york-city-threatened-victim-with-bomb/GsGzVi7iLH2UCcHRvr1CfJ/story.html)
Courtesy of The Boston Globe and Milton J. Valencia. (http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2014/08/27/tsarnaev-sister-arrested-new-york-city-threatened-victim-with-bomb/GsGzVi7iLH2UCcHRvr1CfJ/story.html)
Current Event: 9-Year-Old killed by Uzi Submachine Gun. By: Giselle Enriquez
Link: http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/29/us/arizona-girl-fatal-shooting-accident/index.html?hpt=us_c1
This past week there was a nine year old girl with her family that went to a recently visited tourist gun range. Her and her family went there to shoot some guns as you know what you do at gun ranges. She was being taught how to shoot a Uzi submachine gun which shoots 10 rounds per second. As she continuously shot, Charles Vacca, the instructor was by her side the whole way. Unexpectedly the 9- year-old girl loses her grip of the gun and shots Vacca in the head. A lot of people are wondering why a 9- year-old was doing or even allowed to be at a gun range. Maybe there should be a law or some rule for the age limit of kids to be able to shot?
This is a tragedy. What disturbs me the most is why the 9- year-old even had permission to even shoot a SUBMACHINE gun that has a past of back firing and deaths. In the past years there has been 80 deaths due to a gunshot by the Uzi. To me there should be a restriction to childern under the age of 15. You would think after all the events that involved multiple deaths due to guns people would be tough on that rule applying guns. The government should handle this more rather than just toss it aside.
This past week there was a nine year old girl with her family that went to a recently visited tourist gun range. Her and her family went there to shoot some guns as you know what you do at gun ranges. She was being taught how to shoot a Uzi submachine gun which shoots 10 rounds per second. As she continuously shot, Charles Vacca, the instructor was by her side the whole way. Unexpectedly the 9- year-old girl loses her grip of the gun and shots Vacca in the head. A lot of people are wondering why a 9- year-old was doing or even allowed to be at a gun range. Maybe there should be a law or some rule for the age limit of kids to be able to shot?
This is a tragedy. What disturbs me the most is why the 9- year-old even had permission to even shoot a SUBMACHINE gun that has a past of back firing and deaths. In the past years there has been 80 deaths due to a gunshot by the Uzi. To me there should be a restriction to childern under the age of 15. You would think after all the events that involved multiple deaths due to guns people would be tough on that rule applying guns. The government should handle this more rather than just toss it aside.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Sarah Oviedo 6pd - teen jumps from third floor due to fire
A 16 year old girl jumps from an attic room (third floor) due to a fire. A woman that cleaned the place wasn't sure how it started but did everything she could to help the girl but was blocked by a wall of fire. A young man who was walking passed the house noticed the girl getting ready to jump and quickly ran over to her to help her. He was able to catch her and save her from the fire. The doctors from the hospital said that she would make it with only a few scrapes from breaking the attic glass window.
This article was posted by CNN news and WFMZ reports. This incident happened in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania on August 26, 2014. This article was written to inform others about a tragic incident and to hopefully warn others about fires and circumstances involving fires. The firefighters were still trying to figure out how the fire started and said that there had been past wiring issues with the house. I think it is important to have back up plans for when an incident like this can occur. I think this article sets both and a positive and negative influence on others. Positive because it reveals how possible any situation can be and to warn others and to alert others. Negative because tragic things like this can/will occur and also lives can be in danger.
This article was posted by CNN news and WFMZ reports. This incident happened in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania on August 26, 2014. This article was written to inform others about a tragic incident and to hopefully warn others about fires and circumstances involving fires. The firefighters were still trying to figure out how the fire started and said that there had been past wiring issues with the house. I think it is important to have back up plans for when an incident like this can occur. I think this article sets both and a positive and negative influence on others. Positive because it reveals how possible any situation can be and to warn others and to alert others. Negative because tragic things like this can/will occur and also lives can be in danger.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
"Child firing Uzi at Ariz. shooting range accidentally kills instructor" LIKE WHAT?!?!?!?! by Harrison Epstein 4th period
Link- http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/26/us/arizona-girl-fatal-shooting-accident/index.html?hpt=us_c1
So at a Massachusetts gun range a young 9 year old girl was (for some strange reason) being taught to shoot an Uzi, a type of sub machine gun. She couldn't handle the recoil of the shot and ended up firing on her shooting instructor and putting a bullet in his head. Unlike in movies a sub machine gun cannot be fired continuously without some serious strength and training. Not to mention the fact the this gun was a 9mm, Israeli made gun designed to kill. No charges have been filed but the girl is seriously traumatized and will likely begin therapy soon. This has brought up questions of age requirement for shooting a gun of that caliber. Also some gun regulation activists are up in arms because of this incident.
This is a tragic incident and, frankly, absolutely ridiculous. The fact that a 9 year old girl was even allowed on a shooting range, let alone shooting a gun, is unbelievable. This happened just 2 days ago!!!!! This article makes me really wonder about who is even paying attention to gun laws anymore. I's all for "the right to bear arms" but a 9 year old shooting a powerful war machine is pushing it just a bit! Guns have been a hot button topic since the Sandy Hook shooting not to long ago which rocked the American population. This article is a really horrifying look into modern gun control and parenting. The parents ALLOWED their daughter to be part of this, and now she has a curse put on her for the rest of her life that will always haunt her as the little girl that killed a man with a war machine. Honestly this whole thing is sickening.
So at a Massachusetts gun range a young 9 year old girl was (for some strange reason) being taught to shoot an Uzi, a type of sub machine gun. She couldn't handle the recoil of the shot and ended up firing on her shooting instructor and putting a bullet in his head. Unlike in movies a sub machine gun cannot be fired continuously without some serious strength and training. Not to mention the fact the this gun was a 9mm, Israeli made gun designed to kill. No charges have been filed but the girl is seriously traumatized and will likely begin therapy soon. This has brought up questions of age requirement for shooting a gun of that caliber. Also some gun regulation activists are up in arms because of this incident.
This is a tragic incident and, frankly, absolutely ridiculous. The fact that a 9 year old girl was even allowed on a shooting range, let alone shooting a gun, is unbelievable. This happened just 2 days ago!!!!! This article makes me really wonder about who is even paying attention to gun laws anymore. I's all for "the right to bear arms" but a 9 year old shooting a powerful war machine is pushing it just a bit! Guns have been a hot button topic since the Sandy Hook shooting not to long ago which rocked the American population. This article is a really horrifying look into modern gun control and parenting. The parents ALLOWED their daughter to be part of this, and now she has a curse put on her for the rest of her life that will always haunt her as the little girl that killed a man with a war machine. Honestly this whole thing is sickening.
Mikaela Carrillo TESTING!!!!
Hello I am Mikaela, and I am testing the APUSH blog out!!
Thank you!
I think this picture is from Freshman year, which now seems so far back!
Thank you!
I think this picture is from Freshman year, which now seems so far back!
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